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Everything posted by Dexeryl

  1. I have a SH 79 with good items to sell on Infinitel2. Payment by paypal only. Pm me for more info
  2. Ofc ur friends was alway with full buff dance/song + cov. Don't remember u but I remember ur friends well xD
  3. Man this topic is a copy of other forum that explain how to bot in rpg club with l2net. I send u the link by pm since I think I can't post the link here.
  4. hmm dunno why my post got deleted maybe because I posted other forum link ? anyway u can bot with l2net using almost the same method as on this topic http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=159668.0 And I think they just character ban you if they catch you.
  5. I think my first game was Mario64 on N64 xD And on PC it was Solitaire :D
  6. PES is way better imo
  7. Nice I was looking for a guide like this for those quest. I heard those quest are really nice for lvl up sub :p
  8. Chronicle not mentioned and it's very important I suppose this is gf+ chronicle so I would say WC / BD / SWS / CARDI / EE TITAN / 2 DAGGER / BERZERKER
  9. Voted C4. This is a great chronicle.
  10. Ok I just tried to log on x1000 server and it stuck when I am clicking on the server. So u are right , I don't know why it don't work. Did it already working ? if yes since how many long time it don't work ?
  11. Armor : Plated Leather -> Maj Light -> Draconic -> Dynasty -> Vesper Weapon : Go for 2h Weapon with focus sa for pve and 2h Weapon with health sa for pvp Element : I would go for Earth since this is the hardest element to farm and resist but if u can't handle his price u can go for Fire/Water. Main Skill To Enchant : Rush Impact + Element , Crush of Pain + Element , Disarm / Mass Disarm + Time and Violent Temper + Chance For mass pvp like he say spam next target/rush impact and u should use mass disarm too. About Dye i would go for +3str+2con/-5dex.
  12. Imo it depend if u have epic or not. If u have epic go for Elegia for sure else go for Morai because of stun resist.
  13. Mine was a PR male in Dex Server on C4 :D Good old time :p
  14. For the x1000 u must add this Ip : and Port : 7777
  15. l2walker script ?
  16. You can't ,this is a bug with the script in WPF. Just wait till ur ennemy flag and it should be ok.
  17. You need to add the server in WPF IP : Port :80 and don't forget to add the script rpg_script.fsc Then it should work but I don't think it will stay like this when the server will go live.
  18. I think x15 server will have the same antibot protection than theonline.ru actually because theonline.ru have the same files than rpg club and had the same antibot protection. I think they changed the packet so we will just need to change the script but they added another protection that block l2c/l2r too and I have no idea how to bypass it.
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