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Everything posted by strykers1

  1. c5/interlude player for sure
  2. you mean 915
  3. habla ingles?br..
  4. why would u want to play on a server where every1 has max enchant? l2 players nowadays...wish u played l2 few years ago,when real l2 could be learnt
  5. u mad?best pvp ever
  6. old school players will give it a try.
  7. as the title says,wts archangel +19 www.lineage2dreams.com Sayha 250x server.
  8. with better protection also :)
  9. he was in TMA,you should know him..
  10. he is mad cuz he was always 2nd on oly ranking list :(
  11. dont get it why u had to keep flaming anhel,i said no hard feelings,lets bring it ingame... but we all know who wins there =)
  12. www.l2gang.com
  13. clanless bp and u had judi,big deal =)) we all know what happened when we had same classes,dont we?it was 1 death for us and 100for you. Your recruits =)) i've always leaded the clan,from epilogue to h5,even when i was just a member,i was making the calls.Remember that you remade rainguards to get urselfs some epics,too bad we raped u at ant nest spawn point and at the same time we took qa ring. nothing else to say,this is a topic for l2gang server and its features,ppl should join and we should bring this fight ingame. Cheers,TD.
  14. aaaa,i see what u did there! No hard feelings bro,we didnt tie you when we raped you.
  15. the 3 events are disabled right now,they were working b4 wipe its true,also godfather organised 9vs9 event /google it anhel00. Weekend just passed and all i can say about l2gang is that i participated to a siege where 4-5pts were fighting for Aden castel,thats just 1 castel,dunno what happened to other ones cuz i had perma pvp actions.
  16. isnt he the ONIX cl?=) as for m0shu,dont know wh oyou are but you should get out of town boy xD
  17. best server running atm...over 3 clans competing for epics/pvp Classes cant be more balanced than there...
  18. Hello every1 i just want to know if i can have the high five skill bar [4 bars] on a freya server if yes,how? if no,why?
  19. Website: www.l2gang.com Rates:High-rate 2k L2:Gracia Epilogue Player's On: 500-700 even tho its 2k x,u got to farm a while for decent gear,no1 has max enchanted items[3 safe max 10],and it has balanced dmg
  20. dunno about other clients but in epilogue its not working
  21. broked on 3rd scroll :D thought its working but i failed
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