Hello Mxs
So here is the L][ The Dark Throne server you can find info about the server here and more
I hope you will like our server
†Server Rates†
exp = 1000x
sp = 1000x
adena = 1000x
drop = 3x
spol = 4x
†Enchant Rate†
Normal Scrolls = 85%
Blessed Scrolls = 90%
crystal Scrolls = 95%
Safe Ench = 3
Max Ench Weapon = 25
Max Ench Armor = 20
TvT Event = 12:00 , 18:00
CTF Event =15:00 , 21:00
DM Event = 14:00 , 20:00
More events by Gms
†General Info†
Gm shop ON
Buffer (3 hour) ON
Global Gatekeeper ON
Wedding manager (In giran) ON
Clan halls ON
Fortress ON
Castles (Goddard - Aden - Giran - Dion - Oren - Gludio - Heine ON
Custom Castles Rune ON Stuttgard OFF
Custom Npc (In rune Town) ON
Custom Area ON
Custom Mobs ON
Epic armor ON
Epic Weapon ON
Champion mobs ON
Class balanced ON
All skills working ON
Sub Class Without any quest ON
Raid Boss ON
Clan Bkills ON
There are to many others things inside can't write them all here
Here are some info about how our server is working The rune castle has been made The Dark Throne the clan that owns the castle will have a custom gatekeeper in the castle to teleport in more locations in the dark area (farm - pvp area) we added custom stats to the rune circlet to p attack m attack only Stuttgard has been disabled more like has been captured by the owners of Rune soon stuttgard will be one to defent our world against the dark throne
Join us in this dark era and rule over the world of lineage 2