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About kuki82

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  1. is there is any interlude server x50-x70 no gm shop thanks
  2. i don't know if is you server but let me tell you something you coming to some different server and start pm spam ppl to come to you server and play there first of all you stupid web doesn't even have an English version 2nd you don't even have a forum yes you do have a donation mfg pleas go sleep or finger u self
  3. hi i'm looking for c6 server with high spoil mid server x75 pleas if some one knows good server with high spoil thanks
  4. jesus 90% of the time you web is dead i give you server max 4 month and is dead as every server in here
  5. i have a problem cen eny one help me dis my pac Server:4460 Datapack:7723 im trayng to add end i have a sql error [Err] 1054 - Unknown column 'armor' in 'field list' [Err] INSERT INTO npc (`id`, `idTemplate`, `name`, `serverSideName`, `title`, `serverSideTitle`, `class`, `collision_radius`, `collision_height`, `level`, `sex`, `type`, `attackrange`, `hp`, `mp`, `hpreg`, `mpreg`, `str`, `con`, `dex`, `int`, `wit`, `men`, `exp`, `sp`, `patk`, `pdef`, `matk`, `mdef`, `atkspd`, `aggro`, `matkspd`, `rhand`, `lhand`, `armor`, `enchant`, `walkspd`, `runspd`, `isUndead`, `dropHerbGroup`, `basestats`) VALUES (10002, 10, 'GM Shop', 1, 'GM Shop', 1, 'LineageMonster.wererat_01te', 14.00, 25.00, 35, 'male', 'L2Merchant', 40, 773, 366, 7.11, 1.84, 40, 43, 30, 21, 20, 20, 2470, 145, 159, 170, 111, 113, 230, 500, 333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 80, 120, 0, 1, 1); [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully -------------------------------------------------- thanks for help
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