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Everything posted by CraZy*™*

  1. no website?
  2. hello, I have a question.... I have a NPC on my server , that you get clan Points and Clan lvl 8... But the problem is you can get only one time Clan points to one Clan. How I can make it , that you can get how much times you want Clan points`? Here is the _init_ I hope some one have better knewlege on scrips then Im, and can help me :) Thanks
  3. okay I found it.. on Navicat , just set on price to 0. Topic can locked
  4. hello mxc.. I want on my server that when I sell Items on GM shop, that you get 0 adena for selling. Everyone know how? Please tell me than , Thanks.
  5. check: Lineage II/system/systemmsg-e.dat
  6. cool helms :) keep sharing , thanks
  7. close the topic!! Download not working.
  8. sorry, yes Its for Interlude.
  9. Hello. I will share my first Client Mod.. I know nothing special but I will share it :) Maybe you like it and want add it on your server ;) Credit: me :) Download http://www.4shared.com/file/jViTiSb6/IcarusBow.html Screenshot
  10. ofc... In inventory I see this Icons... just not in GM shop
  11. Test for IL.... but I think Its work for all chronicle.
  12. Hello Guys... I will add new armor on my GM shop, but I see only Black Boxes...:/ If you know whats are wrong, please say me , Thanks Here is a Screenshot:
  13. $dbserver="???"; $dblogin="???"; $dbpass="???"; $dbname="???"; What I must write there?
  14. Hello, I'm glad to present my shot effect... Install: copy the soulshot.int in your system folder. -====Screenshots=====- Soulshots [s-Grade] Spiritshots [s-Grade] -====Download Link=====- http://www.4shared.com/file/Udd1vmy9/Shots.html Credits by me
  15. serverl2, stop spam poste.... anyway, criticalerror again a nice work
  16. sorry for double post, but upload again this shields please
  17. verryyy cooool :) thanks for this nice mod
  18. looks very nice, thanks for share
  19. Update the download link!!!
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