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Posts posted by Aventurine

  1. LoL , shouldnt you ALWAYS but a Hextech Gunblade on Jax ?


    I mean , jax has no slows = sux chaser


    Agreed about Hextech Disagreed that he sux as a chaser

    he has his leap stike + Phantom Dancer + boots = 450 speed

    Its rly easy get away or chase down oppoments with jax :D But a/w u have ur stun and enormous amounts of damage they wont get away ;)


    P.S. I build him 1: Dorans shield(for the beggining) 2: Ninja tabi boots 3: Guils Rageblade 4: Hextech Gunblade 5: Phantom Dancer 6: Madred's Bloodrazors and in doran's shield slot i get Black cleaver :) try it out ;)

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