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Im looking for pax jax or singed on eune. PM ME !
Recruitment is still active, looking for people who have a lot of energy and enthusiasm to work on the server. After a long time we want to activate the x666 server. Due to the fact that I do not have so much time to care for and keep the forum to answer all the questions. Thats why we are looking for new administrators. Preferred person with a lot of time and an additional advantage is good knowledge L2j files. As always room in our ranks are for new GMs, Moderators, and Graphic Artists. Do you have a lot of new ideas? Eagerness to work? A lot of free time? WRITE! Maybe we are waiting just for you. Contact MSN: isInteger@gmail.com
SIEGE TIME : Siege of Oren: Sun Jul 31 16:00:00 Siege of Giran: Sun Jul 31 16:00:00 Siege of Gludio: Sat Aug 06 20:00:00 Siege of Dion: Sat Aug 06 20:00:00 Siege of Innadril: Sun Jul 31 16:00:00 Siege of Aden: Sat Aug 06 20:00:00 Siege of Goddard: Sun Jul 31 16:00:00 OLYMPIAD INFO: Olympiad End Aug 06 12:00 200+ ppl online
There are 3 Custom Raid Bosses with 24 h ( +/- 1 hour ) respawn time Drop list : Queen Ant Ring, Baium Ring, Core Ring, Certus Gold Coin. Drop list : Zaken Earring, Antharas Earring,Orfen Earring, Certus Fold Coin. Drop list : Necklace of Valakas, Frintezza Necklace, Certus Gold Coin.
Live server will be the same like beta
Its features our new Gracia Final OFF Server x25 Rates 25x - All Gracia Final retail features - All buffs (including songs/dances) from 1st and 2nd class available in npc buffer - All buffs from buffer npc got 1 hour time - Scheme Buffer (customizable buff list for character + summon for each subclass) - Spawn Protection with cool visual effect (works only when player teleports from a peace zone) - All items up to A grade available in Item Shops (S+ grade items available for pvp points / normal crafting / custom material exchange) - Max weapon enchant set to 16 - Max armor enchant set to 10 - Auto Loot working with all party types - Custom commands to disable/enable ability to gain exp - PvP Sytem (each time you kill someone that match requirements, you'll get +1 pvp point) - Offline Shop System - No clan penalties - Class Change Npc - Teleport Npc - DeLevel Npc - Custom events - Bot protection - Game balance addon (50% less dmg to RaidBosses from Frenzy users) - Flexible administration But remember at Friday (22/07/2011) we open Interlude x666. Visit our forum: http://forum.l2-certus.com/
Custom NPC's which You will meet at Your travel on L2 Certus World Sir Collin and Thifiell - First guys which You will see after creating your char on L2 Certus . Sir Collin will take Humans, Elfs and Dwarvs to LvL up zone, Thifiell will take the Orcs and Dark Elfs. You will see them 2 times first at start and second at the end of LvL up zone where they will take You to Giran once You finish training. Augumenter- This NPC will augument Your weapon and sell Gemstones/Life Stones. Buffer - This NPC will store Your buffs schemes and support You with magic (max 4 schemes per character). Battle Commander - This tough man will appear in Giran and invite all players ready for battle events. TvT start Time =8:00;14:00;20:00. CTF Start Time=10:00;16:00;22:00. Death Match Start Time=12:00;18:00;0:00. GK - This NPC will teleport You around world. Special Shop - This dwarf has all goods which every warrior needs Linda - This cute woman will give You noblesse status if You pay 40 Certus Gold. Ranking - This table will show You all top Fighters and Killers. Boss Manager - This NPC will show You the status of the Raid's in the world. Purple / Blue / Red Camp - In this tent players will come back to battle after death.
General Informations : * Interlude Server Supported * Rate : XP : 666x - Adena : 666x * Working Interlude skills * Custom like skills for balance * Working clan system (Academy/Sub units/Clan Skills/Reputation Points) * Debuff bar working. * Enchant Rate: Safe: +3, 66% to +10, Max: +16 * GM Shop with B/A/S items * Global gatekeeper * Skill auto learning * Offline shopping system * No deleveling bug * Bugless geodata * Active staff * Vote reward system * Most of the teleport spawn are safe * Armor penalty (it will set penalty to player for wearing unsupported armor ex. dagger wearing heavy armor) * Custom enchant item system * Custom pvp title color system * PvP Reward system (will transfer custom item from victim to killer it they will match lvl requirement) * Custom client/server side protection system checking client version and preventing dualboxing and hacking * Custom Territory * Events: Capture the Flag, Team vs Team, Death Match Olympiad Informations : * Interlude Olympiad system * The olympiad period is 2 weeks * Olympiad is from 20:00 to 00:00 GMT+1 everyday * You need 9 match and 1 wins to be eligible to hero * You can check the hero and olympiad period Buffs Informations : * Scheme buffer * Custom buffer (allows player to save buff list for each subclass, custom buff time) * 24 Buff and 10 additional debuff slots * 3 hours normal buff * 3 hours dances and song * 3 hours prophecies and COV * Cat & Unicorn buff are with retail duration Farming Informations : * LvL Up custom story At the start location You will find a Gatekepper who will present a story and will take You to lvl up zone. There are two of them: first for humans, elfs, dwarfs and second for orcs and dark elfs (both are peace zones) * Custom Raid Bosses This Three Raid Bosses will drop epic jewells and clan skills items, information about their location will be posted on forum * Bosses with customised drops * Custom farming system * Custom economic system * Higher grade life stones droped by the bosses * All location will be know on the start of the server Server Specifications : * Processor Model: Intel Bi Xeon Quad 8x 2.00+ GHz * RAM Count: 8 GB DDR2 * Hard Drives: Intel SSD X25-M 2x 80 Go & SATA 2 2x 750 Go * Internet Connection: 1 Gbps * DDOS Firewall: Physically & Hardcoded OPEN DATE: 22 JULY GMT +1 +/- 2h http://www.l2-certus.com http://forum.l2-certus.com/
[L2OFF/C6] - Interlude Extender Vanganth/Kation Extender
Integer replied to pdc58's question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
vanganth@hotmail.com Here u can find support for for those files. -
Share [SHARE] Vanganth/Kation Extender 13.05.2011 (Cracked)
Integer replied to Hazel's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2OFF]
You forgot about this http://www.fotka.pl/profil/Smuggler :D Don't worry Shakal, you'll have your time. -
We are like a phoenix, when we die, we resurrect stronger. After leading a pretty successful project for over 6 months, we are ready to create a server which will be a even bigger success than our first one. We will be using L2OFF files to make the game experience even greater. L2Asylum is a network of 2 servers, one Gracia Epilogue ( low rate ) and one L2OFF interlude ( still thinking about the rates, you can vote for your favourite on our forum poll ). Both servers will go alive in the end of March or the begining of April. We will have BETA phase which will probably start in the middle/end of March. You can join our forums to make new friends, find a clan,vote in our polls and of course, to be part of the community . :) A few days ago was made a decision by Administration (ex. L2 Assassin & Dementia), to merge with the Server L2 Certus. From today, a project will change his name to the Asylum Network. For players, we will be able to offer a second server, taking off on another chronicle, and led to a different kind of players. Also, we hope to join the team, experienced people working before in Server Certus, allow us to ensure the game more stable and better level. http://www.l2asylum.com & http://www.l2asylum.com/board NOTE : All the features below are for the Interlude L2OFF server. General Informations : * Interlude L2OFF Server Supported * Rate : We are still discussing them on our forums. There is a poll running where you can vote. It will stay till 12th of March. * Working Interlude skill * Working clan system (Academy/Sub units/Clan Skills/Reputation Points) * Debuff bar working. * Enchant Rate: Under discussion * Global gatekeeper * TVT event * Skill auto learning * Siege report system * Offline shopping system * No deleveling bug * Bugless geodata * Active staff Olympiad Informations : * Interlude Olympiad system * The olympiad period is 1 month * Olympiad is from 20:00 to 23:00 GMT+1 everyday * You need 9 match and 1 wins to be eligible to hero * You can check the hero and olympiad period Buffs Informations : * We will decide the buff slots/duration of each buff, once the poll regarding the rates on our forum end. Farming Informations : * All location will be know on the start of the server Server Specifications : * Processor Model: Intel Bi Xeon Quad 8x 2.00+ GHz * RAM Count: 12 GB DDR2 * Hard Drives: Intel SSD X25-M 2x 80 Go & SATA 2 2x 750 Go * Internet Connection: 1 Gbps * DDOS Firewall: Physically & Hardcoded The features will be updated once the polls on our forum end. Best Regards, - L2Asylum's Staff.
WTB [WTB]Addon for Vote Reward System
Integer replied to Tilllate's topic in Marketplace [L2Packs & Files]
Pm me for more informations -
Hello, This saturday clan vs clan event will be held by me - Kiefer. It will be a tournament. The maximum participating teams are 4 , which means that the first 4 clans that apply will be able to join in the event. Who vs who will play will be decided by rolling a dice. We will put numbers on the participating clans and for example, clan number 1 will play vs clan number 2. Rules : Elixirs,MP pots,HP pots,CP pots are allowed. Salvation and ressurection are allowed also ( no matter if it is a scroll or skill ) . The maximum of bishops per party is 2! How to apply? Make a topic in this section with your clan name and who will be leading it on the event. You must wait until you are approved by me. Reward? The reward will be a boss jew of winners choice. The event will start at 20:30 GMT + 2 ( 01.01.2011) in the coliseum. If a clan doesnt show up before we've closed the doors ( at 20:30), it will be kicked from the event.
explain? We work hard to finish our works