I am interested in the part "now you must get people to download it".
I am trying to do so with my own crafted program. I want GM to run it but got no idea how i'll do that ..
I'm not using any keylogger,
But here is a tip : Client holds username and passwd in Process memory, use ReadProcessMemory() if you want to read it.
Anyone, i'll try to get some more information on ".exe joiner"
Good luck
I am working on this server as well.
I found a way to modify packets but not 100 %
For example : I buy HP pot from shop > edit packet i buy soulshot instead
But I can't send custom packets build from scratch yet.
I am working on a program to do so
If anyone is interested contact me
Did anyone ever try to use this ? >.<
Packets get encrypted by the client. The ones you are sniffing with WPE are already encrypted
So if you would copy a packet and resend it server would disconnect you because it hasn't the right encryption.
If you really want to edit packets and LPHX is not working for your server try to use OllyDBG
~regards >.<
I want to make this lphx work on my server
My server has a protection that checks all loaded processes for lphx.exe inject.dll and so on
NP there, i patched it (hint : RE)
So now i can open lphx and my client without both getting closed.
But lphx can't seem to find a connection
Here is a small logg:
19/03/2009 11:06:41 Server Thread Start: Thread[0].SH 348/1840 SSock=340
19/03/2009 11:06:41 Client Thread Start: Thread[0].CH 324/1296 CSock=352
19/03/2009 11:07:12 Disconnect Client: Thread[0].CH 324/1296 CSock=336
19/03/2009 11:07:12 Client Thread Exit: Thread[0].CH 324/1296 CSock=336
19/03/2009 11:07:17 WSA error 10054/336
19/03/2009 11:07:22 WSA error 10038/336
19/03/2009 11:07:24 WSA error 10038/336
19/03/2009 11:07:26 WSA error 10038/336
19/03/2009 11:07:30 WSA error 10038/336
19/03/2009 11:07:33 WSA error 10038/336
19/03/2009 11:07:33 Disconnect Server: Thread[0].SH 348/1840 SSock=340
19/03/2009 11:07:33 WSA error 0/340
19/03/2009 11:07:33 WSA error 0/336
19/03/2009 11:07:33 Server Thread Exit: Thread[0].SH 348/1840 SSock=340
19/03/2009 11:13:57 Server Thread Exit: Thread[0].SH 348/4992 SSock=332
19/03/2009 11:14:33 Connection on it is skipped (interception is switched off)
19/03/2009 11:14:48 Connection on it is ignored
My server is using custom C5 files.
When i change way of implementation to reserved , i can intercept the connection
but when trying to logg in i get this error :
OS: Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
CPU: GenuineIntel Unknown processor @ 17602 MHz with 1022MB RAM
Video: NVIDIA GeForce 6200 (7813)
General protection fault!
History: NConsoleWnd::RequestAuthLogin <- NCAuthWnd::OnLoginBtnClick <- NCButton::OnClickButton <- NCButton::OnLButtonUp <- NCVirtualWndMain::PassToFocusedWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::PassToFocusedWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::PassToFocusedWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::DispatchWndMsg <- NConsoleWnd::DispatchWndMsgX <- NConsoleWnd::MasterConsoleEventProcess <- UEngine::InputEvent <- UWindowsViewport::CauseInputEvent <- UWindowsViewport::UpdateInput <- UViewport::ReadInput <- APlayerController::Tick <- ALineagePlayerController::Tick <- TickAllActors <- ULevel::Tick <- (NetMode=0) <- TickLevel <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
Anyone can help me ?
Someth i found on developpers forum :
"its about doing trade, teleport, then come back and then cancel trade.. then the 2nd guy restart and then trade again and move stuff over slots.. its somehow this way.. if we have a way to cancel trade while teleport, then it would be great"
Seems like there is a trade bug found.. happy searching ,)
I am going to try to make an application for the L2j servers.
Decompiling the .exe and take a look at the enchant methods.
Does anyone have experience with decompiling ?
Send me PM.
Hi all,
We all know that wow packets are getting encrypted, some partially some in total. In the past we could mess around by filtering some packets and modifieng certain slots.
What if we could really get to the packets before they get encrypted? It would offer alot more fields to test wouldn't it?
Well, ollyDBG is a program that reads the assembler of ur comp. I have small experience with this program and I am looking for some1 to find out more about it.
I don't know for sure where i should place breakpoints, at what specific adresses.
I know the lines must look like : PUSH EAX and CALL wow.xxxxx but I find many of these.
How can i know where to place a Breakpoint? Do i have to test all of those lines?
Greetings ;)
Hi all, it has been a while,
I am looking for a rootkit program to hide OllyDBG. Tried the net but no good results yet.
This can help alot of people who have to deal with AC programs, so please share some with us.