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Posts posted by xXObanXx

  1. I understand that you mean good and want to do this, but i see nothing not done before. Hell i dont even think theres anything new we can do to make this game any better at all.

    for this reason i've made this topic... to give me your ideas to make a server for the best L2 experience

    if you have fantasy.. you can make a unique server and without put something more... all is about the build...


    what i mean? i will give you an example!

    L2 Pride... very old server, enough balanced, good staff and good developing..! but his build is just so fu.cking terrible... the only class you can farm good is the kamael... on cave of trials (farm area) any other class is a little bit useless... and you know why? cause the owner or developer has removed the effect of drain buffs like dance of the vampire.. and then the player is going for farm and cause without drain he is dying or going back to town all the time..! and that thing making the farm side to a very borring thing.!

  2. Hello maxcheaters..!


    so almost a month ago i've started making a high five mid rate server..!

    my target is to make not something very special and unique... but something good with many things to do and with a nice build from when a character start playing on server to the day that he will be full.!

    when i will make rework on the build of server and on some htmls (gmshop and buffer) i will open a test server about the balance, the farm, any bugs, etc.

    so... what i have on my mind?

    i want a normal server with not custom things on xp (i mean the player will level up normally from catacombs, necropolis or anywhere else) cause i want players to use as much as is possible more areas on the server.. (is good and funny to teleport around the world of Lineage)

    when the player will reach 85 level he will can farm on some areas i have put (easy farm, hard farm and party farm).



    i have something "special" about this part..! i think... when a player will start the game.. he will have the normal no grade armor.. when he will can equip the D grade armor i will have a way on GM shop to give his No grade armor and less adena than normal cost to buy the d grade armor... the same with C, B, A, S.

    S80 and S84 will not have this option cause on high level every player maybe want something different... like dagger want Vorpal... mages want Elegia, etc.

    the only custom thing that i have on my miind to put on the server is a custom armor (Ferrum) that it will have Improved stats of Elegia.. not something special... the armor is like an armor of GoD but with other color..! maybe not custom weapons except if i will put GoD weapons.. tattoos and others will not changed.. will give the original stats..! (i don't want to improve tattoos cause of "custom" stats and that will be drive to a good unbalance..!)

    GM will have on most categories, GM's items.. i mean he can buy every item from this category that exist on the server (like agathions etc.).


    Farm and PvP:

    i've already made an easy farm area.. (safe zone)

    i want to make a hard farm area (pvp zone)

    a party farm area

    and 1 or 2 custom PvP areas...

    about the pvp areas part, i want a pvp area that the players will can play pvp alone or with party and an area that parties are not allowed and propably if i will put this area, i will make it the players will not have their real names.


    Server's codes:

    i've already put these codes and system (is from change log file so i c/p)


    [18/9/2013] Cannot Trade while in Combat - OK! (restrict cause while playing pvp, the enemy was making trade and his enemy was stopping the attack)
    [18/9/2013] Restart restrict on TvT Event - OK! (player cannot restart or Exit from TvT event)
    [18/9/2013] PvP Related chat system - OK! [players need some pvp to speak on global, trade chat (shout chat: global chat | trade chat: territory's chat)]
    [18/9/2013] Stuck Subclass Fix - OK! (i've put a restrict on subclass cause from my experience i know that exist only 1 way to make a stucksub: you are killing a mob and you change to main class to get the skills)
    [18/9/2013] L2 Walker Protection - OK! (Old program but i've put it just for safe)
    [19/9/2013] Custom Title On New Created Chars - OK!
    [19/9/2013] Flagged and Combat players cannot use GK - OK!
    [19/9/2013] Disallow Tanks to equip bow - OK! [cause of many requests on my old server.. tanks are very OP with bows (in oly he can equip it)]
    [20/9/2013] Movement Flood Protection - OK! (just a little flood protection on movement requests. as many guys doing, we are pressing many many clicks to move.. with this protection you will still press the click but the server will get the request only if not in the protection limit: 400ms, 0,4 seconds)
    [20/9/2013] PvP Color System - OK! (just a smart color system, is good to have something special from other players like title color)
    [22/9/2013] Clan Skills without Restart - OK! (i tested that this code is not pack based and is annoying to restart.. so that action no more need!)
    [22/9/2013] Nerf Daggers & Archers while use Heavy - OK! (daggers and archers with Heavy armors are very OP.. so now with Heavy armor will deal only the 50% of their base damage)
    [23/9/2013] CTF Event - OK!
    [23/9/2013] Private Store Coin - OK! (players will sell with the server's custom currency on private stores. I've put that to make private stores more usefull)
    [25/9/2013] Mob Drop Preview Panel - OK! (this inform you the stats and the drops from a champion only by pressing shift + click on mob)
    [25/9/2013] Anti-AFK on TvT - OK! (a system that is checking the location of player every minute.. if the player is in the same location in 4 checks, he will be kicked from the game)
    [25/9/2013] .repair Voiced Command - OK! (by using this command you can repair a char by removing his shortcuts, keyboard configurations, moving his paperdoll items to invertory and teleporting you to Floran Village)
    [27/09/2013] Enchant Limit Before Ban - OK! (every player that will have an item over the limit)
    [29/09/2013] Cannot Enchant while Trading - OK!
    [29/09/2013] Player cannot drain HP from mobs while in flag - OK!
    [01/10/2013] Anti-KS mobs system - OK! (the player that will deal the most damage on the monster will get and the reward)
    [10/10/2013] Double Xp on Saturdays - OK! (i think this is very usefull and funny)
    [11/10/2013] MultiFuction Zone - OK! (maybe pvp restrict area)
    I have 3 npc until now on my server:
    1. Scheme Buffer
    2. GM Shop
    3. Gatekeeper
    I don't want to putcustom augument, symbol maker or subclass master cause is a mid rate server and i want to make it to use and the official npc!
    subclass masters are giving you the subclass only for their race.!
    Limits & Success Rate:
    Safe Enchant: +4
    Max Enchant: +16
    normal scroll enchant: 65%
    blessed scroll enchant: 85%
    Max Element limit: level 7
    Attribute Stone success: 50%
    Attribute crystal success: 40%
    I want Your opinion about my server and your ideas... for example: doesn't you like the server? do you want to see something more on developing side or in-game side? doesn't you like something?
    I will be glad to hear your feedback and your ideas that you think will do the server something unique and funny!
  3. Hello! guys!


    so before some minute i've installed the MultiFuctionZone by ^Wyatt.


    so i've correctly added all the code and on Die.java.... but this F@@@@ button doesn't want to stop appear on death... the edited code is here:

    _canTeleport = (cha.canRevive() && !cha.isPendingRevive()) || (cha.isInsideZone(ZoneId.MULTI_FUNCTION) && !L2MultiFunctionZone.revive));

    doesn't work...


    also i've tried to test by adding this command:

    if ((cha instanceof L2PcInstance) && cha.isInsideZone(ZoneId.MULTI_FUNCTION) && (L2MultiFunctionZone.revive == true))
    			_canTeleport = false;

    doesn't work -_-

    please help me with this annoying part...! i can't configure it on CTF too and my brain is going to be broken! :P

  4. Hello guys... so i decided to put my server files into Ubuntu..!

    so all were going well but.. when i' going to install the database it says this thing..



    Settings file not found: database_installer.rc

    You can specify an alternate settings filename:
    ./database_installer.sh config_filename
    If file doesn't exist it can be created
    If nothing is specified script will try to work with ./database_installer.rc
    # You entered script configuration area     #
    # No change will be performed in your DB    #
    # I will just ask you some questions about  #
    # your hosts and DB.                        #
    We were unable to find MySQL binaries on your path
    Please enter MySQL binaries directory (no trailing slash): 


    what have i to put to read the mysql?

    the directory of mysql is on opt/lampp/bin

    but it says without slash..!! wtf?

    i've tried to put:


    opt lampp bin



    ...... nothing -_-

    any idea?!

  5. Which devlin posted still misses sql queries and so. Try this one...




    Should work, u must add the line in MasterHandler.java to load the admincommand and modify your characters table adding customherotime field, at the end.

    The command should work like //admin customhero 30   -> 30 or any number (hero days) 0 to make it unlimited or without any number.

    i'm gonna test it now..! i will update the post if it works..!

  6. ^Wyatt..!


    am i putting this as a field?


    player.customherotime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()+2592000000;


    cause i have error on customherotime (Syntax error on token "customherotime", VariableDeclaratorId expected after this token)


    edit: i've made it like this:

    private long customherotime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()+456;

    and i have no errors... is it ok?!

  7. thank you my friend..!



    since i know where you got that idea from and i was dev there for a while i will give you a tip ;)

    in l2sexi there are 2 kind of heroes ...

    real one and

    fake one


    fake heroes just have the hero aura and the hero skills ;) in addition there are not real heroes ;)

    eg. their name will not be listed on olympiad manager...

    they are normal player with an aura and the hero skills ;)


    so you can easily remake one "VIP" system to a "fakehero" system ;)

    i know that..! but i think ^Wyatt's pack is something like this..!



    Well that was obvious and we told him that, just setHero(true) to make "fake heros", not a big deal  :rage:

    Btw @author I explained u how to do it, practically at all, u could try to do it instead of waiting for someone to give it to you already done  :rage:

    you are right... i will try to put your code and if i will couldn't, i will check the other shares..!


    btw thank you all of you.!

  8. Its neither easy nor oh so hard to be made, none is gonna give it to you for free by the way. If you want it send me a pm

    will you give it me for free? :D



    You can add one filed in characters table like "customherotime" (long) then you can create a variable in L2PcInstance with the same name, make it default -1, then you must add that variable in the UPDATE,RESTORE,CREATE character sql methods of L2PcInstance.


    Finally you create a command that will change the variable value of X player to X time "player.customherotime = 0;" (0 unlimited for example) and your "player.setHero(true);" or whatever it's called in your pack. To make it 30 days limited, instead of making the variable value 0, make it like

    player.customherotime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()+2592000000;
    Then you must create a check inside EnterWorld.java like

    if(player.customherotime == 0 || player.customherotime > Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())
     player.customherotime = -1;
    If your server is restarting every day u would be fine, if not, u coul create a task every 2-3hours that will check all players online, using the check of enterworld, modified like

    if(player.customherotime != 0 && player.customherotime != -1 && player.customherotime < Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())
    player.customherotime = -1;

    hmm... thank you very much for your help... i will check it if i will not found someone to give it to me! :P




    I believe you could use my aio system as a base. Since everything that you ask is done, you just need to midify it a lil bit :P

    can you show me the link of this "AIO"? :)

  9. Hello Maxcheaters!


    So I need a code that i can make ap layer hero for a limited time or forever..!

    for example if i'll use the admin command //makehero forever [target] the player will become hero for ever..!

    and if I'll press //makehero 30 [target] the player will become hero for 30 days!


    I know i need a database table, a code on EnterWorld.java and a code in admincommandhandlers folder... any knowledge on how to create and merge those codes to make this thing i want? :D

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