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Everything posted by ~BadBoy~

  1. Interested,add me on msn : high-serv@hotmail.fr
  2. I'm interested to buy it,add me on msn: high-serv@hotmail.fr
  3. I would like to buy the package. Contact me via msn please, high-serv@hotmail.fr
  4. Hello everybody, i share you a new version of L2 walker OOG. It works on Gracia CT1,CT2,epilogue and Freya. Link download: http://www.mediafire.com/?cay3run2x6a62l0 Install : 1:Open the .exe 2:After installation finished, open it 3: Fill the informations of your Bot 4: Open Lineage2.exe and start the program! Have fun and see you in game;)
  5. Hello everybody, i have discovered a software from a friend called L2videoG It's a software wich allow you to make your owns videos while playing on Lineage2 ( i did not try on other games but i think it works). It's not complicate to use and the quality is very high. You can also choose in the options, low-medium-high quality. You just need to open the software and press on the start button. It will record your L2 window and when you want to stop it (press "stop"). Setup guide: 1: Download the software here http://www.mediafire.com/?cay3run2x6a62l0 2: Open the .exe 3: After install finished, open it and enjoy! :) A thank is welcome :P Good luck and Have fun!
  6. really nice i like it ^^
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