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About Zaylen

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    "Smecsy! "

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. I'd like to get an invite, thanks in advance
  2. You were in shock nothing to worry about I get this pain very often, well if you want to know more search on google for hypnagogic state, hypnoparalysis or REM sleep thats the main cause of the pain, your body was paralysed so you couldnt move like youre moving on your dreams
  3. Hello there I just want to buy guild wars 2 account don't care about the characters the problem is that I cant buy with money So I can give you a steam account with CODMW2, darksiders 2, dota 2, LOL EUWEST 29 lvl account WOW EU account with druid level 85 maybe all of them for a guild wars 2 account? :not bad:
  4. im still 20 lv so im 0 euros till now, but i guess in the future ill throw some euros to get soem skins or even some more champs, =]
  5. Me gyalia einstein Xwris merlin monroe =]
  6. Stop playing since Hellbound client and then that gracia shiat.. -.- I miss the old c4/5 times =]
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