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About zasmqniq

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Yeah i am so sad the project is down i think this is the best pack i ever saw really thanks to the devs and i think they shouldnt take the haters so hard dont do it you did a great job for sure! one big thanks to you! Anyhow i will continue to post fixes at the forum ofr the haters that you talk so no problem of that :) and please gyiz stop hate so much when you check something that is working and its good !
  2. Gyiz i figure out the shop problem was in my System when i changed it was all ok and wanted to ask how to add Points for the shop to the char.... cant find table in mysql...
  3. gyiz how to setup a GM Char i tryied everything and doesnt work....
  4. gyiz anyone can help with the client i just cant find a right system or editor for it just cant connect to my server i have runed it etc with good IP etc....
  5. gyiz can i ask you something i saw there are missing some of ai/ like the grandboss etc then how can they start when the player is in the layer is there any manager or something ???
  6. oh looks really nice is there anyway you can share the wings from 12?
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