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About MrAnGeL

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  1. MrAnGeL I BrOk3nCyDeS
  2. Sto java ana DeuterOleptO ginete Donate ...........Einai SMS Donate ..
  3. Hi Guys I need The Best Program For Closed Server .........
  4. L2Java me Mafia .......kai Core exoun Gini Trela Donate
  5. Gia emena einai O L2DawnOfWar.tk
  6. Geia 8a mporouse kaneis na mOU gra3i ta buffs ta top buffs gia Archer gt nomizo pos exw kanei merika la8i me ta buffs pOU kanw ........kai opxios mpori an me help
  7. sava100@windowslive.com
  8. Psaxno ena kalo Dev opxios 8eli na me kanei add msn sava100@windowslive.com
  9. Join Of Server And LoOK .....
  10. Server Have New npC Some New ........
  11. Hi Guys New PvP Server With Custom Items Server Info Server Information: Xp Rate: 2000 Sp Rate: 1000 Drop Rate: 1.0 Party Xp rate: 1.0 Party Sp rate:1.0 Spoil Rate: 1.0 Adena Rate : 5000 Normal Scroll: 75% Crystal Scroll: 100% Safe Enchant: +5 Max Enchant: +25 36 Buff Slots PvP Color System Retail Olympiad System Specials-Customs: Specials Farm Zones Special Pvp Zones Custom Boss Manager Custom Epic Shops. Custom Boss Zones. Special Buffer Special Items: Epic Armor Epic Weapons Epic Accessories Epic Cloaks *L2Dawn Of War Team* Server Site: http://l2dawnofwar.tk/
  12. Apokliete na einai o L2Core ......Apla to baZoun me to idio name Giana trabi3i atoma ......
  13. epiC kai Apella Alla Kalh einai kai i Vesper ....
  14. I know that there are many others thinks to announce the kills,but i think that this way i better Tongue That's a patch to autoannounce when a player kills another..and i believe thats its better to use it on a pvp server..(thats my opionion) Options allowed on pvp.properties: AnnounceAllKills [true|false] : Every time that a player kills another player an announcement will appear. Doesn't matter if it is a Pk kill or a PvP kill. (Announcement: Player A killed Player B) AnnouncePvPKills [true|false]: Every time that a player win in a PvP fight an announcement will appear. (Announcement: Player A hunted Player B) AnnouncePkKills [true|false]: Every time that a player kill another and becomes a Pk (or increases its pk points) an announcement will appear. (Announcement: Player A has assassinated Player B ) * Note that you can enable AnnouncePvPKills and AnnouncePkKills at the same time, but if AnnounceAllKills is enabled, AnnouncePvPKills and AnnouncePkKills will get disabled automatically. * Note that AwardPKKillPVPPoint affects to the announcement (PvP). If the AwardPKKillPVPPoint option is disabled, when a good character kills a chaotic character the announcement won't appear. * Feel free to change the messages as you want Index: C:/Documents and Settings/YO/workspace/L2_GameServer_It/java/config/pvp.properties =================================================================== --- C:/Documents and Settings/YO/workspace/L2_GameServer_It/java/config/pvp.properties (revision 1156) +++ C:/Documents and Settings/YO/workspace/L2_GameServer_It/java/config/pvp.properties (working copy) @@ -29,3 +29,11 @@ PvPVsNormalTime = 40000 # Length one stays in PvP mode after hitting a purple player (in ms) PvPVsPvPTime = 20000 + +# Announces when a Player PK another Player. Default - false +AnnouncePkKill = false +# Announces when a Player Pvp another Player. Default - false +AnnouncePvPKill = false +# Announces when a Player kill another Player. Default - false +# NOTE: If AnnounceKill is enabled, AnnouncePk and AnnouncePvP will be disabled. +AnnounceAllKill = false Index: C:/Documents and Settings/YO/workspace/L2_GameServer_It/java/net/sf/l2j/Config.java =================================================================== --- C:/Documents and Settings/YO/workspace/L2_GameServer_It/java/net/sf/l2j/Config.java (revision 1156) +++ C:/Documents and Settings/YO/workspace/L2_GameServer_It/java/net/sf/l2j/Config.java (working copy) @@ -777,7 +777,13 @@ /** Duration (in ms) while a player stay in PVP mode after hitting an innocent */ public static int PVP_NORMAL_TIME; /** Duration (in ms) while a player stay in PVP mode after hitting a purple player */ - public static int PVP_PVP_TIME; + public static int PVP_PVP_TIME; + /** Announce PvP */ + public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PVP_KILL; + /** Announce PK */ + public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PK_KILL; + /** Announce Kill */ + public static boolean ANNOUNCE_ALL_KILL; // Karma Punishment /** Allow player with karma to be killed in peace zone ? */ @@ -1926,6 +1932,18 @@ PVP_NORMAL_TIME = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("PvPVsNormalTime", "15000")); PVP_PVP_TIME = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("PvPVsPvPTime", "30000")); + ANNOUNCE_ALL_KILL = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("AnnounceAllKill", "False")); // Get the AnnounceAllKill, AnnouncePvpKill and AnnouncePkKill values + if ( !ANNOUNCE_ALL_KILL ) + { + ANNOUNCE_PVP_KILL = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePvPKill", "False")); + ANNOUNCE_PK_KILL = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePkKill", "False")); + } + else + { + ANNOUNCE_PVP_KILL = false; + ANNOUNCE_PK_KILL = false; + } + } catch (Exception e) { @@ -2323,6 +2341,9 @@ else if (pName.equalsIgnoreCase("PvPVsNormalTime")) PVP_NORMAL_TIME = Integer.parseInt(pValue); else if (pName.equalsIgnoreCase("PvPVsPvPTime")) PVP_PVP_TIME = Integer.parseInt(pValue); + else if (pName.equalsIgnoreCase("AnnouncePvPKill") && !ANNOUNCE_ALL_KILL ) ANNOUNCE_PVP_KILL = Boolean.valueOf(pValue); // Set announce Pvp value + else if (pName.equalsIgnoreCase("AnnouncePkKill") && !ANNOUNCE_ALL_KILL ) ANNOUNCE_PK_KILL = Boolean.valueOf(pValue); // Set announce Pk value + else if (pName.equalsIgnoreCase("AnnounceAllKill") && !ANNOUNCE_PVP_KILL && !ANNOUNCE_PK_KILL ) ANNOUNCE_ALL_KILL = Boolean.valueOf(pValue); // Set announce kill value else if (pName.equalsIgnoreCase("GlobalChat")) DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CHAT = pValue; else if (pName.equalsIgnoreCase("TradeChat")) DEFAULT_TRADE_CHAT = pValue; else if (pName.equalsIgnoreCase("MenuStyle")) GM_ADMIN_MENU_STYLE = pValue; Index: C:/Documents and Settings/YO/workspace/L2_GameServer_It/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2PcInstance.java =================================================================== --- C:/Documents and Settings/YO/workspace/L2_GameServer_It/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2PcInstance.java (revision 1156) +++ C:/Documents and Settings/YO/workspace/L2_GameServer_It/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2PcInstance.java (working copy) @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import javolution.util.FastMap; import net.sf.l2j.Config; import net.sf.l2j.L2DatabaseFactory; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.Announcements; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameTimeController; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GeoData; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GmListTable; @@ -4446,6 +4447,9 @@ ) { increasePvpKills(); + if ( target instanceof L2PcInstance && Config.ANNOUNCE_PVP_KILL ) // Announces a PvP kill + Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Player "+this.getName()+" hunted Player "+target.getName()); + return; } else // Target player doesn't have pvp flag set { @@ -4458,6 +4462,10 @@ { // 'Both way war' -> 'PvP Kill' increasePvpKills(); + if ( target instanceof L2PcInstance && Config.ANNOUNCE_PVP_KILL ) // Announces a PvP kill + Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Player "+this.getName()+" hunted Player "+target.getName()); + else if ( target instanceof L2PcInstance && Config.ANNOUNCE_ALL_KILL ) // Announces a kill + Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Player "+this.getName()+" killed Player "+target.getName()); return; } } @@ -4469,13 +4477,19 @@ if ( Config.KARMA_AWARD_PK_KILL ) { increasePvpKills(); + if ( target instanceof L2PcInstance && Config.ANNOUNCE_PVP_KILL ) // Announces a PvP kill + Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Player "+this.getName()+" hunted Player "+target.getName()); } } else if (targetPlayer.getPvpFlag() == 0) // Target player doesn't have karma { increasePkKillsAndKarma(targetPlayer.getLevel()); + if ( target instanceof L2PcInstance && Config.ANNOUNCE_PK_KILL ) // Announces a Pk kill + Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Player "+this.getName()+" has assassinated Player "+target.getName()); } } + if ( target instanceof L2PcInstance && Config.ANNOUNCE_ALL_KILL ) // Announces a kill + Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Player "+this.getName()+" killed Player "+target.getName()); } /** Edited by ED: Added CODE TAGS
  15. These are the stats you can add or edit in your xml files located in: gameserver/data/stats HP & MP Maximum HP - maxHp Maximum CP - maxCp Maximum MP - maxMp HP Regeneration - regHp CP Regeneration - regCp MP Regeneration - regMp Heal Effectivness - gainHp Heal Proficiency - giveHp Heal Bonus - bonusHp Attack & Defence Power Defence - pDef Magic Defence - mDef Power Attack - pAtk Magic Attack - mAtk (Power) Attack Speed - pAtkSpd (Magic) Attack Speed - mAtkSpd Magic Reuse - mReuse (how fast spells becomes ready to reuse) Shield Defence - sDef Shield Defence Angle - shieldDefAngle Critical Damage - cAtk Critical Damage(add) - cAtkAdd ( in a critical attack give you +patk,,,,, example mods:crit power,crit damage SA ) PvP Bonus Physical Damage - pvpPhysDmg Magical Damage - pvpMagicalDmg Physical Skill Dmg. - pvpPhysSkillsDmg Atk. & Def. rates Evasion - rEvas Power Skill Evasion - pSkillEvas Shield Rate - rShld Critical Rate - rCrit Blow Rate - blowRate Lethal Rate - lethalRate Magic Critical Rate - mCritRate (mCrit doesn't work!!) EXP,SP Rate - rExp Cancel attacks - cancel Accuracy and Range Accuracy - accCombat Attack Range - pAtkRange (for fighters) Attack Range - mAtkRange (for mages) Attack Angle - pAtkAngle (for fighters) Attack Count Max - atkCountMax (example:if you use pole you can attack more monster than normal) Attack Reuse - atkReuse (make bows hit simple hits way slower and will not affect skills) Speed Run Speed - runSpd Walk Speed - walkSpd PLAYER-ONLY Stats STR - STR (Physical power,physical skill's crit rate) DEX - DEX (Atk. spd., physical skill spd, accuracy, evasion, critical hit rate, dagger skill'z success (such as deadly dlow), shield block rate and run spd) WIT - WIT (Magic critical rate, casting spd, resistance to hold, curses (such as HP regeneration,decreased HP recovery rate, skill re-use time, and decreased effect of heals). INT - INT (magic dmg) MEN - MEN (magic defense,max Mp, mp recovery speed, poison resistance, poison resist., concentration) Resistances, vulnerability Aggression - aggressionVuln Bleed - bleedVuln Poison - poisonVuln Stun - stunVuln Paralyze - paralyzeVuln Hold,Root,ETC. - rootVuln Sleep - sleepVuln Confusion -confusionVuln Movement - movementVuln fire - fireVuln wind - windVuln water - waterVuln earth - earthVuln holy - holyVuln dark - darkVuln cancel - cancelVuln (resist. for cancel skills) debuff - debuffVuln Critical - critVuln (resistence to Crit dmg.) Weapon resist noneWpnVuln - Shields swordWpnVuln bluntWpnVuln daggerWpnVuln bowWpnVuln crossbowWpnVuln poleWpnVuln etcWpnVuln fistWpnVuln dualWpnVuln dualFistWpnVuln bigSwordWpnVuln Reflects Reflect Damage Percent - reflectDam (pay attention! not reflectDmg!! reflectDam) Absorbs Damage Percent - absorbDam Transfer Damage Percent - transDam Reflect Skill Magic - reflectSkillMagic Reflect Skill Physical - reflectSkillPhysic Patk/Pdef against monster types: Examples: More patk to giants - pAtk-giants More patk to undead - pAtk-undead More pdef against animals - pDef-animals More pdef against monsters - pDef-monsters ExSkillz Inv. Limit - inventoryLimit WH. Limit - whLimit Freight L. - FreightLimit Private Sell L. - PrivateSellLimit Private Buy L. - PrivateBuyLimit Rec. Dwarf L. - DwarfRecipeLimit Rec. Common L. - CommonRecipeLimit Consume Rates Phys. Mp. Consume Rate - PhysicalMpConsumeRate Magical Mp. Consume Rate - MagicalMpConsumeRate Dance Mp. Consume Rate - DanceMpConsumeRate Hp. Consume Rate - HpConsumeRate Mp. Consume - MpConsume Soulshot count - soulShotCount Skill mastery Skill mastery - skillMastery Other Breath - breath (more time you can swim in water) ORDERS 0x08 - to set 0x10 - to add/sub (weapon, armor, jewelery) & (STR, CON, DEX, INT, WIT ,MEN) 0x20 - don't use it (used by hard coded formulas) 0x30 - to mul/div (masteries, buffs, debuffs, SA's, Armors_bonus) 0x40 - to add/sub (masteries, buffs, debuffs, SA's) 0x50,0x60 - not need. Skill Multipliers, "addontionals" Can be used with: mul order, mul val ... 2.0 100% 1.90 90% 1.80 80% 1.70 70% ... ... ... ... ... 1.10 10% 1.0 0% 0.90 -10% 0.80 -20% 0.70 -30% ... ... ... ... ... 0.10 -90% 0.0 -100% Can be used with: add order, add val ... 1 - 1 2 - 2 3 - 3 ... Cheesy EXAMPLE: if you want to add an armor +3 evasion: <item id='10177' name="Black Half-Mask"> <for> <add val='3' order='0x40' stat='rEvas'/> </for>b </item> ___________ OR ___________ if you want to add a weapon 20% Heal Point: <item id='8190' name="demonic_sword_zariche"> <for> <set val='361' order='0x08' stat='pAtk'/> <set val='137' order='0x08' stat='mAtk'/> <set val='12' order='0x08' stat='rCrit'/> <add val='0' order='0x10' stat='accCombat'/> <set val='325' order='0x08' stat='pAtkSpd'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pAtk'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='mAtk'/> <mul val='1.20' order='0x30' stat='maxHp'/> </for> </item> ___________ OR ___________ If you want to add any resistance to anything: (not official stats->) <skill id="3561" levels="1" name="Ring of Baium"> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF" /> <set name="skillType" val="BUFF" /> <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE" /> <set name="castRange" val="-1" /> <set name="effectRange" val="-1" /> <for> <mul order="0x30" stat="poisonVuln" val="0.60" /> ----> give you -40% chance to resist!! <mul order="0x30" stat="poisonVuln" val="1.10 /> ----> if you type +10% its give you +10% chance. <add order="0x40" stat="accCombat" val="2" /> <mul order="0x30" stat="cAtk" val="1.15" /> <mul order="0x30" stat="rootVuln" val="0.70" /> <mul order="0x30" stat="pAtkSpd" val="1.05" /> <mul order="0x30" stat="mAtkSpd" val="1.04" /> </for> </skill>
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