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Everything posted by mhtcakoc

  1. hahahaha nice share it's all wondefull !! thnx man ! keep working <3
  2. this is bad !! becaus when you are in pvp you can not target if it say the dmg !!! it's like an invisible wall ....... nice but not good :/
  3. LOOOL this is something COOL and something that miss from LineAge II thnx for share dude :D keep working :D Question: can you make it for interlude ? ?:)
  4. nice dual's !! can you create full AION weapon's for Interlud ??? thnx dude :)
  5. hahaha mono kai mono gia auto "Striptiz npc (spanio) to kanis spawn kai kani striptiz" to katebasa !! thnx rr ;D
  6. helllll gooooooooooood !!!! i like it !! en3rgik can you change it to interlud ?? thnx dude !
  7. gr8 share !! can you make them for interlud too plz ? :)
  8. niiiice niiice thnx for the armor ! ;)
  9. i like it and it will be gr8 Raid !!! thnx for share :)
  10. nice share !! keep working and thnx about it ! :)
  11. FUCK !!!!!!!! THIS IS GR8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thnx dude !
  12. nice share but you can do it better !! work it and thnx for share :)
  13. thnx about this weapo's !! keep working :)
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