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Everything posted by al1k

  1. +1 trusted seller i got the same problem with the user Maxpaynee ,he made the payment and then he made the refund (what a looser)
  2. WTS ADENA ON CORE Prices: 3.5 e for 100 kk leave PM
  3. pm`ed
  4. Wts adena on rpg x3 8 bil in stock ,zaken and ant queen ! pm if interested price is 0.03 per 1 kk
  5. sal am eu adena pe dex ! dami pm cu idu de mess
  6. Scammer 100 % we made trade and he didnt sent nothing !! take care
  7. up
  8. s
  9. Wts heavens divider +health +150 water maje light set tallum heavy set tallum robe set 2x fernir 78 and 73 kooka 81 2x tateosian set duals s fire lvl 2 1 kkk major arcana boots/gloves/helm nm shield and helm tallum gloves price for all is 90 e only paypal
  10. Necro the best
  11. alexyoz90@yahoo.com
  12. Soul Taker LVl 78 /sub tyrant 66 Gear: Dc robe set ,Am +dark ,tateo set,shirt s grade +4, 1kkk Spectral Dancer LVL 79/sub cardinal lvl 77/gh lvl 70 Gear: Tallum heavy set,duals s grade,tateo set,maje light set ,dc robe set,1 kkk + wolf 78 kooka 81 and alot of mats on both chars Just pm me with your offers
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