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Everything posted by CorruptedEmperor

  1. Im from cellphone xD ty for fix
  2. It's v2.5 & yes it's TheEngo vote system! Are you sure about that? "you can obtain reward without voting" Can you explain me how?
  3. Preview: http://l2neo.com/vote/ Price: 10€ Add me at skype xrhstos.vagenas
  4. I try to scamm you? What the fuck you gay bastard? hahahah you added me & you wanted to sell me fail files,after that i remove you. where you see the "scam" part ?
  5. Go back to your skin shop and gtfo no kne asked you piece of shit
  6. to koutavaki mou sto kanei to diko sou 2 xapsies vlaka karkiniari,phgane to bastardaki sou ston ktiniatro gia kolonoskopisi na deis min sto xoune gamisei,me tetoio afentiko den mou fenete... twra gia ta 5euro paypal,gamiseta... na sou dwso 3 euro na gamiso tin mana sou na pareis kai kana souvlaki na fas?
  7. Xeretismata dwstis aderfis sou,tis xrwstao 2 euro apo tin teleftea partouza me tn xdemi
  9. gia pes kai se mas apo dw na gelasoume
  10. o typos mou eprize tin poutsa na tou anoikso server kai twra tin exei dei eboros... trava re malaka dismire
  11. Naiiiiiiii!!! x0a0xa0x0ax0a0xa0xa0 gia tous apistous : http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/178092-readunban-request-please-read-it/page-4?hl=%2Bgiwrgos+%2Bnexus&do=findComment&comment=2356672
  12. Παρεκτρέπεσαι από την συζήτηση η ουσία είναι ότι είσαι ένας βλάκας που ripparei ακόμα και το λεξιλόγιο των άλλων τόσο κουτοθρεμένος είσαι! Βάλε δάχτυλο στο κολοτριπίδι σου βγάλε λίγο σκάτο βάλτο στο στόμα σου και πήδα από το μπαλκόνι να ησυχάσουμε από ηλίθια αποβράσματα σαν και σένα.
  13. exw l2jhellas re mouni ta mele
  14. trava vres scoria sources leei kai ola ta ru forum tn exoun shared x0a0xa0xa0
  15. I did what? wtf you're making that from your mind? HAHAHAHAHAHAH you tried to sold me shared files that's all, "[11/7/2014 2:36:00 μμ] RDCA: Hi InTheEndॐ, I'd like to add you as a contact. [11/7/2014 3:07:33 μμ] InTheEndॐ: Ο χρήστης InTheEndॐ μοιράστηκε στοιχεία επικοινωνίας με τον χρήστη RDCA. [11/7/2014 3:07:36 μμ] InTheEndॐ: ? [11/7/2014 3:07:46 μμ] InTheEndॐ: Hi [11/7/2014 3:09:09 μμ] RDCA: u looking for pack [11/7/2014 3:09:10 μμ] RDCA: ? [11/7/2014 3:09:30 μμ] InTheEndॐ: yeah [11/7/2014 3:09:36 μμ] RDCA: il ? [11/7/2014 3:10:11 μμ] InTheEndॐ: y [11/7/2014 3:11:02 μμ] RDCA: paypal plironeis [11/7/2014 3:11:02 μμ] RDCA: ? [11/7/2014 3:11:13 μμ] InTheEndॐ: Ellhnas apo tn roumania... kala arxisame [11/7/2014 3:11:15 μμ] InTheEndॐ: nai paypal plhrwno [11/7/2014 3:11:43 μμ] RDCA: exo lucera v2 [11/7/2014 3:11:52 μμ] InTheEndॐ: Einai shared [11/7/2014 3:11:53 μμ] InTheEndॐ: kati allo [11/7/2014 3:11:53 μμ] InTheEndॐ: ? [11/7/2014 3:12:00 μμ] RDCA: to v2? [11/7/2014 3:12:03 μμ] RDCA: :w [11/7/2014 3:12:06 μμ] InTheEndॐ: o koza eisai [11/7/2014 3:12:07 μμ] InTheEndॐ: ? [11/7/2014 3:12:11 μμ] RDCA: oxi ? [11/7/2014 3:12:22 μμ] InTheEndॐ: kai aftos tn idia photo eixe sto skype [11/7/2014 3:12:28 μμ] InTheEndॐ: kai to idio title best il//high bla bla [11/7/2014 3:12:33 μμ] RDCA: ali9eia [11/7/2014 3:12:34 μμ] RDCA: ?? [11/7/2014 3:12:41 μμ] RDCA: zei akoma autos [11/7/2014 3:12:42 μμ] RDCA: ? [11/7/2014 3:12:45 μμ] InTheEndॐ: y anyway oxi [11/7/2014 3:12:47 μμ] InTheEndॐ: den endiaferomai [11/7/2014 3:12:48 μμ] InTheEndॐ: ta leme [11/7/2014 3:12:52 μμ] RDCA: gia scoria [11/7/2014 3:12:55 μμ] RDCA: endiaferese? [11/7/2014 3:12:57 μμ] InTheEndॐ: re gamise mas [11/7/2014 3:13:02 μμ] InTheEndॐ: oti shared vriskis pas na to pouliseis [11/7/2014 3:13:06 μμ] RDCA: ade vre mlkismeno [11/7/2014 3:13:09 μμ] RDCA: trava vre [11/7/2014 3:13:09 μμ] RDCA: scoria [11/7/2014 3:13:10 μμ] RDCA: vres [11/7/2014 3:13:13 μμ] RDCA: kai meta ela mila m [11/7/2014 3:13:15 μμ] RDCA: sources [11/7/2014 3:13:19 μμ] InTheEndॐ: ti na vrw re vlk gamw to spiti sou? [11/7/2014 3:13:22 μμ] InTheEndॐ: kai sources apo scoria exw [11/7/2014 3:13:24 μμ] InTheEndॐ: kai apo lucera v2 [11/7/2014 3:13:28 μμ] InTheEndॐ: spase apo dw [11/7/2014 3:13:29 μμ] RDCA: tin mana sou ston kado anakiklosis [11/7/2014 3:13:34 μμ] InTheEndॐ: trava re alvanako [11/7/2014 3:13:36 μμ] InTheEndॐ: hahahahaha [11/7/2014 3:13:39 μμ] RDCA: tn brikes [11/7/2014 3:13:47 μμ] InTheEndॐ: nai spase tr [11/7/2014 3:14:17 μμ] RDCA: eixe kefali [11/7/2014 3:14:17 μμ] RDCA: ??" here is the chat log,now go die in hell. And stop lying,the fact that you are giwrgos_nexus is enough to say.
  16. He is giwrgos_nexus.. enough to say,everyone know im InTheEnd you retard since i use www.iteservices.eu LOL ite InTheEnd go suicide .. you find topics from 2011 to report me x0a0xa0xa0xa
  17. SKype name: rdca_83 in skype say is from roumania but he speak greek. He tried to sell me lucera sources & scoria which are shared.. "ta leme [3:12:52 μμ] RDCA: gia scoria [3:12:55 μμ] RDCA: endiaferese? [3:12:57 μμ] InTheEndॐ: re gamise mas [3:13:02 μμ] InTheEndॐ: oti shared vriskis pas na to pouliseis [3:13:06 μμ] RDCA: ade vre mlkismeno [3:13:09 μμ] RDCA: trava vre [3:13:09 μμ] RDCA: scoria [3:13:10 μμ] RDCA: vres [3:13:13 μμ] RDCA: kai meta ela mila m [3:13:15 μμ] RDCA: sources" [3:07:36 μμ] InTheEndॐ: ? [3:07:46 μμ] InTheEndॐ: Hi [3:09:09 μμ] RDCA: u looking for pack [3:09:10 μμ] RDCA: ? [3:09:30 μμ] InTheEndॐ: yeah [3:09:36 μμ] RDCA: il ? [3:10:11 μμ] InTheEndॐ: y [3:11:02 μμ] RDCA: paypal plironeis [3:11:02 μμ] RDCA: ? [3:11:13 μμ] InTheEndॐ: Ellhnas apo tn roumania... kala arxisame [3:11:15 μμ] InTheEndॐ: nai paypal plhrwno [3:11:43 μμ] RDCA: exo lucera v2 no reason have shits like him in this forum
  18. Untrusted albanian kid who think he is from Romania & speaks greek. He tried to sell me shared files. He is also multi times banned with is others accounts.. his george nexus i think many of you may know this shit
  19. Dafuq? im selling domains ahhahaah also... http://prntscr.com/41xeo that's 1 day money.... so gtfu,you sell shared shits & you sell them only via PM you are a pure garbage seller. Now go in your cave again albanian shit
  20. Even when someone post you proofs,you still denie it. Go suicide,and stop defending this piece of shit.
  21. & here it is. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/135419-smart-community-board-epic-share/
  22. I dont need to find it... Its shared for hi5 i think from Matim or i dont remember dont make menopen my pc to search...
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