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Everything posted by Dr3m0

  1. i know i play at mafia but not on stucksubs i play at 03(KvN)
  2. and i know mafia but half ppl is donate and other half ppl use bug
  3. as i say lf for interlude stucksubs server tell me if you know any server
  4. gia ta kala sub ston mafia fighter einai titan+pala+warcryer+tyrant+prophet
  5. :S i wanna find one stucksubs or c6 stucksubs server or faction server with many ppl online
  6. as i say i want a freya stucksubs or multiskills server tell me if you know any server
  7. bump 30 euro or items in another server
  8. yeah sry class adventuer and all skills is about +13-14-15
  9. Char have: Valakas +20 Baium +20 Elegia light +20 attr lvl 7 Mamba Edge +20 lvl 7 Elegia earing +16 and much other Over 200ppl + online Max is +16
  10. my char on l2pride have 1 sub 90 lvl healer 1 sub 91lvl adventurer items +20 dynasty dirks +22 dynasty bow +20 dynasty blade plastic hair dynasty celestian tier 2.5 +17 and all other set +17-18 4 glit 2 dynasty jewels +17-18 other rb jewels from shop +20 4 glittering medal and some other items leave your offer
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