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Everything posted by BaWolf

  1. Server features are bloody fackin WIN! Great job!
  2. taco jajaja si senior mamasita no mames! You kill me bro hilarious. Everything can't just be good feedback bare with it. I keep my mind, its not really worth it. (free bump?)
  3. x500 max: 16 60% at least enchants in the shop remove all the custom currencies and make only one kind. No point in farming all those seals,aa,elements... make apela original template for who ever wants it wedabest.
  4. I'll try as well i like everything except the max: +25 See ya ingame. edit: it's not really worth it.
  5. yes to my suggestion ofc :)
  6. bro bro, x100 60-66% max +16 wedabest.
  7. Rolleback right before you boosted the rates, and delete all Boss Jewels from palyers inventory/wh, and make it harder to get them this time. Imo that will solve the problem please reopen it! :D
  8. C'mon bro find some1 and entrust him the project :( You were a good gm q.q
  9. Try to update it like an better design more like l2 if possible :d
  10. same here, it doesnt work port. poe lá isso a dar ;/
  11. This server has the abillity to amuse me, seems really good to spend my time but no people D: QQ
  12. I just imagined epic intro voice in my head.
  13. Asiaaa sell the project to someone that is willing to keep it going, server was really dope
  14. i want to buy your pack i have some guestions...i add you in msn..
  15. i add you in msn.I have some guestions.
  16. I want to sell my 2 chars .. Name : LoryIsBack ... Class: Titan Hero : Yes Items : Full +20 imperial,Two hds focus and health,rb jewrelies +20,Dragonic bow +20 Focus. Second Char : Name : Th3GreatSw0rD Class : Sorcerer Hero: Yes Items: Full talum + dc +20 ,2 rb sets jewrelies +20 ,Active in arcana +20 Donate item : Special Tatto +20 (15% all up) Add me in : b.likos@hotmail.com The site of server is www.l2gx.com , I m leaving l2 thats i sell it..Going to Army ^^
  17. Hey m8 i search in forum and i found one l2-phx for vista in english i try it and it won t work ...... Can you give me an l2-phx that is working in Vista...
  18. yes but i didint stole from them..omg check out before you post..lol
  19. We start server today..we haven t many community.but we haven t costum.. All like retail you must famr rb jewrelies,kill barakiel for nobless.only subclass don t hve guest.. We are x100 exp http://www.l2primenal.smfnew.com/ we are waiting you.
  20. You can try my server,in a few days i will open the other site in.com .... We have donates but not max enchant or special skills..We open today and we wait for the community grow up. If you don t like something in donate tell to change ,i want to answer you.. we are x100.. http://www.l2primenal.smfnew.com/ Give us a change to see our server..thx
  21. LoL??Are you kidding me?
  22. We just start today...If you want join as but plz don t do SPAM! L2-Primenal 100x Servers Info: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Support Lineage II Interludeclient - Interlude maps/mobs/items/quest.. - Interlude armors/weapons. - Olympiad System. - Nobless quest - Support siege castle - Support subclass - Support 3rd Class - Custom GMShop from No Grade till S grade weapons / armors / jewrelies - Costum GateKeeper - Team vs Team PvP Events - Weddings -Full Geodata L2Primenal 100x Server Rates: - 100x EXP - 100x SP - 200x Adena - x2 Party EXP (getting more EXP when in party) Enchant Config: # Crystal Enchant Scroll EnchantChanceWeapon = 70 EnchantChanceArmor = 70 EnchantChanceJewelry = 70 # Standard Enchant Scroll EnchantChanceWeapon = 68 EnchantChanceArmor = 68 EnchantChanceJewelry = 68 # Blessed Enchant Scroll EnchantChanceWeaponBlessed = 75 EnchantChanceArmorBlessed = 75 EnchantChanceJewelryBlessed = 75(with blessed weapon don t break weapons) # Enchant limit EnchantMaxWeapon = 20 EnchantMaxArmor = 20 EnchantMaxJewelry = 20 # Safe till EnchantSafeMax = 3 EnchantSafeMaxFull = 3. Site :http://www.l2primenal.smfnew.com/ Search Dev for helping me ,Only serious pm me at l2-primenal@hotmail.com! Admin*Zeus*(don t move topic )
  23. Paidia ekana kapia gkafa kai ta hero weapons dn exoune ta glows pou exoun sto +0...Proteinete kapia lisi?
  24. Osa kai na exw katebasei ta idia mou bgazei :/
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