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Everything posted by EnjoyYourLife

  1. Hey... i don't know what goes wrong :/ any help?
  2. L2- Fairytales (Homemade) C6 Pride Like Join us and give me more suggestions to dedicate and improve the server. www.l2-fairytales.webs.com
  3. I use your patch for texture/graphic reason... I'm newbie with c and etc and coding... Is it cool to steal others work?
  4. wtf guys... i just want to see alt+t as celestine says.... i dont want to activate any code or etc... and also i saw in the past few years L2AE grand opening vol.165198 so i don't care about your files about your knowledge and how much kilos asshole you are ^_^
  5. As a newbie i don't know to change that.. I know that it needs codes to play but i want to as the clear one... can some1 help me?
  6. Το έλυσα παιδιά lock it
  7. Καλησπέρα... αντιμετοπίζω εδώ και μερικές μέρες πρόβλημα στο l2file edit... θέλω να επεξεργαστώ το weapongrp και να προσθέσω κάτι έξτρα και μου εμφανίζει αυτό το έρρορ... μήπως μπορεί να Help Κανένας;
  8. 1st of all i think that you have to log in... take a taste of the type of the server and then post you opinion... also it's not our 1st server and we know what we must do! 1st try and then judge
  9. Server start 15/4/2016 13:00 gmt +2 Welcome to L2-Onverse – PvP Lineage II Server. We are glad to have you around and we hope you will enjoy playing with us. L2-Onverse is a totally customized server with amazing features such as rare and unique equipment, modified skills, multiple sub-class system, wide PvP areas, Clan wars, Castle sieges, Olympiads, automated events and much more. Rates Server - Exp: 5000x - Sp : 3000x - Adena : 3000x - Drop : 10x - Spoil : 10x - Safe Enchant: +5 - Blessed Enchant: +20 - Crystal Enchant: +25 - Normal Scroll: 75% - Blessed Scroll: 95% - Crystall scroll: 100% Other Features - Armors/Weapons: s grade - 5 Farm areas | - Hair Accesories - A grade items at start - PvP Reward | PK Reward - LvL Area | Farm Areas - Custom s grade Items | - custom tattoo absolute| - Custom accesories | mage/fighter - Killing Spree | Farm PvP Message - Geodata/Pathnode Installed - Castle Lord Announce | Hero Announce - Donator Announce | Olympiad System - Spawn Protection | Skills Work 100% - Augment: 1 Active OR! 1 Passive - Max sub: 3 | Augmentation Top LS: 15% - Global Chat: 50 PvP | Max Clans in ally: 3 - Vote System - Custom Features of Gracia Final Client - Custom Soulshot Effects NPC - Global Gatekeeper - GM Shop | Custom Shop | NPC Buffer - Augmenter | Skill Enchanter - Castle Manager | Symbol Manager - Olympiad Log NPC | Olympiad Manager - Wedding Manager | Info NPC - Clan Hall Manager | Clan Manager - Vote Manager | Hitman Manager - Event Manager | Top PvP | PK - Sub Class Changers | Farm Protector - Warehouse Keeper | Bug Reporter - Account Manager | Mass Castle Register - Boss Manager Olympiad Games - Retail olympiad game - Competition period 1 week - Hero Every Sunday 12:00 - Olympiad start time 17:00 - Olympiad end time 00:00 - Olympiad Recall: 60 seconds - Olympiad reuse your skills after match Dedicated Information CPU:Intel core i7 overclocked Ram: 8 GB DDR3 RAM Hard Disk: 160 GB SSD DDoS Protection: Double protection Connected at: 1GB Traffic: Unlimited Site: www.L2-Onv.com
  10. [L2j] L2Fairytales Reborn Client: Interlude Dedicated Features AMD Opteron3365 CPU 8GB DDR3 Memory 500GB HDD 1GBPS Connection Unlimited Traffic Ddos Protection Server Features Interlude PvP High Rate Server Xp - x5000 Sp - x5000 Adena - x5000 Safe : +7 Max : +25 From +7 to +10 : 90% From +10 to +16 : 70% From +16 to +25 : 60% Custom Features Custom Soulshot Dynasty Armor Dynasty Weapon Epic Jewels Dye Tattoo H5 Features Master's Blessing buffs for all classes Extra skills for some classes Extra java codes for more balance Npc Gm Shop Custom Shop Npc Buffer Clan Manager Enchant's Skill Farm Zones Cave of Trials Elven Fortress Dragon Valley Cave 3 types of mobs ( easy, normal, hard) Olympiad Oly stats at 18:00(GMT+2) Oly ends at 00:00(GMT+2) Olympiad circle 1 week Grand Opening : 10/1/2015 20:00(GMT+2) Server Website : www.l2fairytales.eu Facebook Funpage: https://www.facebook.com/l2fairytales PS. The server isn't C6pride!
  11. PvP High Rate Server Based on L2jFrozen rev 1004 Exp : 5000x Sp : 4000x Adena : 10000x Starting Level : 80 Max Level : 85 (Custom Mastery blessing skill at 85 based on each class) Enchant Rate Safe +5 Max +20 Normal scrolls : 80% Crystal scrolls : 90% Blessed scrolls : 100% Custom Commads .stat .online .farm1 .farm2 .pvp1 .pvp2 Custom Items Dynasty Armor//Dynasty Weapon Relic Jewels Relic Tattoos PvP Tokens, Vote Tokens, True gold Vote system Every 3 votes, 3 votes rewards Gracia Features Heroic Aura Skill bar Chat Characters Status // Inventory // Maps Custom Zones .farm1 - Dragon Valley Cave .farm2 - Bandit Stronghold .pvp1 - Primeval Island .pvp2 - Gludin Village Main Town: Gludin Village Other's Scrolls are stuckable Olympiad: 2 weeks (only s grade items)18:00 - 00:00 GMT+2 Capture the Flag Event Team VS Team Event DeathMatch Event Grand Opening: 1/1/2015 BETA MODE: ONLINE www.l2fairytales.eu
  12. το γεγονός ότι φάρμαραν τώρα δεν;;; ποιο bug Με glits? το βρήκαμε και το διορθώσαμε!
  13. ωραίος! Που κολλάει αυτό με το topic Που έκανα;
  14. πως μπορώ να βάλω costum soulshot effect? υπάρχει κάποιο ιδικό code? σε σέρβερ c6 l2jteon Package
  15. they nerfed too much... it's fine now!
  16. -5 accurasy -5 evasion! What else; it's not l2finest-l2xavius-l2genesis-l2aepvp-l2aerogaming-l2pridec6-l2glorius It's L2Pride Original Files which im gonna never give them to any1. It's not easy farm.....
  17. server have 25 on.. also mobs nerfed before we moved to dedicated pc!
  18. Καλησπέρα mxc! έχω σοβαρό πρόβλημα με L2tower! όλοι σχεδόν στον σέρβερ μου φαρμάρουν έτσι... Μπορώ να το αποφύγω κάπως; και αν μπορώ να το αποφύγω ποιος μπορεί να με helpάρει; FairyTales Team
  19. i forgot that! Server wiped! patch is completely ok. you can log
  20. http://l2fairytales.eu L2pridestyle based on [l2jteon]
  21. http://l2fairytales.eu L2pridestyle based on [l2jteon]
  22. http://l2fairytales.eu l2 pride style interlude[l2j]
  23. http://l2fairytales.eu is ready!
  24. files are rdy! Some hours left! www.l2fairytales.eu site added completely some fixes and we ll be online
  25. we are moving our files to dedi machine cause ddos attack! we ll be back in 2 days! FairyTales Team Stay tuned!
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