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Everything posted by BonJovi®

  1. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xrfhio_brazil-3-4-argentina-9th-june-2012-480p-hd-full-highlights-mediafire-dl_sport#from=embed 3:23 <3 Αρρώστια στις κερκίδες, Τζιοβάνι που ήσουν χθες πάλι; xD
  2. Greek upcoming band, listen to this one
  3. 9/10, very nice outcome, text is a tough situation for everyone, KIU
  4. This is awesome and the texts are nice as well, i like it, this for me at least would be the winner
  5. You know my opinion about the first 2 already I don't like at all the 3rd The 4th is nice. 7/10 overall
  6. Αυτός και ο Rudolf (του ΠΟΑ) θα λάμπουν κάθε Χριστούγεννα στην Ελλάδα.
  7. Καλά έκανες, γιατί ποτέ δεν ξέρεις, απλά μακριά από μπαλκόνια, πέφτουν γλάστρες κτλπ. Άσε ρε 6 ρίχτερ δεν είναι και λίγο, πάντως μέσα έπεσε ο τύπος :Ρ
  8. It's a tough match and the Netherlands needs the win to stay in the game
  9. Δικαίωση για τον Γεράσιμο Χουλιάρα! Ισχυρός σεισμός μεγέθους 5,9 της κλίμακας ρίχτερ σημειώθηκε πριν από λίγο στα Δωδεκάνησα και συγκεκριμένα μερικά χλμ έξω από τη Ρόδο. Μέχρι τώρα δεν έχουν αναφερθεί ζημιές από την δόνηση.
  10. Well I mean, it's stupid to ask money for something that it can be given for free to someone at any time, but anyway, i don't have nothing to do here, i mean in your topic gl once again and cheers
  11. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=240923.15
  12. Oh ok, i got it for free already anyway, good luck & trusted
  13. The one which someone called "Envy" was offering to different ppl, a blue SMF 1.1.X based forum
  14. Every team has it owns weak point w/e we shall see Russian won't come to loose, but they will come to get a X (hard to try to win) cause they need energy & players to the next phase
  15. Well I apologized, so whatever, still you didn't answer me about the forum template :D
  16. Oh, well I guess that then it's my mistake, (I remembered your portfolio) and I thought that it was free made, anyway sorry mate for the "complain" good luck with your sells :D
  17. Yes it was made for free. I know the creator, there used to be a site called "i-live" which (owned by Sido) who used to create GFX stuff for free. Signatures, Websites, Intros and also he coded them as well.
  18. You sell an intro which was made for free and not by you? That's lame dude. And which Hazzart theme? The blue one?
  19. It's a decent creation and unique (considering the subject that you chosen to develop) keep it up dude.
  20. I don't see any problem with that, this is football & this is why tactics exist, also let me remind you that Otto Rehangel first applied this kind of system which was succesful and then the other teams. Greece proved to everyone that they deserved this title cause they played smart.
  21. Fvcking awesome, thanks a lot <3
  22. Πόσο εύκολα σας απέσπασαν πάντως και πάλι από τα προβλήματα της χώρας και κολλήσατε σε αυτό, απορώ γιατί ασχολήστε ακόμα
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