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Everything posted by stoukas

  1. As title says, i'm currently trying to get some money so i am selling everything i have since i don't use them anymore such as my steam acc or WoW Account. Some information about the account... Level 85 Priest Twlight's Hammer EU. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/twilights-hammer/Necrotika/simple 366 iLvL Disc geared, 13k gold. This priest is since lvl 60 so you can find in the bank full t1 to t10,5. :P In WoTLK i decided to start PvPing. Dual talents,310% flying speed learned and the most epic mount she have is bloodbath and Rusted-Proto Drake. Level 80 Rogue Twlight's Hammer EU. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/twilights-hammer/Spirtoulis/simple ?? ilvl :P lol...Subtley with dual talents, s8 geared. This rogue is from lvl 70 so he doesn't have anything special :P Only screenshots lol. Level 74 Warlock Twlight's Hammer EU. Can't type his name on this new vista keyboard pc :S it doesn't letting me change my language for a reason :O Nothing special here too, Dual talents, s4 geared 2k gold. Level 82 Paladin Genjuros EU. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/genjuros/Krila/simple This paladin was the most famous paladin in Genjuros. First of all, i have server first 10 man HC ICC. And Halius. 26k gold, dual talents 310% speed and ofc she is in quest items. You can find in bank 80 items. Dual talents. 73 Hunter Genjuros EU. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/genjuros/Darktaste/simple Nothing special, Dual talents, 280% learned. I'm selling this acc for 100 euro. I don't care how you will pay me, if you don't have all the money you can pay me every month. P.S The one which will buy the account, i will take a picture of my cd keys, photo id and stuff and i will send them to you so if you will have any problems with acc, you will be able to proove to blizzard that you are the real owner Contact info. Skype : Giwrgos.Liagkas MSN : Geo_Liagkas7@hotmail.com Added Armories.
  2. post then.
  3. It's not the same patch.... I changed it hours ago...
  4. They are fixxed, You have to download the Patch from website.
  5. Yeah, but the poster is GREEK, I'm their Web Dev and as u saw we was speaking GREEK. We was announcing all our news in Greek. Only main topic was in English.
  6. Ehm, the topic is GREEK. ;) And thanks for cleaning.
  7. Ehm can't you read that it's still new? It's like 2 days public.
  8. Wrong topic? lol what u mean :P And yeah, it's like the old athebaldt. We still have the dusk weapons but we have added vesper armor + weapon.
  9. bump.
  10. Yeah, it's removed now :P I was making a "test" site and i added Donator group but then the "test" forums became our main forums and i still haven't finished them yet :) there will be no donates since it's open for fun only :)
  11. Ok some more info. Server is really balanced. L2 Athebaldt team was testing all the items(Custom) they are really balanced. Duracell(Owner) bought a new domain cause the old one we was using was currently unavailable. Home Page : www.l2athebaldt.net Join us now :) We are waiting for you :)
  12. Most guilds can't let you take gold from guild bank so it's stupid that u told us that G Bank have 120k gold...so what xD
  13. Hello everyone. If someone is interested i'm selling my 2 VIP Accounts which i won from Arena Tournament's on Abyssal-WoW.com Some Information about the server. Location: Germany EU Patch: TBC 2.4.3 and Wotlk 3.3.5a Realmlist: abyssal-wow.com Players Online: 1200 - 2200 (2200 at nights EVERYDAY) Project Leader: Malaco Some information about my accounts. VIP Account. - VIP Accounts have GM Commands .teleport(So you can teleport to random places including VIP Mall where you get season 8 and ICC items for free). .gm ingame (So you can see which GM is currently online even if he is invisible) .appear (So you can appear to GMs,Players,Friends). ... And many more. You can also buy SPECIAL & EXOTIC mounts. (Only VIP accounts can) Screen shots of the account. Here you can see the free s8,ICC items VIP Mall. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------- I also have an account with a token which u can send to all ur chars on the account only but it's only for Season 8 and ICC items which means u can't port or portal or buy mounts. Only VIP can do this :) P.S I donated for the token account but after a while a tournament on this server came and i won the VIP Account with a TSG Combo 3v3 (DK,War,Hpala)
  15. Yeap, We will not have any donations so server will remain balanced. :) Thank you all for your great comments. P.S http://athebaldt.enarxi.gr/ is outdated. As Jimaras says we will open an Interlude not a freya server :) We will change the images soon ^_^
  16. Some Extra information. Our Home Page - > http://athebaldt.enarxi.gr/index.html is currently online. Our Forums - > http://interlude.enarxi.gr/ Duracell = Owner will soon get our old domain back which is... L2Athebaldt.com <--Home Page. L2Athebaldt.com/forum <-- Forums. Once we will move the forum's URL and our Home Page's URL we will let you know. ~Thanks :P
  17. Nice tricks :P oi perisoteroi ta kseroun alla gia ta newbs einai oti prepei lol xD
  18. I know rofl, that's why i said about thoose 2 that they aren't Rare.
  19. Fail, this is not a real Armory cause it doesn't list in the URL the char names & server name. Plus that fake armory doesn't even show up the gems gl noob :)
  20. 1 : Atm, Cata is out so Shadowmourne is NOTHING. 2 : Muradin's Favor (Shadowmourne quest item, turns you into a frost dwarf for 10 minutes) is not a Shadowmourne item. 3 : Rusted & Plagued Proto Drakes are not Rare....
  21. Bump :)
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