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Everything posted by johnzach100

  1. http://windows7forums.com/windows-vista-support/49167-internet-security-settings-prevents-one-more-files-being-opened.html akolou8a odigies kai 8a sto fixarei...
  2. http://www.shockingsoft.com/download.php?tip=soft&file=AutoClicker.zip 1st http://download.cnet.com/Auto-Clicker/3000-2094_4-10386470.html 2nd
  3. Loipon... vrika kapia paromia provlimata sto internet... dokimase... 1) mpes pinaka elegxou pata accessibility kai kane uncheck oti einai patimeno... 2) an dn itan auto to provlima kane restart to pc kai ota anoigei prin di3ei to welcome pata osa koumpia mporeis alla prota pata to caps lock, scroll lock kai num lock... genika kai ta tria pou antapokrinontai sta lampakia.... An dn ginei tpt dokimase na katevaseis to keyboard tester http://www.passmark.com/products/keytest.htm To vrika sto net dn eimai sigouros oti leitourgei alla dokimase ... An tpt dn doulepsei tote oi 8ires sou dn einai kales i dn 3erw......
  4. ofc dota ... lol and hon are just copies with updatable graphics but ... they just dont have the right feeling ... like dota has..
  5. Well.. i couldnt give it more time....
  6. well try perfect world international ... they say that it has the best graphics....
  7. awesome it really worksss...
  8. to termatisa mesa se 9 wres....
  9. kai an spasw weap sto teleutaio +... parataw ton server
  10. Well if I remember corectly ... it was zelda a link to the past... at super nitendo
  11. You now ram is the most important thing to have .... if u dont have ram u cant play games no matter how good your graphics card is... if you buy choose ddr3 rams and not ddr2... as for the Processor it is way too much... right now there is no game that need a machine like that ... but hey thats a good thing u will not need upgrades for a long time...
  12. NVidia The Way It's Meant To Be Played... wayyyy better
  13. nai ontos ... kai egw to exw pa8ei ... pai3e ligo me to kalodio spro3e to i trava to ..... EEEee kai sto kato kato an den ftiaxnei pare kainourgio plikrologio.. apo to na pedeuese me auto,,,,,,,,,,.........
  14. well thank u very much... but i could only download few of them... as for the others it says file deleted dew due to in-activity......
  15. mafia 2 is better... the only bad thing is that is a little bit small... lets say .... if u are good with games like this u can complete it in about 2 - 3 days.... LOL?
  16. LOLolol like turtles .... lol
  17. WC3 + Frozen throne (campaign) + dota and l2......
  18. 1. Metin 2. Grand tourismo (ps2) 3. Combat Arms
  19. I think NFS Most Wanted and Burn Out Paradise city are the best racing games....
  20. Definetely pes.. fifa has crappy graphics..
  21. lol ... it is good.... when can we play it???
  22. dn exw kanei pote kai oute 8a kanw... afou tin epomeni mera mporei na kleisoun....
  23. gia mena o dark elf einai makran kaliteros... (an pezeis kanonika) an pezeis me bug einai kaliteroi oi aloi dio ..... an me pianeis..................
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