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Posts posted by okkiedokkie

  1. new to lineage 2 ah?

    well you should pay a visit to lineage 2 general discussion!


    You will find the client for free, you dont need to buy it.


    check some videos on youtube , try some private servers and if it suits u then buy it.


    I did that, so I think I'd like it. I saw that the version for purchasing has some expansions, so I'm thinking about staring in full mode :)


    Thank you for the replies... I'll think about it a bit more.

    [oh boy... i "think" a lot  ;D ]

  2. Hey guys... I was thinking about buying a game, and what caught my eye is Lineage® II: Gracia™ Final

    What do you think about the offer? I have Steam for some time now, and now they support Paysafecard as well, which is great, cuz I have some extra to spend.

    I never played Lineage before, but I heard great things about it... so I wanted to check with the Pros  ;)

    I enjoy games like Oblivion, Prince of Persia, Requiem: Memento Mori and stuff like that.

    Thank you in advance :)

  3. Hey There!

    Just wanted to recommend this great book in case any of you can read croatian and/or German (so far the book hasnt been published in English) and if you guys are looking for a fabulous book for your g/f!

    From Barbie To VIbrator by Ana Tajderhttp://www.tajder.com/

    It is a funny, well written and feel good book!

    check it out!!!


  4. I would be interested to know what everyones opinion is as far as the iphone 4 is concerned?

    I have heard it has a few quirks and problems... is the rumor true?  It hasnt come out here in Europe yet so i am wondering whether or not to get it when it does...?


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