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Everything posted by BonJovi®

  1. Σαλιαριδες όλοι τους
  2. Useless rank, should be removed. Award idea is better.
  3. They are called "Global Moderators" jesus, not blues, blues is a music genre
  4. Πάντως με τον άσσο της Βέροιας στο 1,10, του Πλατανιά στο 1,20 και του ΟΦΗ στο 3,60 (!!!) μέσα στο Γεντι Κουλέ δεν μπορείς να περιμένεις και πολλά
  5. Κάθεστε και ασχολήστε με την μεγαλύτερη παροδία από όλες, την πολιτική, όπου τα πάντα είναι στημένα, πιο στημένα και από το ελληνικό πρωτάθλημα, πέρα από την πλάκα, μαλώνεται σαν μαλάκες γιατί; Για κάτι που δε θα αλλάξει; Άμα δε βγουν 10εκ στο δρόμο, όποιος και να διαδέχεται τον οποιοδήποτε πρωθυπουργό, θα δουλεύει για έναν, για το Αμέρικα, το ΔΝΤ και την φράου Μέρκελ.
  6. The income of a server will be increased when the server is stable enough to hold and service a X amount of players. When a decent server can't even afford a DDoS Protection then it's called a lol server, made by kids who look how to make easy money. The latest Freya Servers were made like that. Now there ain't a decent Freya Server even unprotected only. You invest money on something in order to get a pay back for your effort later. Your donation income will be increased when you will invest money in order to gain 1) Stability 2) Community 3) Balance. A server that is well advertised and well covered as it comes to protections, Lame Guard, DDoS etc. will raise pretty fast, it will get a good reputation as it will be a quality server and also will be a worthwhile server to spend some of your free time and later donate to it. None is going to donate in a 2 weeks servers, ever, it would be a loss of money.
  7. Focusing on LoL is pointless. LoL is about to reach its peak and then it will start its free fall like any other game. Few games survived, few games still attracts new users and keeps satisfied the old ones. Lineage is one of them as it comes to official servers but lineage isn't that much popular on private servers as the new clients are considered as crap by people who enjoyed playing a Freya or Epilogue server and trust me I'm one of them. Plus the 2 weeks server phenomeno that started the last two years just to gain some money via donations also killed private servers. LoL absorbed many L2 players but if you ask me, if some good Freya PvP or High Rate servers (easy to be played but not too hard to farm and such) were made, they'd have the required potential to attract many players, old and new. Some Freya servers were opened and gained population (compared to other servers) really fast but they were just some lol projects by people who were looking fora cheap way to make some money. MaxCheaters should destick from Interlude Clients & OFF Platforms and try (I believe) another project, based on L2j, probably on Freya Client, I know many people that would join such server and also you got some skilled L2j devs over here to support the project development and they are able to provide a decent balanced server.
  8. Well, I disagree on that and I have already explained my reasons. Though it's you who will make the last call, anyway you could at least include more interesting subjects/boards in your forum in another section and be 'cooler' with your members and their opinions so you'll avoid some more loss on your current community via bans. I still believe focusing only on Lineage is a mistake but who am I to say that it will fail. Staff that is able to show some professionalism is also required but you got some good guys already there, just few changes should be made. Advertisement, premium and free, both should happen to increase the forum's range. I'd like to help you more at this point as you try to build something mpre fresh but unfortunately due to busy schedule for now I'm not available to provide you any kind of support except some ideas and suggestions. When summer comes I might contribute to your try till then, good luck with it and hopefully your tries to remain on a l2 based board will pay you back. Also some re-organization to current Staff Ranks should be done . Last but not least, a strong community board based on gaming should be followed by a varity of game servers. A Lineage Server, a Call of Duty/Minecraft Server and such. You need some servers online directly made and hosted by MaxCheaters and also you could start some parternships with other servers in any game and probably offer some benefits/hosting or anything like to them in exchange for advertisement or advertisement for advertisement and such. New shares and such stuff also required and also some of your GFX Moderators if they indeed care for this forum should increase their activity, give more tips, techniques and guides so the forum would be attractive to the people who are interested in GFX stuff and improvement, plus some frebbies. You can also enhance your Marketplace by making it more reliable/trusted and sell any kind of products, offer some benefits to daily sellers, discounts maybe to some of your own products etc. Once again, good luck.
  9. But, it doesn't matter cause they increase their revenue Actually, their income
  10. Actually turn this board from a cheater/gaming forum to a Sport forum. Who wouldn't like to discuss about Sports? Football, Betting, Basketball and such. I don't really think that there's such an international thing and also if you advertise it for real via Facebook Paid Ads you'd gain some activity pretty fast. You can come up with some smart ides & comps about it also provide some worthwhile rewards and also include sub categories related to Gaming/News/Technology/Religion and such. It's your call whether you'd do this an international board though or a local one.
  11. Still Universe is incapable of being a moderator. MxC doesnt also need members such as Exile, InTheEnd, MiddleMan, Romeo etc. Having such members is just a huge disappointment and leads people to drama.
  12. Did you advertise the forum to such communities to gain activity? Hell no!
  13. Νομίζω ότι ανέφερα και νωρίτερα για ριζική αλλαγή της χροιάς του φόρουμ, αν δε το ανέφερα λάθος δικό μου, αλλά αυτό που θέλω να πω είναι ναι, η χροιά το φορουμ πρέπει να αλλάξει ριζικά, όχι να εξαφανιστεί τελείως το στοιχείο του gaming αλλά να γίνει ένας επαναπροσδιορισμός του συνολικά .
  14. Near 100m users, definitely more than the "shit" that you create some lol sites for.
  15. Well this isn't actually there policy but nevermind. "Πολιτική, Θρησκεία, Αθλητικά, Μουσική, Τεχνολογία (Τips, Tricks, Widgets κτλπ), Gaming ( το οποίο και ήδη υπάρχει εξάλλου), Gossip, Θεωρίες συνωμοσίας (αυτό πουλάει πολύ), Κόμικ, Βιβλία, Κινηματογράφος, Καθημερινότητα, Νυχτερινή Διασκέδαση, Έρευνες, Παιδεία & Εκπαίδευση (οι περισσότεροι είναι φοιτητές ή μαθητές). Επίσης ως ιδιοκτήτης φόρουμ με αρκετά μεγάλο community μπορείς να έρθεις σε επαφή με εταιρίες όπως η SEGA, η Activision, NC Soft, Razer ή με τα τμήματα επικοινωνίας των παραπάνω εταιριών στην Ελλάδα ή με ιδιοκτήτες καταστημάτων οι οποίοι θα παραθέτουν δώρα τα οποία θα μοιράζονται μέσω διαγωνισμών στο φόρουμ. Κλειδιά για παιχνίδια, μινιατούρες και ένα σωρό τέτοια πράγματα, έτσι το φόρουμ μέσα από τους διαγωνισμούς θα ακουστεί και θα μεγαλώσει και πάλι σταδιακά. Στους κανόνες μπορεί να αναγράφεται για τον κάθε διαγωνισμό απαιτείτε ο Χ αριθμός post ή να είσαι VIP ή απλά να αφορά μόνο τα VIP ή τα VIP να διαγωνίζονται για κάτι ακόμη μεγαλύτερης αξίας ή περισσότερης ποσότητας, έτσι θα κάνεις τα Subscription του forum πιο δελεαστικά για να αγοραστούν και βέβαια με διάφορα boards στο VIP Section με ειδικά share κτλπ θα ανεβάσει και την αξία του να είσαι VIP. Αυτή τη στιγμή οι διαφορές των VIP με τα Regular Members είναι μικρές και για αυτό δεν πουλάει πάρα πολύ, όπως πουλούσαν δηλαδή κάποτε. "
  16. New categories in combination with advertise via the social media and such networks will bring new members. As I mentioned before you have to put some real effort over here and pay some attention to the board for real. It will take time but it will work, you'll have to work but you'll be rewarded after it, as it would worth it. Categories like: [GR] Το παρακάτω στο είχα στείλει σε pm αλλά δε το πήρες και πολύ στα υπόψην πιστεύω.
  17. I personally believe that this is a huge mistake. You shouldn't do such a change. I mean, not this change. Indeed you should reorganize the whole forum but not by keeping the same boards. As I said you should create something more attractive like a global portal. Gaming forums ain't that famous anymore, not at least for specific games such as Lineage, cause MxC raised that fast cause of it. You should focus more in categories that concerns the public and not just gamers. Gaming should be a sub category as other stuff as well where there would be more categories for some games like Lineage, LoL and some other popular games. Also giving away keys for specific gaming products or creating some competitions with actual awards and not Rep Points or VIP membership cause for now VIP Membership is useless as there aren't many useful stuff shared these days there would be a better option. Of course you have to spend some time on such changes and also you have to feel it and be willing to try a fresh start and resurrect this forum Regards, BonJovi
  18. Ωραία είναι στην Νορβηγία; Αξίζει να πάει κανείς;
  19. Πρωτάθλημα Superleague - Αγωνιστική 31: Βέροια - Ξάνθη 1 Πλατανιάς - Λεβαδειακός 1/2 (Διπλή ευκαιρία) Άρης - Εργοτέλης (Χ Ημίχρονο/1 Τελικό) ΟΦΗ - Ατρόμητος Χ Πανιώνιος - Παναιτωλικός 2 Αστέρας - Ολυμπιακός Χ ΠΑΟ - Καλλονή 1 ΠΑΣ - Πανθρακικός 1 Απόλλων - ΠΑΟΚ 1
  20. Πάει και το Πλατανιά, έρχεται ο ΑΟΧ :Ρ
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