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Everything posted by BangBroZ

  1. one rur for 8 hours u mean in game 1 rur or its a russia's money?
  2. +1 Trusted Seller Bought 6kkk from him,Free bump
  3. Sold. Topic Locked.
  4. w
  5. Hello,Everyone As the topic says,im buying much adena,bbest offer for now is 0.80 euro for 100kk Pm me here on add me on my msn:suntehpower@hotmail.com or on skype:nick aka bangbroz **SCAMMER DONT BOTHER**
  6. xa0x0a0x0a0x0a0x0a0x0a thats so funny "accepting money in poker sites too."
  7. another one re another one afl/red players:P
  8. Hello,Everyone Well,im selling char on rpg-club x15 USSR. Class:Wind Rider lvl 83 and 40% Noblessed. SubClasses:1)SwordMuse lvl 79 and 20%=Celestial. 2)Titan lvl 78 and 10%=Boost CP. 3)HawkEye lvl 75 and 80%=Boost Evasion. Quests:Theres alot of quests done and on work,also it has ally lvl 5 and cloack of greenary Char is given with e-mail. Also i can show u Screenshot of the char in game that prove his exist,with showing Annoucements etc. Payment Way Via Paypal Only. You can pm me here on forum or contact me on my msn : suntehpower@hotmail.com ***Scammers Dont Bother***
  9. Oh my bad i forgot.....im buying on rpg x15
  10. Hello,Everyone Im buying on RPG x15 doombringer 82/83lvl+,must be noblessed at least 2 or more subs,with out gears or offer with gear. Also must have e-mail. Payment:PayPal Pm me here or add me on Msn:suntehpower@hotmail.com Please Only Serious Proposals Also Trading WindRider 83 lvl full subs/nobl/skills enchanted etc... #*#*#Scammers Dont Bother#*#*#
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