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Everything posted by xXObanXx

  1. ok maxtor loipon... egw exw etimo ena high rate server l2j H5, ton exo sxedon oloklhromeno... bebaia ama prosferthoun developers na me boithisoune tha kanw ta codes kalitera.... kai ama ginetai tha balw kiala gia na emploutiso ton server.... loipon o server mou einai o L2 FrozenHell... gia merikous mporei na einai gnostos... to site mou einai auto edw: http://www.l2frozenhell.com/ sto thema tou server eimai sto stadio pou brisko kai bazw areas san level up, farm kai pvp!
  2. Ok! the problem solved... the problem was in L2PcInstance.java that the system was not give the right updates! i want to said a BIG thank's to Erlandys that he was the only person that he added me on skype and he helped me to fix this! and he learn me and some things that i think the most people here you don't know!!!!!! Thank's Erlandys! Problem Solved! You can lock this topic! Again Thank's!
  3. i want to help me man! you think i don't know that is from mods? ofc i know it! but i want to help me to solve it! not just tell me who is the reason!
  4. hmmm.... i think you are right! i go to check it now! Edit: aaaaand no! is not from there! i check it with the clear UserInfo.java file and still doing the same things!
  5. read the topic better! that happens on every join... not only on character create! for example i join for first time, i give admin access to character, i go to giran for example, i level up to 85 level and i equip a weapon for example! after that, i make a restart and the player going again 1 level, on the same area (null coordinates and near Olympiad Stadium! i hope you understund where i mean!), dead and don't have the button "to village"!
  6. no... the only event's that i have is: tvt, tvt round, ctf, dm, monster rush, raid and town war! what do you mean w/e change?! xD
  7. Hello maxcheaters developers... so i extremely need your help about that problem! so my server is L2jserver H5 last revision... i have add VERY MUCH mods (events, codes, commands, etc.) so i don't know why but the character on every join on the server start on "null" coordinates, 1 level and dead (without "to village" button) the same thing happened and when the character is login for first time!(after create) and on every join the player is like before... but... if for example you will put a skill on the bar on anything else... it will keep it! so that means the character is updated... but something give that actions to player... (i already check enterworld.java and logout.java and i don't found something) so i need a good developer to help me please! add me on skype: hapor_345 or pm me here! Thank's! I'm waiting! Edit: When the character is going on 3rd class transfer, he permanently crashed and shows that error: and crashed on every login!
  8. 1. i reinstalled mysql 2 times to see if is from mysql side the problem! but nothing 2. i do that... i make npc.sql, 5 files to make mysql to can take this!
  9. ok i made an other way that it works! i put the npc.sql file to other 3 .sql files and works perfect! but the question now is.... why it show me that error, when i was install the npc.sql and before and don't show me that error! any answer about that?!
  10. so... i have mysql community server (downloaded from here: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/) so i see this topic with that fix but it don't work on me... so as i see on this topic they edit the my.cfg. i don't have this file on the MySQL folder... i see some comment's and they said, they edit my.ini file... i have this file but on ths file don't have the options: wait_timeout = 120 or innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 120 and max_allowed_packet = 14M but... i find that options on my-innodb-heavy-4G.ini but i change the options from: innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 120 and max_allowed_packet = 14M to: innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 6000 and 20000 and max_allowed_packet = 64M but still don't work!
  11. What exactly i have to do here? the line is: (32227,32227,'Digler',0,'Master',0,'LineageNPC2.K_M1_master','15','25',70,'male','L2Trainer',40,'2444.46819','1345.8','7.5','2.7',40,43,30,21,20,20,0,0,'688.86373','295.91597','470.40463','216.53847',253,4,333,9646,0,0,30,120,0,1), there is no a syntax error... cause i tested it and with the clear npc.sql file from SVN and it give's me the same error! (cause on the other file i have input some npc's!)
  12. Hello everyone! so i use the last l2jserver H5 revision... so, i don't know why! but when i'm going to install the `npc` table in the database with all the npc's, it show me that error! Does anyone know WTF is this?!
  13. As i say .. i accept offers :) we can make a good deal !
  14. L2FrozenHell is comming with new server H5, new features and new website! 10 times better than old!!!
  15. ok i will say it one more time.... i found it on internet and i just shared it... if you want test it, if you don't just leave from this page.... and stop spam! no... on last man standing you have to survive and to make kills... if you will not die or you will die lss than 2 times you will stay on event! if you will die more than 1 or 2 times you canceld from the event! and the player who make the most kills will won!
  16. Ah didint know that... its ok i have not sell it.. i am the owner .. they cant ban me
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