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Everything posted by xa0

  2. pigente chambions league na peksete me tin barca kai meta miliste elefthera alla apo ti stigmi pou ute kan europa league den pigate eiste gia lipisi.me liga logia tipota kalitero den exete na kanete?
  3. enoeis tin epernes mati se kathimerini vasi?
  4. to lineage 3 tha einai sinexia tou kosmou meta to 2012
  5. yes but i want free acount
  6. i want free acount.
  7. 'Χρυσές στις καρδιές μας' Aftos o titlos exei kourasi.
  8. http://actiondistrict.com is this a private server?
  9. ola gia ta lefta ginonte akoma na to katalavete?
  10. xa0

    [GR] COD 4 MW

    vlakies les,den xriazese ute xfire ute tipota,enan keylogger thes mono gia to pexnidi,kai na vreis cracked servers. meta apla kanis connect ston server.
  11. ego eipa oti den to dino me mu eskisan tin blouza me ton sougia....
  12. lmao.
  13. otan tha erthun 2 atoma ston dromo me maxeria esy san eksipnos pou eisai ti tha ekanes?
  14. xa0

    [GR] COD 4 MW

    keylogger kai tha mpenis mono se cracked servers.
  15. wow-->http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/worldofwarcraft/review.html lineage2-->http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/lineage2thechaoticchronicle/index.html?tag=result%3Btitle%3B1&tag=stitialclk%3Bgamespace aion-->http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/aion/index.html?tag=result%3Btitle%3B1
  16. ego?panathinaikos? ti doulia exo ego me ton panathinaiko?
  17. ego?den thimamai na exo peksi kana match me ton paok...
  18. kia gamo tis amines o paok pantos.
  19. xa0


    no meng
  20. xa0


    we dont give a fuck about some of you,go in a chat room if there is so big need to talk
  21. bravo agori mu eis anotera.
  22. άκουσα πως ο ολυμπιακός του χρόνου θα πάρει chambions league,αληθεύει?
  23. you problably dont know what masterpice means.
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