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Everything posted by Dask

  1. You just feed, live with that :D It's not Master Yi fault, YOU NOOOOOOB
  2. If you mean the Vandal Brand skin it's ok, but not the other one, is awful.
  3. What champions you're playing usually? So i can tell you.
  4. Τι ακριβώς θέλεις να συζητήσουμε?
  5. 45 days, and Maxtor to PM Riot. Hmmmmm :D kidda impossible. So we forget about Riot Prize.
  6. [GR] Εστω, αν μπορει καποιος να το κανονισει και αν αυτος ειναι ο Noble ας προσπαθησει, αλλιως να βρουμε εναν τροπο εμεις του Φορουμ για το Prize.
  7. So, if that's possible how we can talk with Riot stuff?
  8. Riot won't give a shit for our forum and our Tournament, lol :D
  9. You can give Reputation to the winner team, or we can gather some money and get a 25 euros paysafe card somehow, a Global Mod will keep it and at the end of tourn he will give the PIN to winner team. Or smth, anyoen have more ideas?
  10. We have to wait for Moderators to confirm it and if the winners will have a prize or smth. And we need more ppl, not just 3 games.
  11. [GR] Δες πως το εψησε ο Phreak αμεσως εβγαλε και το κερμα ο freestylas.
  12. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=224123.0 Are you guys in?
  13. We need a lot of ppl. And of course we need a prize :O Let's wait for LoL Mods to see that. Maybe they can organize it.
  14. Well, since we are a lot of ppl that we're playing LoL on this forum, maybe the Moderators can make a Tournament ? With Premade Teams or 1v1 or whatever. What's ur opinion?
  15. Some credits added, don't fuck my brain. Of course i add some things that i found on web. Don't even give a shit for comments like "this isn't yours". Search and if you find the same guide put it in my ass.
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