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Everything posted by GreekFlavour

  1. finito esena me to 6apirino terataki moy se tentona ta osta magkia eki p se perne MRPELIS Panta filika :P ti den katalaves apo edw??? den milaw gia Athlon x2 ala gia AMD PHENOM II X6 :)
  2. Tn a3ia t ase na tin 3erw egw!!!! finito esena me to 6apirino terataki moy se tentona ta osta magkia eki p se perne MRPELIS Panta filika :D Kai esi Jiz thx filos eisai o pio logikos os stigmis!!! sebasti h gnomh soy!!!
  3. GNOMI SOY!! egw to dinw mazi me othoni LG 19TFT BLACK FULL HD 1920 x 1080 kai h timi toy einai 1700EYRW (Συζητήσιμη) ayto simeni pos mporw na pesw kai 200-500 analoga Ta kefia moy :P den pirazi apla Keep Walking!!!
  4. ine dipirino ala antexi poli perisotero apo oso fantazese telos panton....ama den endiaferese min kanis post kai i timi ine sizitisimi p tha m pis o ti to laptops ine kalitero....
  5. cpu: AMD PHENOM II X2 3.4GHZ DUAL CORE BOX vga: GIGABYTE RADEON HD5750 1GB OVERCLOCK DirectX 11 Πρόσθετα χαρακτηριστικά: FULL HD Έξοδοι 2x DVI-I, 1x HDMI 1x DisplayPort. mitriki : GIGABYTE GA890GPA Πρόσθετα Χαρακτηριστικά: Ultra Durable 3 Technology copper cooled quality, Easy Energy Saver technology,Υποστήριξη Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/XP. Ενσωματωμένη κάρτα δικτύου: Realtek Ethernet (10/100/1000 Mbit). Ενσωματωμένη κάρτα ήχου: Realtek 8-Channel High Definition. Ενσωματωμένη κάρτα γραφικών Υποστήριξη ATI Hybrid CrossFireX. Ενσωματωμένος firewire controller ram: KINGSTON HYPERX NVIDIA 4GB (2X2GB) DUAL CHANNEL DDR2 1066MHZ Πρόσθετα χαρακτηριστικά: Ψύκτρα αλουμινίου, επίχρυσες επαφές. ΤΡΟΦΟΔΟΤΙΚΟ: 700W GAMING SERIES με ενεργό PFC.Αξιόπιστο,Αθόρυβο,Ισχυρό. ΟΘΟΝΗ: LG 19TFT BLACK FULL HD 1920 x 1080 ΣΚΛΗΡΟΣ ΔΙΣΚΟΣ: x2 500GB MOMENTUS XT SOLID STATE HYBRID DRIVE ΟΠΤΙΚΑ ΜΕΣΑ:LG DVD-RW BLACK KOYTI:MAVRO-PORTOKALI ME DIAFANO KAPAKI STO PLAH 1 MPLE ANEMISTIRAKI PISW 1 ANEMISTIRAKI MPROSTA KAI (SYSTIMA PSI3IS EPE3ERGASTI AEIAS 100 EYRW!!) 1700EYRW (Συζητήσιμη)
  6. Kalispera. Pedes exo problima me to hopzone vazo kanonika tou server to ip p.x to no-ip fisika p.x koef.no-ip.com tecpa kai m vgazi X EFAGA X apo hopzone :D kano kati lathos?
  7. To palio m pc telika tha to poylisw gt apla ta alazw ola!!! nikos.
  8. ise tiflos ?? ti dn vlepis
  9. mias kai o filarakos mou m ipe na kano ena post gia ths gnomes sas.... gia thn anavathmisi pou tha kani.... Τροφοδοτικό..--->http://www.e-shop.gr/show_per.phtml?id=PER.663460 Επεξεργαστής..--->http://www.e-shop.gr/show_per.phtml?id=PER.559621 Μιτρική...--->http://www.e-shop.gr/show_per.phtml?id=PER.526898 Μνήμες Ράμ..--->http://www.e-shop.gr/show_per.phtml?id=PER.552686 Σκληρός Δίσκος..--->http://www.e-shop.gr/show_per.phtml?id=PER.345810 γνόμες.... apo karta grafikos skeftomai na balw H tin GIGABYTE 1) http://www.e-shop.gr/show_per.phtml?id=PER.516391 H ASUS 2) http://www.e-shop.gr/show_per.phtml?id=PER.513470 Me tin asus den ta paw kala eimai kolimenos me gigabyte ala me ferni se dilima o logos pos me tins asus exw tin epilogh 3d... akoyw gnomes To palio m pc telika tha to poylisw gt apla ta alazw ola!!!
  10. no way..!!!!
  12. to katevasa apo to ena kai monadiko topic p iparxi edo me freya compiled packs..
  13. Hi guyz ekana spawn npc sthn poli kanonika...ala leo na kano farm area to kano to farm area kai kano spawn npc kai opote kanw rr dn ginonte save ta mob kai den ine sto farm area meta apo to rr eksafanizonte dld dn ginete autosave pos boro na to kano....????? na ginete auto save
  14. i cant add this buffer :( i dont now about init_py i need just the html file and the sql and i find a lots of problems with sql all the time appears error.:: :(
  15. noop 4 ever for 3-4 years ;)
  16. x0a0x0a im not talking about account im just saying ohh f@ck kita den ksero agglika toso kala xD ala tha sou to po ellinika enoo oti anti kapios p.x na dosi 25 euro na m agorasi ena vip acc .................................i kapos etc to skeytika ala pistevo ine kapos pros to ( FAIL ) na to po 0.o :/
  17. i say it is because i heard that freya client and java project has fixed a lots of bugs at least the 70%% of it but this pack its compiled and i think its uch more secure finito but i agree with some way with ya..
  18. ok man i will make my best for you to have the best available gaming ;) thanks for the notice my friend
  19. HI All i have my homehosted server and i will tell you all of the feautures and infos you wanna now... info---------------------- XP. 5000 sp 5000 drop 1 adena 1 (not listed) Safe +5 max +20 rates weapon 75% armor 73% jewels 73% element 70% ----------------------------- 3 farm areas normal difficulty farm Farm items are gold,silver,blood... mobs medium to kill (difficulty) net 24mbps L2java site:www.l2d3sert.tk ------------------------------------------------------------------NOTES If i see 10 ppl i will host my server and i will buy a .com site ;) so keep coming read the rules before play also buffs time 3 hours christmas event 25/12/2010 ;D a lots and lots of PvP EVENTS and christmas rewards Dont worry you will not lag at All !!!! Fine game play Also Have A lots Of FUN.. ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------NOTES If i see 10 ppl i will host my server and i will buy a .com site ;) so keep coming read the rules before play also buffs time 3 hours christmas event 25/12/2010 ;D a lots and lots of PvP EVENTS and christmas rewards Dont worry you will not lag at All !!!! Fine game play Also Have A lots Of FUN.. ------------------------------- My new web page with the new out coming games www.gamesandlinks.webs.com Thats all info more info just it will take you 2 seconds to log in to my server........... --------------------------------- 5 people ON!! 50mbps 50 ppl ON! 100mbps DONE!! so bye...!!!! have a nice game play server close untill deticate
  20. oxi re file emena m vgike o patos na to matho ayto plk m kanis :p 2: thanks telio guide bravo s +1 apo emena
  21. dn katalava afto to guide gt i buffer m dn exi to quest exi to arxio init_py
  22. ayto filem prepi na ine to client sou...na min egkatastithikaan engira kapia items...kane ena reinstall to freya client kai ama den gini tipota aplos delete all to database kai ksana i aplos ine prec to pack kai ine GTP ti alolo na sou po...
  23. Kalispera sas Tha ithela ligaki thn boithia sas!! sxetika me mia buffer [L2Java] p evala ston server m to client ine Freya..kai opos lete ta ebala ola kanonika kai mou zitai na kano quest... i buffer m diavasa to read me ala den katalava kai poli kala giati den evalan kai poli analitiki boithia mesa sto read me me apotelesma na mou simveni ayto to Problima kapios ama boresi na me boithisi...Eyxaristo poli... Readme Apo Buffer: 1) Find the file, scripts.cfg inside your "gameserver\data ", open it with notepad, and add this at the end of the file: custom/555_NPCBUFFER/__init__.py after this save. 2) copy and paste the file __init__.py inside scripts\custom\555_NPCBUFFER 3) Add the sql into your database 4) Use the command "//spawn 555" in game Edited by Z!T!oN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMAGE WITH MY PROBLEM UPDATED
  24. Kalimerasas exo katevasi me torrent to blood rayne 2 ine xorismeno se cd1,cd2,cd3,cd4 kai otan pao na ksekiniso to 1 den mou ksekinai to installer tou game....kanonika ine .bin kai kapos alios se ena alla to installer den ksekinai..:( kapia lisi
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