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Everything posted by BlackKiss

  1. ty re boy tha to kitaxo kai tha sou po
  2. pos alazo to spawn enos new char pou bgeni sto village kai troi ta gremlin theli na bgenoun pc stin giran
  3. paidia kapios pou na xeri gt psaxo na to kano kai egw autin tin metatropi
  4. kaposi code file einai periti 0ax0ax0xa kaloutsiko einai
  5. ok file stilton edo na ton paroun kai ali
  6. paidia mipos iparxi kanena npc tou dixni tous castl lords me to rr tou char na na enfanizete sto html tha ithela kati paromio me tous hero kai top 10 online players an exete di kati stilte xero oti afto theli jscript exo enan kodika pou einai gia pvp kai pk pos mporo na ton alakso kai na ton kano gia afta po thelo aftos einai o kodikas import sys from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance from java.util import Iterator from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable from net.sf.l2j import L2DatabaseFactory from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import State from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest print "importing custom: TOP PVP/PK LIST" NPC=[90007] Precio_ID = 57 QuestId = 90007 QuestName = "list" QuestDesc = "custom" InitialHtml = "1.htm" # ************************ # Creando la Clase Quest * # ************************ class Quest (JQuest) : def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr) def onTalk (self,npc,player): return InitialHtml def onEvent(self,event,st): htmltext = event cantidad_pago = st.getQuestItemsCount(Precio_ID) #PK Info if event == "1" and cantidad_pago >= 0 : st.takeItems(Precio_ID,0) total_asesinados = 0 htmltext_ini = "<html><head><title>Pk Info</title></head><body><table width=300><tr><td><font color =\"FF00FF\"></td><td><center><font color =\"FFFF00\">Player</color></center></td><td><center>Kills</center></td></tr>" htmltext_info ="" color = 1 pos = 0 con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection() pks = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name,pkkills FROM characters WHERE pkkills>0 and accesslevel=0 order by pkkills desc limit 30") rs = pks.executeQuery() while (rs.next()) : char_name = rs.getString("char_name") char_pkkills = rs.getString("pkkills") total_asesinados = total_asesinados + int(char_pkkills) pos = pos + 1 posstr = str(pos) if color == 1: color_text = "<font color =\"00FFFF\">" color = 2 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"FF00FF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_pkkills + "</center></td></tr>" elif color == 2: color_text = "<font color =\"FF0000\">" color = 1 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"FF00FF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_pkkills + "</center></td></tr>" htmltext_end = "</table><center><font color=\"FFFFFF\">" + "A Total of " + str(total_asesinados) + " Pk's.</center></body></html>" htmltext_pklist = htmltext_ini + htmltext_info + htmltext_end con.close() return htmltext_pklist elif event == "1" and cantidad_pago < 0 : htmltext = "<html><head><title>PK info Online</title></head><body><font color =\"FF0000\">Primero pagame...!! son 0 adenas.</body></html>" return htmltext # PvP info if event == "2" and cantidad_pago >= 0 : st.takeItems(Precio_ID,0) total_asesinados = 0 htmltext_ini = "<html><head><title>PvP info</title></head><body><table width=300><tr><td><font color =\"FF00FF\"></td><td><center><font color =\"FFFF00\">Player</color></center></td><td><center>Kills</center></td></tr>" htmltext_info ="" color = 1 pos = 0 con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection() pks = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name,pvpkills FROM characters WHERE pvpkills>0 and accesslevel=0 order by pvpkills desc limit 30") rs = pks.executeQuery() while (rs.next()) : char_name = rs.getString("char_name") char_pkkills = rs.getString("pvpkills") total_asesinados = total_asesinados + int(char_pkkills) pos = pos + 1 posstr = str(pos) if color == 1: color_text = "<font color =\"00FFFF\">" color = 2 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"FF00FF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_pkkills + "</center></td></tr>" elif color == 2: color_text = "<font color =\"FF0000\">" color = 1 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"FF00FF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_pkkills + "</center></td></tr>" htmltext_end = "</table><center><font color=\"FFFFFF\">" + "A Total of " + str(total_asesinados) + " Kills.</center></body></html>" htmltext_pklist = htmltext_ini + htmltext_info + htmltext_end con.close() return htmltext_pklist elif event == "2" and cantidad_pago < 0 : htmltext = "<html><head><title>PK info</title></head><body><font color =\"FF0000\">Primero pagame...!! son 0 adenas.</body></html>" return htmltext QUEST = Quest(QuestId,str(QuestId) + "_" + QuestName,QuestDesc) CREATED=State('Start',QUEST) STARTED=State('Started',QUEST) COMPLETED=State('Completed',QUEST) QUEST.setInitialState(CREATED) for npcId in NPC: QUEST.addStartNpc(npcId) QUEST.addTalkId(npcId)
  7. einai gamato re boy ty @@ den doulebi kapios mod na to klisi
  8. thelo na fenete poso kosmos einai ston server i player pou einai online na fenete to noumero ton atomon pano sto html tou NPC
  9. ok ty mipos theli na alaxo kai tipota ala #------------------------------------------------------------- # Skills config #------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow use Event Managers for change occupation # If you need change occupation only use quest then set this to False # Default = False AllowClassMasters = True # Life crystal needed to learn clan skills LifeCrystalNeeded = True # Spell Book needed to learn skills SpBookNeeded = True # Book needed to enchant skills EnchantSkillSpBookNeeded = True # Alternative skill learn rules: # - all classes can learn all skills # - skills of another class costs x2 SP # - skills of another race costs x2 SP # - skills of fighters/mages costs x3 SP AltGameSkillLearn = False <------- edw mipos theli tipota # Allow player sub-class addition without checking for unique quest items. AltSubClassWithoutQuests = False <------- i edw mipos theli tipota
  10. l2j server xrisimopio
  11. re pedia peste mou mia pou pao na balo to true gia na meni o clas master otan kano rr gt den thimame
  12. lipon paidia xriazome boithia kai prepi na katalabete gia ti milao alios papala tha gino oso pio analitikos mporo. Otan kano login ton char mou kai mpeno sto l2 o char perni mia diki tou optiki gonia kitaxte edw http://img852.imageshack.us/i/dsfsadf.png/ egw ti thelo na kano thelo na kano otan logari enas char na min fete me tin plati na kratai to heading pou eixe o char stin arxi gt molis kanis rr alazi to heading gt thelo na to kano omos auto gt exo kani Polymorph kai bgenoun ta npc me tin plati kai polemao na fixaro edo kai kati mines kai tpt ala afto einai molis fiakso afto tha einai ola mia xara mipos iparxi kanenas java Code gia afto plz re boydes thelo tin boithia sas euxaristo gia osous developer boithisoun ;D
  13. ty file auxaristo Panic* boithithika kai egw
  14. boydes thelo boithia se kati simantiko exo fiaksi ena npc na fenete se morfi apo char to thema einai oti otan kano to npc spawn to npc bgenis ala to spawn pou exi to npc einai idio me to spawn tou char otan mpeni sto l2 kano recall to npc me to head pou thelo egw ala afto bgeni efthia ti mporo na kano? prepi na bro enan code na kani to npc spawn eki pou kitao kai egw? http://img576.imageshack.us/i/shot00000cd.png http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/542/19381.jpg/
  15. euxaristo file gia to l2j it ekanes kali doulia
  16. re boydes kamia boithia plz se afto to topic
  17. re file ti meles tora koroidebomaste pos tha to fixaris afto efosos den einai mesa se eclipse les oti ebales ta sql xana kai den egine tpt e orea einai moufa to pack o filosou doulepse katholou ton server kai stin sinexia xalase i to katebase apo to 4shared kai bgazi afto to provlima kai kita re file an exis exi provlima me to l2 sou me afta pou blepo ola na ta perimeno
  18. fiaxto me ton code pou sou edose litourgi
  19. file kaste strose ton kolo sou kato kai mathe pos kanis compile edo sou exo ena CollectioN http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=164392.0 kai edw gia na mathis na kanis compile http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=145109.0 kai edo file tha bris ta kalitera project http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=150470.0 sto leo gia na exis ena kalitero apotelesma kai gia tin diki sou asfalia gt esi orizis tin prostasia tou server sou kanenas alos SOU SINISTO L2JSERVER kai ase ta ala ta psefto pack
  20. boydes thelo na mou pite pos mporo na kano kapia names na min mporoun na ta xrhsimopoihsoun i player tha mporousa na kanos char me ta names ala den goustaro na gemiso tin database me axristous char ta names den thelo na ta baloun gt tha ta xrisimopio se NPC sosta ;D
  21. euxaristo Justice tha to kitaxo
  22. gia to ipolipo pou egrapsa mipos xeris
  23. boydes plz help thelo na kano ston server mou na min petane ta item kato kai einai san skoupidopoli i giran kai i ales polis kai otan enas pextis skotoni ena Mob na ta perni sto iventory afto omos na ginete mono sta Mobs den thelo na ginete sta Boss dld sta Boss na ta droparoun an borite na help tha eimai eunomon
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