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About IckAz

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    Russia, Moscow
  • Interests
    Cause i love your needy style!

IckAz's Achievements


Newbie (1/16)



  1. How I can remove class penalty from a char?
  2. Theres nothing like no reflect passive from any boss, right?
  3. Hello guys, I am here to ask you for some help. I am looking forward for some passive or smth to add on my mobs to "remove" reflect . I have a party zone spot where mobs have tons of damage and people use non armored tanks to kill it. I need some way to add a passive to mobs or develop them to avoid this action. Thanks in advance!
  4. Hello guys, I am here to ask you for some help. I am looking forward for some passive or smth to add on my mobs to "remove" reflect . I have a party zone spot where mobs have tons of damage and people use non armored tanks to kill it. I need some way to add a passive to mobs or develop them to avoid this action. Thanks in advance!
  5. Nah ,a real friend from my school send me it, and he got two codes so far, but didn't worked for me, asks me complete a survey
  6. dude u type nothing, like ur account or smth
  7. http://freeleaguecodes.net/ref?id=p2puo6x73j follow dis link ,u have to get in, copy ur own link and share it.. nothing to download etc. Worked here.
  8. Καλή μέρα παιδιά και χρόνια σας πολλά , θα ήθελα να ακούσω γνώμες για να συναρμολογήσω έναν υπολογιστή PS: δεν έχω πιστοτική για να παραγγείλω από εξωτερικό.. Μπορώ να διαθέσω περίπου 800ΕΥΡΩ. Μητρική , RAM ,σκληρός , κάρτα γραφικών ,ήχου κτλ. Thanks in advance.
  9. Can someone link me a newbie guide ?
  10. [GR] Για να καταλάβω, αυτό απλά μας δείχνει το CP PANEL login ,έτσι? δεν μας παρέχει πρόσβαση στον κωδικό του admin
  11. IckAz


    den exw fotografies,otan thes pes mou na sta diksw apo webcam.
  12. IckAz


    badass, kai omos exw =(
  13. IckAz


    Sorry poy epembenw.. alla den to vriskw lgko na ebisteuteis enan "filo" o opios den mporei na sou diksei ena xarti oti to katexei, h gia opiadipote malakia sou kanei den mporeis na exeis kanena apodiktiko stoixeio oti ontos sto varese autos. Oso pio fthino tattoo,toso pio xalia h melani,ama xtipaei me tis palies den mporeis na peraseis aktinografia pote ksana... Den einai toso aplo. Piga .. xtupisa. Psaksete to ligo einai krima na katastrafei to derma sas etsi apla. Ekana maniki to opio mou bgike 800 Eurw ( me xrwma ) oi idioi mou eipan oti gnwstous tous mporei na mou to kanei me 200. Einai gia kati pou tha meinei gia olh sas thn zwh .. kinigiste poiothta oxi timh.
  14. the site is dead?
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