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Everything posted by Fenixl2

  1. Not cling to!:( , sorry for english
  2. oo shit cool GK THANK YOU
  3. NPC Clan Skills Lineage][-Epiloge ;D :D L2j.Server 8) LINK:) http://rapidshare.com/#!download|738tl2|430955489|NPC_Clan_Skills.rar|7
  4. NPC Gold Bar Lineage][-Epiloge ;) :) L2j.Server 8) LINK!:) http://rapidshare.com/#!download|215dt|430955337|Gold_Bar_system.rar|2
  5. thx for share byorion TEST NPC :)
  6. wow thanks man cool NPC:):):)
  7. Projekt Good !! ;) ;) L2J Infinity Last Stable rev.1224 lineage][-Epiloge ;D :D Good Pack l2-Infinity to putting ,SERVERS Mid Rate!! recommend sorry for english LINK: ;D http://cs-la2.ru/la2/l2server/3833-sborka-servera-l2j-infinity-rev-1224-private.html
  8. wow shit :):) cool NPC ...
  9. good nice share thx man
  10. :) :) :D ;D /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LINK http://l2misna.ru/load/13-1-0-135 http://depositfiles.com/ru/files/fdda06r13 How to enable GEODATA GameServer/config/General :) LOOK ;D :D # Geodata # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GeoData options: # 0 = GeoData and PathFinding OFF (Default) # 1 = GeoData is used to check Line Of Sight (LOS) targeting and # L2Playable movement. You need to download files for data/geodata folder. # Monsters can pass walls but not aggro (no line of sight) through them. # 2 = Full GeoData enabled. Includes PathFinding (requires also /data/pathnode # files if CellPathFinding not enabled) and all character moves go through # geodata checks (if a mob passes a wall, pathfinding didn't find a route # but we allow attack and returning home). # Recommended server memory minimum 2 GB, rather 3 GB. # Default: 0 GeoData = 2 # Cell-level pathfinding, produces more accurate routes but is (maybe 10x) heavier to calculate. Recommended for small servers at least. # If False, pathnode files are used. Uses a max number of nodes in calculation which can be adjusted in the algorithm if it needs to be faster. # Default: False CellPathFinding = False # Pathfinding array buffers configuration # Default: 100x6;128x6;192x6;256x4;320x4;384x4;500x2 PathFindBuffers = 100x6;128x6;192x6;256x4;320x4;384x4;500x2 # Weight for nodes without obstacles far from walls # Default: 0.5 LowWeight = 0.5 # Weight for nodes near walls # Default: 2 MediumWeight = 2 # Weight for nodes with obstacles # Default: 3 HighWeight = 3 # Angle paths will be more "smart", but in cost of higher CPU utilization # Default: True AdvancedDiagonalStrategy = True # Weight for diagonal movement. Used only with AdvancedDiagonalStrategy = True # Default: LowWeight * sqrt(2) DiagonalWeight = 0.707 # Maximum number of LOS postfilter passes, 0 will disable postfilter. # Default: 3 MaxPostfilterPasses = 3 # Path debug function. # Nodes known to pathfinder will be displayed as adena, constructed path as antidots. # Number of the items show node cost * 10 # Potions display path after first stage filter # Red potions - actual waypoints. Green potions - nodes removed by LOS postfilter # This function FOR DEBUG PURPOSES ONLY, never use it on the live server ! # Default: False DebugPath = False # True = Loads GeoData buffer's content into physical memory. # False = Does not necessarily imply that the GeoData buffer's content is not resident in physical memory. # Default: True ForceGeodata = True # This setting controls Client <--> Server Player coordinates synchronization: # -1 - Will synchronize only Z from Client --> Server. Default when no geodata. # 1 - Synchronization Client --> Server only. Using this option (without geodata) makes it more difficult for players to bypass obstacles. # 2 - Intended for geodata (at least with cell-level pathfinding, otherwise can you try -1). # Server sends validation packet if client goes too far from server calculated coordinates. # Default: -1 CoordSynchronize = -1
  11. cool NPC teleport recommend:):) Good work
  12. Thank you man good cool share
  13. GOOD STABLE!! PACK L2jLive Epilogue Rev.1129 LINK L2jLive Epilogue Rev.1129 http://depositfiles.com/ru/files/6y573yns8 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SVN http://my-svn.assembla.com/svn/L2jLive/ TimeLine http://my-trac.assembla.com/L2jLive/timeline FORUM http://www.l2jlive.com/forum Last Revision 840: http://www.4shared.com/file/i8cxiZ4T/L2jLive_Rev_840_By_K4N4BS.html Revision 815: http://www.4shared.com/file/--VPQExM/L2jLive_Rev_815_By_K4N4BS.html
  14. wow :) Thx man nice share
  15. L2j-Brasil rev.1573 ;D ;D :D :D NIE marudzić tylko pobierać :) jest to dla was pozdrawiam. GOOD PACK INTERLUDE :) ;D LINK:) http://depositfiles.com/en/files/tragq7v0y http://turbobit.net/suyd87mcci6v.html
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