seems you dont know anything,
the only reason which peoples love-use l2jbrasil is the facking plenty of useless customs.
If you think that the customs make the server,you'r false.
Dont compare these 2 projects,
first of all tryskell is alone(as dev) - > l2jbrasil got 4-5 developers as far i know
second 1 commit for tryskell aka acis - > 10 commit for l2jbrasil
third acis is just one month open - > brasil more than year.
έδωσε γύρο στα 60+- ευρό για 8 καρμα και vip
κάνει shares χωρίς credits έφαγε -1 κάρμα,μέτα share warez άλλο ένα -1
και μετά συνέχισε να κάνει share χωρίς credits και έφαγε ban απο τον κώστα,καταλαβαίνεις πως ε ><
οh come on,guess its eazy to understand !
Beacuse of the crap customs,thats why all "newbies" start with these crap projects such as brasil-teon etc,etc.