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Everything posted by Dask

  1. 113 cs are still not that much, you should have about 130-140 in 15-20 min. But i guess you're not good with last hitting or what? :D
  2. Ah yes i got it, i ahve 1 problem. When i open camtasia studio when i open my LoL screen ingame, camtasia can't record it. I have the sound but no image. Is black, any ideas?
  3. Ah, thanks. Can i edit this file from lol replay with camstasia studio?
  4. Im mentalist maybe, i don't know. Do you know where the videos from LoL replay are saved? Thanks.
  5. I don't know your elo, neither if SeventhSky has 1500+ elo or duo partner with 1500+elo. I just told my opinion.
  6. Guys where i can find the videos from LoL Replay? i can't find them in C>LoL Replay> Replays as it said.
  7. I don't know SeventSky's gameplay, but for sure he's way better than Finito i think.
  8. That streams you're watching too? That's why you start with dorans? ;o
  9. Go and counter Garen,Lee and Galio with dorans blade, just go. Anyway dude, when you'll elarn how to play akali you can reply in this topic again. This is a fast guide for akali players Like you. 30/0/0 Masteries Magic Penetration Marks Ap Per level Seals,Glyphs Quints Start with dorans blade and go fast for mejais occult and rabadons death cap. Dont forget to grab the blue buff, never let it for ur ap carry.
  10. Runes must be like that cause you need both passives availabe in lvl 1, also i have 10/20/0 runes with improve dodge mov speed in case that i can chase someone when i dodge some hits. Anyway, you can play akali with 21/0/9 or 9/0/21 mastereis and runes Magic Penetration and AP Per lvl. Good Job :) ps: DONT FORGET MEJAIS AND OCCULT. Thanks.
  11. I said play defensive if you can't kill/counter your enemy in lane. Not play defensive in whole game.
  12. Εγω δεν καπνιζω, μου αρεσει να γλωσιαζω τα γλυκοριζα τα ριζλα. Κιου κιου μοαρ.
  13. Ρε φιλε το εχω το Fraps αλλα τραβαει μονο λιγα δευτερολεπτα/λεπτα βιντεο και ειναι και τεραστια. Π.χ 1 λεπτο βιντεο ειναι 600 MB.
  14. Contents 1. Story 2. Introduction 3. Advantages & Disadvantages 4. Runes 5. Masteries 6. Summoner Spells 7. Skills & Skill Order 8. Build 9. Laning Phase, Early/Mid/Late Game. 1. Story There exists an ancient order originating in the Ionian Isles dedicated to the preservation of balance. Order, chaos, light, darkness -- all things must exist in perfect harmony for such is the way of the universe. This order is known as the Kinkou and it employs a triumvirate of shadow warriors to uphold its causes in the world. Akali is one of these shadow warriors, entrusted with the sacred duty of Pruning the Tree - eliminating those who threaten the equilibrium of Valoran. A prodigal martial artist, Akali began training with her mother as soon as she could make a fist. Her mother's discipline was relentless and unforgiving, but predicated on the fundamental principle: "We do that which must be done." When the Kinkou inducted her into the order at the age of fourteen, she could slice a dangling chain with a chop of her hand. There was no question - she would succeed her mother as the Fist of Shadow. She has had to do much in this role which others might find morally questionable, but to her it is in service of her mother's inviolable doctrine. She now works with her fellows Shen and Kennen to enforce the balance of Valoran. This hallowed pursuit has unsurprisingly led the triumvirate to the Fields of Justice. "The Fist of Shadow strikes from the cover of death itself. Do not impede the balance." 2. Introduction Akali is a melee-assassin champion. She's very good farmer and has good sustain in 1v1 lane. She can escape easy from gangs with being invisible and she can dominate her lane almost versus all enemy champions. 3. Advantages & Disadvantages Advantages: 1. She hasn't Mana so she can easy spam enemies all the time without any cost. Also she can last hit minions with abilities for sure. 2. Her Passive give her a good sustain ability in laning phase. 95% of Champions is almost impossible to counter a good Akali player. 3. She can easily escape from gangs with her W spell since she get stealthed. Disadvantages: 1. Akali is very weak if she's versus team who can counter her W Spell ( example : Lee Sin ), oracles, pink wards etc. 2. If you have enemies with supress ( Warwick, Malzahar), the only thing that you can do is... PRAY ! 3. Akali is a very squishy champion. If you have a good enemy team, avoid to be very aggresive and build more defensive. If you don't, simply, you screwed. 4. Runes x5 Greater Mark of Strength ( +0.95 attack damage ) x4 Greater Mark of Potency ( +0.59 ability power ) x9 Greater Seal of Strength ( +0.43 attack damage ) x9 Greater Glyph of Potency ( +0.99 ability power ) x2 Greater Quintessence of Potency ( +4.95 ability power ) x1 Greater Quintessence of Strength ( +2.25 attack damage ) This setup allows me to have both passives available in 1 Level. 5. Masteries I'm going with 10/20/0 Masteries with improve Ignite in offense, Dodge in Defense and what else will give me better sustain (Armor, Magic Res, Health etc). 6. Summoner Spells For summoner spells you can pick Flash& Ignite. In other cases you can also take Flash & Exhaust It depends in how you can play better and your enemy team too. If you have a lot of AD's in enemy team you should pick Exhaust instead of Ignite. 7. Skills & Skill Order Twin Disciplines (Passive): Upon obtaining 19.5 ability power, Akali's hits deal 10% bonus magic damage, increasing by 1% for every 5 ability power gained thereafter. (Magic damage doesn't affect towers, but it affects other structures.) Upon obtaining 9.5 attack damage, Akali gains 10% Spell Vamp, increasing by an additional 1% for every 5 attack damage gained thereafter. Mark of the Assassin (Q): Akali spins her kama at a target enemy to deal 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+40% of ability power) magic damage and mark the target for 6 seconds. Akali's melee attacks against a marked target will trigger and consume the mark to cause 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+40% of ability power) magic damage and restore 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 energy. Twilight Shround (W): Akali throws down a cover of smoke that lasts for 8 seconds. While inside the area, Akali gains 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 armor and magic resist and becomes stealthed. Attacking or using abilities will briefly reveal her. Enemies inside the smoke have their movement speed reduced by 14 / 18 / 22 / 26 / 30%. Crescent Slash (E): Akali flourishes her kamas, hitting nearby units for 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130 physical damage (+30% of ability power) + 60% Attack Damage. Shadow Dance (R/Ultimate): Akali moves through shadows to quickly strike her target, dealing 100 / 175 / 250 (+50% of ability power) magic damage. Akali stores an Essence of Shadow on kills and assists as well as every 25 / 20 / 15 seconds up to 3 total. Your Skill Order must be like this: 8. Build Start with Boots of Speed & 3 Health Potions . With these items you'll have some sustain in early game and with your Boots you can easy spam your enemy or escape from gangs combined with your W spell. Then take the Hextech Revolver & upgrade it 1st to Hextech Gunblade Upgrade your boots into Mercury's Treads Next i used to go for Giant's Belt Now you have 2 choices: 1. Keep the Giants Belt, take Sheen and then finish your Rylais Crystal Scepter or 2. Finish 1st your Rylais Crystal Scepterand then buy your sheenand upgrade it to Lich Bane Then i usually go for Guardian's Angel & i finish my build with Rabadon's Deathcap 9. Laning Phase, Early/Mid/Late Game. Laning Phase: Focus more on farming and not to get kills until 6 lvl. Of course you can harass your enemy as much as you can but as we said your main focus must be on farm. Early/Mid Game: Since you had a good farm and a couple of kills and you're lvl 6 and more you should help your team mates with gangs. Even if the enemies have flash you can easy catch them since your ulti range is huge and the cooldown is about in 1.5 sec. Late Game: Focus More on Enemies AP/AD Carries so you can make them to run away from fight plus you can kill them easy. Avoid to initiate and wait the enemies to use all of their Spells ( example: Stuns/snares/knocks etc, like a Malpite Ulti or Morgana etc ). SOME USEFULL TIPS: 1. Don't forget NEVER your Active. It's realy usefull and gives you a standard amount of damage. 2. Champions that i can't counter easy in 1v1 is Garen, Lee Sin, Galio. If you have some of those you should play very defensive and farm as much as you can. Don't try to kill them if you're not 100% sure that you can take them. They have a ton of CC's like Silence, Taunts, Knock etc. 3. If an enemy has oracle, DO NOT -beep-ING STAY INTO THE CIRCLE. THEY CAN SEE YOU DUMB ! That was all, hope you like it !
  15. Παιδια μολις κατεβασα αυτο το προγραμμα. Ηθελα να το δοκιμασω στο LoL και μπηκα ενα game να δω αν λειτουργει σωστα. Μολισ τελειωσα το βιντεο ηταν κανονικο ως που εκει που εμφανιζεται το Loading Screen για να μπω στο game. Δεν εδειχνε τιποτα μετα απο αυτο, ακουγα ηχο αλλα η εικονα ηταν μαυρη. Ειναι καποια ρυθμιση? Οποιος ξερει ας πει.
  16. Οκ φιλε μην ψαχνεσαι το εφτιαξα. Ευχαριστω παντως. Κλειδωστε.
  17. Παιδια εχω Windows 7 και δεν λειτουργει το Print Screen ( δεν ξερω αν φταιει το οτι εχω W7 απλως το ανεφερα ). Ξερει κανεις κανενα προγραμμα που κα κανει την ιδια δουλεια με το Print Screen?
  18. Vs Heavy AP : Mercury Boots Wits end Banshees Veil Guardian Angel Trinity Force Madreds Vs Heavy Armor/HP : Berzek boots Cleaver Madreds Wits end Trinity Force Phantom Dancer For Pure AD: Berzek boots Blood Thirster Phantom Dancer Infinity Edge Trinity Force Banshees or Guardian Angel (situational)
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