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Everything posted by xTsili

  1. προσωπικά απόσους απάντησαν(και γενικά στο forum) ιδέα για το game pho (με τα κομπλεξ του φυσικά <3) vaxil (και καλά),dark slayer (λίγο) και ο βασίλης.όλοι οι άλλοι είναι στο amateur επίπεδο ακόμα.
  2. u remind me dps warwick,its the same thing.you go in with your ult (darkness for noct,supress for ww) and cause u have ONLY damage and you are close range fighter you are insta dead. What is more,ever tried to build noct with lattern (jungle OF COURSE),mallet,atmas,ghostblade and situational items?its not about the kills,its about the tanking,remember it.
  3. for real,is this a 1200 elo guide? full atk speed noct?for what? only 1 hp item in a close range bruiser like noct...come on son..
  4. corki,wins lane if you know how to play him,nerf doesnt hurt him a lot in lane phase.his ultimate is great harass+farm. Irelia,one of the top bruisers,but with the new metas not so viable for top lane gp jax gp,magewick can own her.still she can jump and own the enemy carry
  5. new twitch will be like new tryndamere,a bit stronger but will still die like the wind.come on.boring story,evelynn is interesting tho.
  6. you should be banned too then. one fight can decide a game. example:if the enemy carry is outpositioned and you get him down,you can fight 5 v 4 at nashor and turn the game,you should definetely stop leaving.
  7. akali is good in early/mid game.after minute 25-30 you will notice her power will stop being that big like before (usually people get M.R. then)
  8. i got 30 ranked leaves. OH WAIT.I HAVE 915 RANKED WINS AND 900 RANKED DEFEATS. despite this,who tactically leaves should be banned.
  9. heimerdinger.joking annie for ap. irelia for bruisers nocturne for junglers. sona for supports (epic steals with Q ;D) and imo vayne/corki for ad
  10. return post detected. irelia is squishier than GP,she may have her passive but if you exhaust her you can take her down easily,gankplank has his cleanse,and gives utility to the team,imo gp works better.(if not played by aecetia who lost his lane yesterday by a 15y old irelia)
  11. well,really interested in the first account.i can have money tomorrow.just need to ensure you will not give it away
  12. you see?:D i made you gather attention <3
  13. tbh gp needed it. swain got buffed.his healing was around 45-50% now its to 75 :D
  14. why dont you tell them rest of the story?:D
  15. there are no tanks in league of legends.since you can choose who to attack the word "tank" doesnt fit here.only if we count taunts in,but thats another story.in league of legends we got "initiators"
  16. if we had not i would have suicided,my fingers still hurt.pressing right click 635 times is not fun.
  17. i just had annie going in,dying and then shen and soraka were protecting me till irelia was suiciding :D
  18. farm farm farm ks ks ks thats how an ad should go :D
  19. i was tank cait in the beginning i had GA and banshees then sold it for mallet and bloodthirster :D
  20. Οι παίχτες & οι ομάδες είναι υπεύθυνοι για τα μεταφορικά και τη διαμονή τους. Παρακαλώ μην εγγραφείτε αν δεν είστε σίγουροι ότι μπορείτε να παραβρεθείτε στο event! Μόνο παίχτες από την Ευρώπη και την Αφρική έχουν το δικαίωμα να πάρουν μέρος σε αυτά τα προκριματικά. gtfo
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