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  1. Nice work, and good choice of music! ;]
  2. Okay if you can box so many games you should be able to go Full-size and like 60 fps without laggs, I did it without lag so, and I usually just dual box so
  3. Well if you search in youtube about how to get the best quality in fraps there should be lots of videos, and if you got a slow pc its gonna lagg, but go with half-size and like 29,9 in FPS... try that :)
  4. I use fraps to record :) Its easy to use and if you know how to render properly you can get good quality! :)
  5. [Help] Okay so I don't know if this is the right place to put this or if its allowed, but its the GFX department so... However if its prohibited or wrong section just delete it! :) [Rate] Now for the content, I made a Youtube intro using Cinema 4D and some editing with Vegas Pro. Enjoy it in 1080p - Full HD!
  6. username: MuffmanHero
  7. wow, if it works it surly sounds nice!
  8. Welcome! :)
  9. agree, useful. Thanks for the share
  10. Great, thanks I love it.
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