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Posts posted by Akken

  1. I like how some 'developers' trying to make fun of Dav's work. While L2Pride used to run with more than 700-2.000 people online the last 7 years, got tons of money, was on the top of private servers, while their project couldn't last more than one or two months. 

    respect.... i am not a dev , but yea, respect


    you id**t saw the code for the clans? that he reduces the enchant rates to 2 clans of the server? wtf? well they might failed! but check the shitty codes

  2. NEW 

    ELRONT Raid boss will be a player and on 50% of his life he will be transform into Anakim with x2 stats


    level 85 skill:

    Duelist Skill/Blade Dancer/Sword Muse: They can remove your weapon and you are able to equip it after 2 seconds

    Archer Classes: They gain 100% critical hits for 5 seconds

    Daggers Classes: Getting Invisible for 10 seconds

    Mages: They will hit double damage on all their Skills

    Tyrant: They will rush to target so (if an archer kite them with this skill they can go onto him)

    Titan: They cant get any damage for 5-10 seconds

    Tanks: Become Aggressive (P atk / Atk Speed Goes high for 10 seconds) 

    Summoners: Boost of the pets stats (Frenzy Like) for 15 seconds

    Support Class: For 10 seconds they will be immune to debuffs and their heal power will be x3 




    Updated with new features

  3. xaxaxaxaxa! koita o khalifa ine apo venezuela k exw k to fb tou alla dn krazw ime kalo paidi :)


    kathe quote p kanei m dika m logia panta i apantisi ine:


    akken you will be banned, afou tremoun t arxidia mou k xinw apo fovo otan to leei afto, tin exei dei admin

  4. There are more resists than Resist aqua-wind-fire,cmon ur arguement is idiotic. Secondly,its not a mid rate and how u know rb jwls arent ez to get? U judge smth before u even try it, and in dis case, before its even created lol.


    free bump beeteedubz.

    btw :3 about rb jewls you will need the boss itself :D and also it will drop 1 ring at a time, just respawn will be 16hours i guess, still searching on it and its not a priority

  5. this Server going to be serious gl from me too Akkenito :)

    thanks, we have to climb a big mountain in order this to finish, i dont want to fail, i will provide a 2 weeks beta with Closed/Open beta periods, i want this to be somehow successfull

  6. This is the project, it belongs to dav and is the official L2Pride, people started to sell it on the black market. So I'm sharing it to avoid all those to happen.  



    http://www20.zippyshare.com/v/33937610/file.html source 


    i marked Source because gmods/golds did not see it before even if i provided them (and my topic got junked with no reason!)



    http://www74.zippyshare.com/v/3893444/file.html COMPILED + BACKUP 


    Enjoy , regards Akken


    Don't use it as a live server it sucks also please dont flame i just shared what i have


    use it at your own risk

    • Thanks 1
  7. its seems good but i think u must add something that will make ur features become prototype so everyone will be excited but u have made a good start though and it is attractive.

    thanks i still develop it , i need ideas :) spam some if you have

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