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About Sonny

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    web designer.

Sonny's Achievements


Newbie (1/16)



  1. Zenith if dont find a website pm me. ;)
  2. Hey everyone. Price for websites: 20 E Files html code, psd http://i.imgur.com/bWUs2Dt.jpg[/img]
  3. my server no is 100% balance and 100% balance skills, my server no is PERFECT. But a dagger dont kill a mage with 1 backstab or one archer dont give 7k crt in other class.But no is over power class
  4. thanks for suggestions with domain...in 2-3 days i think I buy domain .com
  5. Welcome in a new world, a world with pvp, sieges, war, more pvps and other.....This is a server with high rates. I hope you enjoy our server and hope to your stay. And do not forget to vote to every 12 hours. Good luck. Below are some information on our server: L2 LorieN Website: http://l2lorien.tk/ Interlude PvP Server NO Custom Items ! Why you should join? ->No lag ->No rolback ->Easy farm ->Maley auto and gm events ->Helpful Staff ->Maley unique custom features ->90% of skills balanced ->90% of classes balanced... (daliy updates for perfect balance) General Server Rate ->Experience: x3000 ->Spexperience: x3000 ->Party Experience: x2 ->Party Spexperience: x2 ->Adena: x3000 ->Drop Item Karma: NO drop ->Drop Raid: Custom ->Enchant Rate ->Safe Enchant + 3 ->Max Enchant + 20 ->Max with crystal +20 ->Normal Scroll Rate: 70% ->Blessed Scroll Rate: 100% ->Crystal Scroll Rate: 100 Server Buff System ->32 Buff Slots 24 Song/Dance + 4 Divine = 60 all together ->2 Debuff Slots ->Town Buff NPC: 4 Hour Buff Duration ->If you die in any zone you will never lost your buffs Olympiad System ->We use Gracia Retail like system ->Satrt - 18:00 End 12:00 Time Zone +0 ->Hero Period - 2 Weeks ->Anti feed/check olympiad system ( custom ) Subclass Features ->No Quest Item request for Subclasses ->Max sub class per char = 6 Clan/Ally Features ->Clan/Ally/Clan Reputation sell in Custom Clan Npc ->Max Clans in ally 3 ->No penalty when you leave or dismiss clan ->Clan level 6/7/8 need 5/10/15 Members Custom Command System ->.online - show online members ->.repair - fixed problems with your char like stuck/critical erros Custom Features ->All New Players will start level 80 ->All New Players will start with 500k Adena ->Game Settings Panel - Give you change for better Game Play ->Custom Borad System - Give you extra information and few options ->Custom farm Zone - The zone will give you farm coins exchange in Gm shop ->Custom Clan Reputation give 10.000 ->Custom V.I.P Coin Give Duble Drop In Zone ->Custom Vote Coin change to VoteShop ->Augment Features ->Max Augments per char 2 ( 1 active + 1 passive ) ->Mid-Grade Life Stone Skill Chance - 5% ->High-Grade Life Stone Skill Chance - 10% ->Top-Grade Life Stone Skill Chance - 20% please do not be bad with my server :D Give me more suggestions,more ideas if u want but dont insult my work and my server pls. [/img]
  6. website and forum dont work
  7. Lineage2Auth.dll are conrupted:( hmm virus:S
  8. JOIN NEW SEVER INTERLUDE VERSION ! TODAY OPENED !! www.l2syndicate.com !!! Exp: 70x | Sp: 70x | Adena: 100x | Manor: 1x | Spoil: 15x | Drop: 2x | 1.5x Party Exp | 1.5x Party SP | 5x Quest Drop | 5x Quest Reward | 10x Raid Boss Drop * Interlude Server stable server, NEW START ! * Completed C4 / C5 / Interlude skills * Custom Shops with full c4, c5, Interlude, items * Custom Teleporter with only towns * Full C4 / C5 / Interlude Mobs + Raids * 3 subclasses for 1 character * Geodata server: new smart quality geodata * Auto Class Master * Full C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, Int, spawnlist and mobs * Clan Hall and Casltes are now working 100% * Duel system working * Zariche/Akamanah working * Community board working * Augmentation working * The chance to get a skill in the augmentation process is 10% * Delay from augmentation(attack) skills increased to 3 sec * Subclass free * Quest nobles * Buff time 2h * Buff slots 26+6 * Banking system mode on * Offline trade/craft system mode on Enchants * Safe: +3 * Maximum: +18 * Normal scroll: 60% * Blessed scroll: 80% Karma * Karma player can be killed in peace zone * Karma player can use shop * Karma player can use teleport * Karma player can use trade * Karma player can use warehouse Clan/Ally * Do not have to wait before: * Joining another clan * Create a new clan * Joining another alliance * Create a new alliance Olympiad * Olympiad start time at 18:00 (6 pm) * Olympiad compeition period is 6 hours * Hero is chosen every 2 weeks * Custom Olympiad engine.ry 2 weeks * Custom Olympiad engine. Event * TvT Event * CTF Event * Town War Event * DM Event * See you in game! www.l2syndicate.com/forum !!
  9. L2J and 30-40% L2off
  10. Lineage II Syndicate Coming soon... ! [glow=red,2,300]Grand Opening: 1 september 2011 (Romania Time)[/glow] Exp: 70x Sp: 70x Adena: 100x Manor: 1x Spoil: 15x Drop: 15x 1.5x Party Exp 1.5x Party SP 5x Quest Drop 5x Quest Reward 10x Raid Boss Drop * Interlude Server stable server, NEW START ! * Completed C4 / C5 / Interlude skills * Custom Shops with full c4, c5, Interlude, items * Custom Teleporter with only towns * Full C4 / C5 / Interlude Mobs + Raids * 3 subclasses for 1 character * Geodata server: new smart quality geodata * Auto Class Master * Full C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, Int, spawnlist and mobs * Clan Hall and Casltes are now working 100% * Duel system working * Zariche/Akamanah working * Community board working * Augmentation working * The chance to get a skill in the augmentation process is 10% * Delay from augmentation(attack) skills increased to 3 sec * Subclass free * Quest nobles * Buff time 2h * Buff slots 26+6 * Banking system mode on * Offline trade/craft system mode on Enchants * Safe: +3 * Maximum: +18 * Normal scroll: 60% * Blessed scroll: 80% Karma * Karma player can be killed in peace zone * Karma player can use shop * Karma player can use teleport * Karma player can use trade * Karma player can use warehouse Clan/Ally * Do not have to wait before: * Joining another clan * Create a new clan * Joining another alliance * Create a new alliance Olympiad * Olympiad start time at 18:00 (6 pm) * Olympiad compeition period is 6 hours * Hero is chosen every 2 weeks * Custom Olympiad engine.ry 2 weeks * Custom Olympiad engine. Event * TvT Event * CTF Event * Town War Event * DM Event * See you in game! Website: http://www.l2syndicate.com Forum: http://www.l2syndicate.com/forum :)
  11. L2Syndicate IS COMING!! Exp: 70x Sp: 70x Adena: 100x Manor: 1x Spoil: 15x Drop: 15x 1.5x Party Exp 1.5x Party SP 5x Quest Drop 5x Quest Reward 10x Raid Boss Drop ______________________________________________ * Interlude Server stable server, NEW START ! * Completed C4 / C5 / Interlude skills * Custom Shops with full c4, c5, Interlude, items * Custom Teleporter with only towns * Full C4 / C5 / Interlude Mobs + Raids * 3 subclasses for 1 character * Geodata server: new smart quality geodata * Auto Class Master * Full C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, Int, spawnlist and mobs * Clan Hall and Casltes are now working 100% * Duel system working * Zariche/Akamanah working * Community board working * Augmentation working * The chance to get a skill in the augmentation process is 10% * Delay from augmentation(attack) skills increased to 3 sec * Subclass free * Quest nobles * Buff time 2h * Buff slots 26+6 * Banking system mode on * Offline trade/craft system mode on Enchants * Safe: +3 * Maximum: +18 * Normal scroll: 60% * Blessed scroll: 80% Karma * Karma player can be killed in peace zone * Karma player can use shop * Karma player can use teleport * Karma player can use trade * Karma player can use warehouse Clan/Ally * Do not have to wait before: * Joining another clan * Create a new clan * Joining another alliance * Create a new alliance Olympiad * Olympiad start time at 18:00 (6 pm) * Olympiad compeition period is 6 hours * Hero is chosen every 2 weeks * Custom Olympiad engine.ry 2 weeks * Custom Olympiad engine. Event * TvT Event * CTF Event * Town War Event * DM Event * See you in game! Website: http://www.l2syndicate.com/ Forum: http://www.l2syndicate.com/forum
  12. lol ? site working man.... GO GO GO ALL:D
  13. 100+ and have 2 days...
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