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Everything posted by F.B.I™

  1. yy sure ;D
  2. [GR]re nooba m eprikses ta arxidia to kseris auto????
  3. [GR] yy m eprikse ta arxidia :-\
  4. [GR]re palio noob s ine new o server den katalavis??????????? [GR]www.the17heroes.tk auto den ine sovaro server?????
  5. ixa apandisi se olla kai 2:mboreis na mbenis s 100 servers mazi ???? etci lei sta posts
  6. diavasa ta olla re file kai gia auto ton ekana report ;)
  7. my is 100% uptime no close you no see this???? and i think i tell you somethink try after speak
  8. he no spaaming guys ??? i lie???
  9. he trying to explain on everyone on maxcheaters for this he was repported for spamming and yes i was see serious server with free domain i no like someone to write withoun to check what is
  10. you are spaming for this i will report you sure and i think i tell you somethink before you try no speak
  11. many people speak me that the server is good and the server is 100% uptime if want join then join before you speak is no good ty
  12. 1: dude my server is same like 17 heroes 2: .tk is no domain?????? are you sure?????
  13. ok dude???? ;)
  14. why fail??????? if you no like it no play
  15. XP: 7000x SP: 10000x Party XP: 150 Party SP: 150 Adena: 1000x Euro(s): 1x Items: 1x Spoil: 1x ..:: Enchants ::.. Instant: +350 Max with Euro(s): +400 Max By Dragon Balls: +500 +1 Costs (from +351 to +400): 200 Euro(s) +350 Costs: 2kkk Adena TO JOIN www.l2blackages.tk
  16. vale mia pic na doume etci den mboro na s help :-\
  17. 4981
  18. 4960
  19. how can i make this www.l2blackages.tk >>>>>> Like This BlackAges
  20. nice website keep it up :D
  21. welcome to maxcheaters ;)
  22. 4894
  23. ok ty guys that was hapefull :D
  24. 4881
  25. i think if you put 1024 will be fix this if no reinstall java :D
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