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Everything posted by Hli4Snet

  1. yparxi programa na anebazis views alla xrisimopihei proxy list .. kai ama kseris kai ligo apo programatismo paradigma egw asxoloume me vb.net mporo na ftiakso ena tetio.. alla entaksi prpei na psaxnis ligo to 8ema na bris polla active proxy lists ....
  2. Hli4Snet


    mporis na kanis paypal xoris na balis pistotiki apla den 8a einai vertified alla 8a mporis na pernis lefta kai na plironis alla 8a exeis limits..
  3. i would also like a section for coding.. programming.. etc.. as i have in the Guides - Tutorials and OffTopic section already some members trying to post things like tutorials for visual basic etc...
  4. ontos apo tote pou eklise to troktiko exoun aniksi alla 100 blogs sna kai afto..
  5. OMM all the links are dead exept from one..
  6. [gr] egw exw ftasi sto 217 ws twra :P 8a sinexizo ta ipolipa meta tis dikopes :P
  7. Can Someone lock it please ? beta period ends and Sky Booter is on sale: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=165448
  8. no one else have it .. only the 3 beta testers have it and me..
  9. i will add for my booter more shells.. after i come back form my holidays :P i have start my booter from yesterday and so far i have 114 shells...
  10. no its not free.. and about the cost i haven't diside yet the price but it will be low.. don't worry about that...
  11. oups soz i have forgot that way :P this is the 1% for this forum because i am sure that the most of them there don't know what a shell is etc... I have thought as i have see the most guys in here use simple upd atackers flooders... etc.. and they think that they can down a website... and the only think they do is just to block the site from their pc for some seconds-minutes..
  12. a0ox0oa yeah yeah.. hmm this like 99% fake why you haven't check at http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ so you can show a proof or to keep down the offcial lineage2.com for like 5-6 minutes or just 1 minute but someone to check it.. the time you say thats its down.... as i can see this is only you... because thats simple or you have use other type of attackers like upd, send packets.... etc... and those attackers don't take any effect... the only think they do is just to block for a while the site you have attack on your pc... thats why i am testing them on http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/.... just to be sure they are down... or an other way is you to say lie for sure you have just edit the hosts files and block the site only from your computer.... PS: sorry for my bad english i hope you have understand...
  13. you have late to come.. i have already found three beta testers...
  14. i am sorry but there are no empty places for any other beta tester...
  15. one good part of my app is that you don't need to have any fast internet conection to get down a website....
  16. i have test it on the three top server in l2.hopzone.net to the: L2Dubai AdenaGate l2sexi aa i have also test it at the past on White Eagle when i was still making tests....
  17. i haven't think the price you will learn more when i will make Sale topic for my app...
  18. look guys i will not do your requestes to shutdown servers or websites anymore.. i have already prove that it works... so when i sell my app you can buy it and then you can shutdown every website - server you want...
  19. aproved !!! talk to me in msn for more info...
  20. but you have see the proof that i have shutdown this website right ???
  21. i don't see this to be fake as i can see the site works for me and also the downforeveryoneorjustme check it and it also says that its up...
  22. i don't really know maybe today or tommorow because i have test it on many sites and l2 servers and as i have see the my app works great...
  23. ok i have stop the attack it will be ok now... about .webs i don't think because webs is a compnay and they have many users etc.. so they will have big protection...
  24. i don't attack on l2dominion.eu because i have make his website and i have also blackliste his website ip.. and about l2-survival.net Down http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/l2-survival.net
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