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About Aventurine

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  1. after rene got buffed his owns from the very first moments
  2. Virus detected :-\
  3. nc feats downloading patch atm, gl with ur server but stop double posting modify ur main post
  4. Server sux a new char has 300kk and 1000 ss cost 100kk more than buying s grade gear... 100x mp pots,hp pots also cost 100kk ...... :(
  5. Np's Its fine ;D
  6. ROFL this happend me twice 1 time: 3 oppoment left 3 mins later the 4 left and the 5 was afk 2 time: 4 allies left and stood into an 5v1 rly funny it took them like 29 min to win that :/
  7. Jax/Akali/Fiddlesticks/Malzahar/Master Yi/Pantheon/twisted Fate/Twich/Warwick/Xin Zhao ;D
  8. ehh since last update exhoust has been changed now it decreases ur damage and damage from spells and slows u It would be nc to update ur post ;)
  9. H megaliteri plaka ine pws oloi p to dokimasate ke dn epiase xasate stin oly ke xasate ta points sas tzama xD
  10. yep but i said an hybrid build urs is totaly an ap build.. and yep most of the times i play kata i get fed early game so yes im kinda rambo xD but after the team fight takes place i rush in cast ulti last hit ppl and/or shumpo to a minion or to a safe target and bb
  11. LOL? they do just used this build on anivia had 1200 ap...
  12. i dont like feats but i wish u good luck :P
  13. +1 απο μενα.
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