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Everything posted by 2Fastpl

  1. I was away from L2 for over 2 years but im not back for this f2p servers. What about L2Net?
  2. no problem ;]
  3. doesnt work for me, keys re invalid
  4. weird problem... Maybe try to set up higher distance in policy settings.
  5. any info for cracked version for Gracia Final ?
  6. k i got this, i trying to make DMG onscreen but nothing work, any soultions ?
  7. thx ! Can i ask u, what program did u use to edit system files ?
  8. nope, we have just trail version at now but dont working for me ;/
  9. i downloaded this key from this forum i think :P
  10. hmn i can;t get this work, i launch l2net before l2c and nothing, everything looks good, l2net have connection to l2c and lineage but l2c don't detect anything npc,players etc. how get this work? BTW i have the pro key :P
  11. i have this version of l2c but dont work with Final ;/
  12. Hello every! I'm searching any working free(or cracked) radar like l2Control or L2s for Final Gracia, maybe somebody have any info? Thanks!
  13. k i have these packets XD admin/moderator plox close this topic.
  14. he gave over 40 aq's, over 10 +10 Kris's and random items like dynasty armor's, ancient adena etc... He can do everything, he dont need do trade with me to give me something, i just must to relog for a time when he send packets.
  15. F U, i made this topic for spam ? o.O How many topics i made here ? 2 ? Nope sry this is 3rd. Everybody saids that he is GM for sure, so he's gm on 6-7 servers ? ...
  16. nope he isnt lie ;/ im talking with him on msn and he can do this in most of servers on hopzone ( i was with him and i saw that he can do this so dont bs ).
  17. 200 posts !? dont bs ...
  18. ooooold... and not working its just luck m8 .
  19. Hello everybody! Today i saw player which can do everything on PROTECT server, he has char on 85 lvl without any skills, he can creat any weapon on any enchant. He said that he can do this in every server from hopzone list and he selling items for dollars, any1 have some info about this method or this men ? Cheers
  20. 200 posts o.O ? GUYS ! it's jus a tool ...
  21. what a such spam :D thanks anyway i cant see link but i have this ver of walker and works perfect ;]
  22. Hmn, register on official L2net site and search for scripts ;]
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