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Posts posted by Sinova™

  1. 1rst who says That There is no Here Working GK For Freya?


    dear *NeverMore*, every GK for Freya i used from MxC doesn't work completelly due to html codes.

    I mean that most of people took the html from mageserver/data/html/admin/teleports.

    But this way doesn't work for a simple player without master access level.

    Also most of them don't have the teleport.sql completelly finnished.

    Thnx even for your reply. You are welcome :)

  2. Hello people!

    Are you bored of freya gk's that don't work due to html, or the uploader forgot the (@#$#@) teleport.sql ?

    Don't Worry anymore!

    This Gk works perfectlly and has no bugs. What do i mean?

    Most of freya Gk's html writed with the classic admin command and not with the correct id from teleport.sql. But this doesn't work at normal players, only for admins.

    Next, if the Gk's html writed with the correct id from teleport.sql, the sql file doesn't has all the coords (X:,Y:,Z:).

    Here i'm posting a GK created by Dev-Geo* from B-M-G server (so gredits to him) and works perfect.

    Enjoy! :-)



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  3. Hello guys. In this topic i would like to post a review of Wizard101, a fantastic game of action, education and friendly communication.

    This game is created by KingIsle Entertainment, Inc.











    Best Regardz,           



  4. Hello guys. As my first tutorial i thought to share with you some of my php knowledges!

    So here we go :).

    basicly to create a PHP website we need a notepad , a notepad++ or a Dreamweaver (or any other programm you desire).

    Just to know PHP well it's a language based on HTML and its tags. (mostly .. with some addons)

    Some main reasons to start a PHP website are: It's protection, PHP websites can't have their source code viewed by the explorer or get riped (many times the Ripper** Programm is downloading the PHP files as HTML..). It's eassines.., easy to learn eassy to code.. like HTML.


    Now to get started you need to open your editing programm.

    Now for a basic knowledge PHP codes are usually placed in a

    <?PHP  ?>

    tag. Every word or code that gets typed in those tags  is considered as source code.

    Now a basic code is this:

    <?php $title = "Hello!"; ?>

    Now if you type in a page.

    <?php require 'configfile.php'; ?> <title><?php echo $title?></title>

    it will type the text you typed in the php config file as page title.

    hm.. what else.. all the other tags are exactly like HTML.

    now if you want to get INTO PHP you need to learn some things.

    something i took out: What You Type Is What You Get (WYTIWYG). PHP is mostly logic thing.

    Now for example if you want to connect to a database you need a source code writen in PHP.

    $dbuser = "user";
    $dbpass = "pass";
    $dbhost = "localhost";
    $dbname = "database";
    $mysql_connect['$dbuser','$dbpass','$dbhost','$dbname'] or die(mysql_error);

    that's the code for a propper mysql database connection through PHP.

    Now to type a text that will be seen somewhere in the website in the config file you will place the text in "..".

    Every code you end MUST ALWAYS finish with a ";".


    Hope i helped even a little :)

    (Sorry if I posted a topic that was already posted by somebody else.. i didn't have the time to search :))


    Best Regardz,


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