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Everything posted by ISellMySoul

  1. WTS Nobless char MAIN: Ghost hunter sub1 Archmage sub2 Ghost sentinel Items: A sets MJl, NMl, Tal H, DCr +6 Doom light set +3 AS haste (augment active all skill refresh) +3 AS Crtd (augment passive physic skill clarity) +5 DB focus AM acu all for 30 € only with paypal pm when you intrested
  2. nilzuko is a scammer he use low lvl caracter to stole items with Mackee nick
  3. Bump & Roll ( before someone screaming Double Bump, yes I know it was my mistake sorry, but I'm not in the same time zone with the server, it will never happen again)
  4. WTS Nobless Kamael Doombringer lvl 79 / lvl 65 sub with Draconic set lvl 77 Fenrir with top equip + lvl 56 kookabura +4 A cp shirt 15 slot belt 16kk adena +common items 60€ (euro) (with PayPall) skype: b.thomas1988
  5. http://bfdr.eu/ I will sell my AQ ring +I give you MJ light set, Daemon dagger+cd and TT jewels 20 euro only mit paypal write pm when you intrested ALL ITEM SOLD
  6. what means 2/5 IC ? 3/5 TTs ?
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