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Everything posted by ExoMark

  1. me everythinks works, but when want status on web, so write is offline, but he server works normal all can connect to server. This status http://maxvotes.com/index.php?p=status show that is my server offline Thx for answer PS: Sry for my english :)
  2. wauu nice guy good job :D
  3. hey man thx very much for this system all work wauu thx again LOCK :)
  4. yes, if you send me to a too good DP on C4 so work with system PS: sry for my english
  5. Hello guys i find good system for l2 client chronicle 4, because i always have bad system for c4 please help me with search good system for client chronicle 4 10x THX
  6. I am looking for a good system for C4, because I have some bad and I never want login. If you have a functional system sends it to me pls. THX for reply :)
  7. I installed server freya normal without error but i click to startloginserver.bat, so write this error 100x THX for reply PS: sry for my english Ok i solved it. I download new java 7
  8. hello, i need help how make server that my server run to no-ip.com becouse i do not want that my server run to hamachi i try rename IP to IP from no-ip.com but i dont know how and what need IP rename THX for request PS: Sry for my english :/
  9. good share thx i now download ;)
  10. So but you show me the way what server are you goddess of destruction but it is not C4 is the same way My Datapack: http://avatars.czweb.org/L2J_DataPack.zip My L2Server: http://avatars.czweb.org/l2j-server-unstable-c4.zip please check if there something I have what I wrote because I found thanks PS: sry from spam but I want to have a server C4 100x thx
  11. how to insert the component into txt l2.exe and what it is intended to be I do not understand at all that what you wrote and nothing I do not like gameserver.ini. login in the config files I have only two telnet.properties and loginserver.properties
  12. please help me sry for spam but i new thx very much
  13. I found it in gameserver/config/l2j-version.properties and there have written some version=1581 or if you would like to recommend some L2J server and Datapack (except l2off it is difficult).
  14. Please do not get the beginner like me and always make mistakes C4 could you tell me or pofotit nieako so I do not have any GameServer.ini
  15. As I watched some of the instructions it goes well, but not me. And I do not know how can I check.
  16. Can I somehow fix or delete it wrong? Or where to download a good client?
  17. I have a problem with C4 server. All my works without error but when I give you this sign pops up: For reply thx
  18. wau nice good work dude PS: armor it is from GoD no?
  19. nice :OOO thx dude good job ;)
  20. ok thx for informations can lock
  21. l2off need MSSQL and MSSQL need windows x64bit yes? and i have x32 bit hmm....
  22. it's very difficult? is somewhat easier? if not so i will try but this well thx you
  23. come L2OFF not understand me? OMG I would be grateful if you sent it already
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