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Everything posted by Max64

  1. No need to crack it :), just use the Old C4 serial generator, it works (cached one) :).
  2. Old version = crap, no matter if it doesn't show red errors or not, the problem is about the bugs and issues on the extender itself and on the C4 platform, plus newer versions of the dll are already shared and freely available.
  3. Updated First Post, Thanks Sighed at least you care to ppl while some other jerks that just 'speak' doesn't :). Hello Fyyre, nice to see you are around, tought you had disappeared.
  4. Lets see if our dear community friends, gonna do something about it or gonna just flame/cry. :D
  5. All the sql scripts you want are inside that file.
  6. Flamming is easy, anyways have your comments, the most important is that fred consumers know what he fixed or not, rest is just shit-chatting. ;) for mac : release then yourself, instead of flamming or throwing shit away since you are only capable of doing that, but when it comes to take an action you just hide in your cave. for anarchy : looks like you are a coder worse than i expected, that can't even compare hooks between rpg ext and other exts ;), if you are not that dumb, better to analyze things before saying shit ;). The cool thing is, since its just Mac/TD as always, flamming all is fine, because as the public can see, everyone else won't complain, word ;).
  7. its free yay : http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=210887.msg1818372#new
  8. free : http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=210887.msg1818372#new
  9. L2OFF - Gracia Final Release Mirror 1 : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZDTJT9VL Mirror 2 : https://rapidshare.com/files/1229992743/l2server_l2off_gracia_final_83.7z Shared Files by Members : AuthD + AuthGateD CacheD + CacheGFExt.dll L2Server + L2GFExt.dll NOTE: Using these extenders, lead the server to be unstable, they also contain a backdoor so use at your own risk. Have Fun :) Just 1 note, its full of exploits, bugs and have more problems than C4 PTS had, so use with caution, if you want a stable/good pack you can always buy something better for example at : http://www.depmax64.com ;) But for people that wanna test, make a server for some friends etc, should be enough ;) Don't forgot to say at least thanks nigs ;) and +1 Karma ;D
  10. and nice to see you copy paste from Fred's .INIs ;D
  11. Right the forum is here for we exchange our opnions in a respectful manner ;)
  12. Theres no reason for you be de-karmed. Also yeah as i told you, what they are selling is their own work, if you get clean files do all yourself and sell it its your own work, respect. If you base on their stuff (taking advantage) then you are scamming ;).
  13. He was not :D, you think he was heh. And again nobody said about "l2off files", read better what i said above.
  14. Fr3DBr, is a 'coder', he is teamed up with dvampire and he sells his "own team" work. So you were not doing the same, in any closer way, so yes you can be called as scammer since you was taking advantage on something that you didn't made. Other guys that do it in the same way are : Kation(Vanganth) and GuardEx commercially speaking, rest of guys that did like you can be only considered as scammers. Sure, "Oh they are selling l2off files now that i dont have", well eventually these files gonna be out, still they are not selling clean files are other noobs are doing, they are already selling their own work built in the top of it, so its different history, and its up to then if they will share the clean/off pack or not, Besides this nothing can be done, except waiting. So try to compare the things, selling something that you didn't coded, unless you are a official reseller this is scamming, since you cannot provide fixes, supports or anything for that customer, so he dies with the files he bought from you. And if you get the files, of course you can sell it, i just said once you get it you surelly will sell it as you always did.
  15. No i am none of then, altough i know both of then.
  16. Hard to believe, but okay lol.
  17. Eventually you will have it, so you can sell for 50 bucks to noobs.
  18. hahahaha booooooooooooooooooooooooombbbbb, the files have many exploits, dupes, crashes paying for then is bullshit :D, soon gonna be shared =D if you want something serious you must buy an good extender to cover all these problems :P.
  19. If you want something good, talk to Fred, he already made extender, is working on high five, and fixed all PTS bugs these files still have... and also fixed new dupes and crash exploits of then ! AdvExt64 FTW PS: I already use it in my servers, and yes works good.
  20. So you are a fred fan huh? nice try loser, ;0
  21. Rpg-Club GFEXt.dll do not patch the known exploits anyways, its just a blank extender made in asm to handle like 1,2 fixes for rpg-club, patching the other dupe exploits and crash exploits still requires more extending. Rpg-Club wasn't able to do this. If you want something good, talk to Fred, he already made extender, is working on high five, and fixed all PTS bugs these files still have... and also fixed new dupes and crash exploits of then ! AdvExt64 FTW http://www.depmax64.com
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