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Everything posted by djvogans

  1. There wont be any outside Russia except Dex.
  2. server use retail GODDESS OF DESTRUCTION FILES aka live server files not PTS . The only European server that have those files curently chronicle on server is : chronicle 1 AWAKENING curently chronicle on test server is chronicle 2 : TAUTI FULL GUIDE ABOUT HOW TO INSTALL : http://forum.lineage.ro/index.php?topic=4512.0
  3. Lineage II - Dex | Goddess of Destruction: Awakening Q: When will the server go live? A: The server is Live now, login and enjoy ! Q: What will be the rates? A: Rates will be XP: 3x / QUEST XP: 3x / SP: 3x / ADENA: 3x / QUEST ADENA: 3x / ADENA DROP RATE: 70% / DROP: 3x / SPOIL: 3x Q: What version will the live server have? A: Goddess of Destruction Chapter 1 - Awakening Q: Will the server be updated to future chronicles? A: Yes Q: And how long will it take to be updated? A: No idea. Plans are to go live with chapter 1 and update the Test Server to Tauti, so count with a couple of months. Q: Where can i download the correct client to play on Dex? A: You can download it via bit torrent from here Q: Will we have access to Path to Awakening? A: Yes, Path to Awakening is already implemented on the Test Server and will be active on Live. Q: Will we have access to Mentor? A: Yes Mentee diploma is available with the Path to Awakening rewards. Q: Can we buy XP/SP Runes and Vitality potions? A: Yes you can, L2 Store will be activated on Live and is now being tested on the Test Server Q: So we can also get Destruction Enchants Armor R, Destruction Enchants Weapon R and hats with special ability's? A: No we considered those overpowered and will be removed from the store. Q: Will we be able to buy premium account with increased XP/SP? A: Yes, you can buy PA with increased XP/SP, nothing else besides that. Q: Will you add Stone of Destiny to the game? A: No. Stone of Destiny was added on retail because the servers were old and old players wouldn't have a chance to change their mains. Since Dex is opening live from the 0, there won't be such item. Q: Will we have events like "Vesper Dreams", "Birth of Draco", etc? A: Yes. Since the platform Dex uses is the official one, those events will be available also. Q: Can i use my bot to help me level up? A: No. Dex policy was always, no boting allowed. If you insist to log with the bot you will end up with your account banned by the anti bot system. Q: I know this great exploit that was working on retail, can i use it here also since the platform is the same? A: The advantage of having access to the files is that we can fix things that weren't fixed in the retail, so probably the exploit won't work. If it does and you use it and do not report it to admins, then you will be permanently banned! You're warned. Q: I found a bug, where i can report it? A: You can report it here with a description from the bug and retail info that it's indeed a bug. Q: I'm looking for a clan to help me, where can i search? A: Here is your best chance to find some friends to play with. Q: Hi mi dude, its because not dropping items from mobs? A: Dex is a international server, so keep English as main language all the time, exception being the Non-English boards. Lineage II - Dex | Goddess of Destruction: Awakening
  4. We will start soon Beta testing on Test Server with retail Tauti Chronicle . Estimated time to go to live server : aprox 2 months Here is a quick guide about what new updates will bring : 1. http://www.lineage2.com/en/game/patch-notes/harmony/ 2. http://www.lineage2.com/en/game/patch-notes/tauti/ those combined changes SERVER PLATFORM : RETAIL LIVE L2OFF FILES If a mod can move this topic from preview server to normal server list . thank you
  5. somehow a mod deleted our topic from server adzone . we will use this one instead
  6. STEP 1 Go to http://www.utorrent.com/ and download torrent client and install it STEP 2 Download DEX GOD client : http://goo.gl/ylKcA STEP 3 DOWNLOAD Dex Updater and unpack it in your Lineage 2/system folder LINK : http://goo.gl/koGlQ STEP 4 RUN Lineage2Dex - GoD.exe
  7. RETAIL Path of Awakening and L2Store ENABLED TODAY ON TEST SERVER
  8. IT will be live near 15 january 2013 . Server will run only retail files : Starting with Chapter 1 AWAKENING NEXT update will be Tauti and Livindor , live server files not PTS news here : http://www.facebook.com/Lineage2Dex
  9. Here is the full client : http://www.lineage.ro/update/Lineage2GoDDex.torrent just download and run l2.exe
  10. Maybe we are not so dead afterall :) We powered up a test server running latest Goddess of Destruction Awakening Chapter 1 retail files (0 bugs) We invite you to test it :) L2OFF Goddess of Destruction : System folder for DEX beta test GOD Client needed : GOD awakening chapter 1 client game client link : http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7076814/Lineage_II_Goddess_Of_Destruction_English_Version_%28Setup%29_2xDVD5 Goddess of Destruction Client system folder : http://www.lineage.ro/update/system_dex_god.rar DEX Goddess of Destruction L2OFF Test Server - first days :) Facebook Preview http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.526379677374111.130058.208200335858715&type=3 (www.lineage.ro if you dont have an account, old players can use curent username/pass) Live server is planned in January 2013 More details on forum : http://forum.lineage.ro/index.php?board=84.0
  11. Updates added to Fury Server : All raids from the map drop Fury Farms and all enchants ! Fury Shop S grade items can be buyed with Fury Farms A grade items price was reduced a little to allow players to equip and kill raids to get fury farms
  12. SunBeam i doubt you even play there :) try exit giran There are no potions that will influence gameplay .
  13. A PVP server can be improved after start too . We do not create 1 month server then wipe as regulars High Rate servers . Since no one reported those via beta test we will implement features based on players ideas during live . Maybe server failed for 1 day / on a server players , but activity on server increase day by day (judging after uptime on characters) . Some players leave , others join. Since it is our first high rate server since years it will take a while till all will be perfect . Cheers
  14. updates added at maintenance : - New fix for TVT event, now when char was killed will be telleport to outside of event. - New prices from AIO, 1 Fury Gold = 1 day, 10 Fury Golds = 15 days, 15 Fury Golds = 30 days
  15. indeed , prices were too high; now we reduced them to a normal price :)
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