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Anima L2F

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Anima L2F last won the day on March 23 2020

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About Anima L2F

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    L2F Admin

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  1. Thank you for your suggestions, your point of view matters to us, we will work hard to improve our server!
  2. SERVER IS ONLINE! Welcome to everybody, enjoy your stay. http://acp.lineage2forever.org/ https://lineage2forever.com/ https://www.mediafire.com/file/2bcrokn5vk1impd/L2Forever_Patch_March29.zip/file If you get the message "incorrect password or account" make a new account on acp.lineage2forever.org
  3. 2 more left
  4. Great video you got there, see you in game! ^^
  5. It is remarkable to see how many new faces are joining us on this trip, or as I called it, the 10 years reunion. :) few days til launch, lets see how many we will gather
  6. welcome, welcome, join discord guys we are not many but seems we are only family members inside, lets grow bigger together :)
  7. Platinum armors and Forever weapons will be available perhaps after 7-14 days it's up to community how fast they evolve. In donate we will have limited and decent donations at the beginning.
  8. Grand Opening 29 March 2020 Hour: 18:00 GMT+2 https://lineage2forever.org My pleasure to see all of you in game!
  9. Grand Opening 29 March 2020 Hour: 18:00 GMT+2 https://lineage2forever.org My pleasure to see all of you in game!
  10. Open Beta has begun Updater: https://www.mediafire.com/file/j3tut4r5lql8kf4/L2F-Updater.zip/file Register: https://ucp.lineage2forever.org/ Website: https://lineage2forever.org Discord: https://discord.gg/MH5TT5Z Join us, we have things to test!
  11. Open Beta has begun Updater: https://www.mediafire.com/file/j3tut4r5lql8kf4/L2F-Updater.zip/file Register: https://ucp.lineage2forever.org/ Website: https://lineage2forever.org Discord: https://discord.gg/MH5TT5Z Join us, we have things to test!
  12. https://discord.gg/MH5TT5Z
  13. Thank you! I fixed it, also download link is renewed.
  14. You are totally right, but in this case we are using the old scripts from L2F not the old extender. Of course we will encounter the boting issue. We will try to stay active enough to prevent this from happening. The exploits, duping programs are not working since we are up to date with the current extender we're using.
  15. Lineage 2 Forever - OPEN BETA 19 March 2020 20:00 GMT+0 Download Updater (Uploader is fixed!) Create Account Join the server! L2 Forever was the best mid rates PvP server back in C4 and C5 and we want to give players the same experience with Interlude! " Server Open on the April 2020! " For more information check the site at https://www.lineage2forever.org # Aprilon Dynasty rates * EXP: 35x * Adena: 200x * Spoil: 5x * Drops: 5x * Auto-learn Skills # New players * Start with top D-grade * Start at level 20 # Boosted area's * Execution Grounds (EG) [ 20 - 40 ] * Cruma Tower (CT) [ 40 - 52 ] * Lair of Antharas (LoA) [ 52 - 80 ] # Shopping Area * Giran Harbor (GH) is the place to be for all your trades and item needs! # Platinum Armors * Platinum Armors get dropped by raids, allowing everyone to obtain a set and not only donators * Many Raids all over the L2 world drop parts of the Platinum Armors # Buffs * Buff duration is set at 1 hour for normal buffs (Buffs and Songs / Dances) * Special buffs such as CoV etc are set at 5 minutes * Summon buffs such as Blessing of Queen etc are set at 2 minutes * Town Buffers in all main towns with standard buffs # Forever Items * Unique Forever weapons & armors # End game Farming Areas * Monastery of Silence and Primeval Island customized for group farm # Unique L2 Forever Augmentation system * We don't use retail augmentations, we use our own unique system and glows! # Other custom features * Global Gatekeeper * NPC Class Changer # Web Features * Auto Donation system (seconds after you donate the items will be in the inventory without any human interaction) * Account system built with security against brute force and account stealing * Character honorary banners to show off your combat skills! For more informations check the site at https://www.lineage2forever.org
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