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About Tarr0

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  1. Vey Good Job Br0!!!Keep sharing :P
  2. //Off topic: look at the pic it is sayin L2 D*Z Gatekeeper (its the name of my server) :P (Dark][Zone) //On topic:all of you are wrong because the file (.sql) was destoyed and he make a three new and alone with out any help
  3. Eukolo alla kalo guide gt opws eipes kai esu poli dn 3eroun pws na vroun ta xromata poso mallon na ta baloun sto Env Gj file m bravo
  4. Nc Shere Br0 Good Job Keep Helping Us!!! I have it already because i was the first who use it :P(Son3)
  5. Nc shere Critical As we can see you are shering very usefull think and if anybody can send you +1 i will agree with him/his!! good job again!!!
  6. i agree with all this is a nice shere and i like the 5th screen
  7. it's not dagger its the (sword-blade) //Ontopic Gj i really want to learn that boy he's a real (DeV)
  8. the shield is all the money but and the weaps aren't going back :P nc shere keep with good works :)
  9. nc shere my friend i think that i hade downloaded it one more time and it works sucessfully so i am very happy because a find it again :) and it will be the 1st custom in my server
  10. Nc shere man ty for help. i am downloading theme and i will try theme in my server Dark][Zone!
  11. file etci ta exw kai egw s ekana add pata accept
  12. ok ty para poli file m 8a to dokimasw twra amesws kai 8a s pw :)
  13. Lipon paidia brika auto to link (http://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=298.0) pou exei mesa poles pre-configured pack(dn 8imame akribos pou to eixa brei alla nomizw stin google me ena diko m search) kai katebasa tin L2j Archid pack.akolou8isa akribos kata gramma to guide tis "Papaditsa"= (http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=145109.0) kai exw ena problima molis paw na mpw sto L2 mesw tou l2.exe pataw to acc m kai dn kanei tpt exw kanei ta firewall ports apo to parakatw Guide http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=179149.0 kai exw kanei tin prwti m prospa8eia na ani3w ta ports tou ruter m (opws katalabenete dn 3erw tin douleia me ta ports ara poli pi8anon na exw kanei la8os) Auto itan to problima mou elpizw na katalabate ti enow parakalw 8a i8ela ena help an 8elete mesw team viwer i apo msn. P.S.Ena Euxaristw ean asxoli8ite me to 8ema mou.
  14. bravo file m einai wraia npc's ty kai sunexise etci
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