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[WTS] Dynamic Signature Generator for L2J
InsOmnia replied to InsOmnia's topic in Web Development/Designing
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[WTS] Dynamic Signature Generator for L2J
InsOmnia replied to InsOmnia's topic in Web Development/Designing
25€ for now. -
[WTS] Dynamic Signature Generator for L2J
InsOmnia replied to InsOmnia's topic in Web Development/Designing
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[WTS] Dynamic Signature Generator for L2J
InsOmnia replied to InsOmnia's topic in Web Development/Designing
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I dont care if you like it or not, im offering this template, and mostly full scripting. No one told you to buy it, go get free template for 1,00$, I dont care. This is for ppl who know what they want. And Hellish read your signature, it fits perfectly. You think I'll care about +50€ or not? I'm selling this cuz I dont use it anymore, have enough paid work on GetACoder.
Unique Lineage 2 Website | high def 1700x2500 Price: 25€ (paypal or bank money transfer) Preview What I'm selling? 1. PSD file + all images/brushes/textures I used there. 2. If you will need it, help with scripting. (php/css/xhtml/DoM/js/MySql) If you're interested pm me here on the forum or mail me at InsOmnia@l2cerberus.eu
[WTS] Dynamic Signature Generator for L2J
InsOmnia replied to InsOmnia's topic in Web Development/Designing
Like Matim said, yes I'm. -
Dynamic Signature Generator for L2J PHP/XHTML/Css/JS/DoM/SQL PAYPAL: Price: 25€ Additional price for custom feature: 10€ If you want to order, or got question, write to me: l2j.generator@gmail.com What I offer? -Files. -If there will be script update, you'll get it for free. -Help with first install. Whats required: PHP with GD libs. MySQL database for signatures data. Optional: Cron jobs support for auto-updates of signatures. Features: -auto updating signatures data with cron job. (partial update possible) -optional manual updating panel if you dont have cron job. -to add pattern (background) or new font you simply need to put the file in correct dir. -capatcha support. -injection secure prepared statements. Priview: http://signatures.l2cerberus.eu/
L2Cerberus UPDATE L2DC Revision: r5233 to r5407 Date: 09.08.2010 CHANGELOG: NPE fixes in zone spawn system. fixes in pets feeding. NPE fix in territory war. monsters should not move arround the target while attacking by pole. decreased EG spawns. optimized packet broadcasted a bit again. optimized mail handling a bit. fix for one crash issue. added few missing htmls. fixed quest "The Name Of Evil 1". FREYA DEVELOPMENT STARED HERE Epilogue development is rather bug fixing from now. Freya updates are skipped in this changelog. pets are now allowed to wear jewels. fixed clan notices. quest "Relics of the Old Empire" updated, squash mobs have nothing to do with this quest. fixed Character Birthday buff. (oh on our server we will notice it in 11 months) upgraded account banning :). party exploit fixed. implemented item drop protection. hero monument options fixed. guardian strider use same food like normal strider. fixed few NPE in Attackable AI. trove map for static handlers data. remove some isInstanceType(). Remove recycled list from CommandChannel, can cause problem when already recycled list is called by getParties(). fixed issue with duplicate registration for TW with clan and single member. improved logging on Epilogue. added banish undead +attack route. fixed NPE in duel manager. fixed few NPE's in EnterWorld. fixed small HTML typo. increasing no landign maxZ on TOI to avoid bugs. seven sign 4th epic quest implemented. send mail tweaks. removed iterators from lists and maps where possible, this should result in a dramatic performance improvement. its not possible to teleport to dead partner. (.gotolove) added missing system message when unsummoning pet. fixed missing HTML in "WhatWomenWant" quest. upgraded login server, code cleanuped, added auto reconnect after login crash. added missing skills for monsters in Giant Cave Memory instance. A LOT OF CHANGES WERE SKIPED, ONLY MOST IMPORTANT ARE POSTED ABOVE
L2Cerberus UPDATE L2DC Revision: r5096 to r5232 Date: 28.07.2010 CHANGELOG: optimized HTML handling a bit. fixed Tallum Blade "changeWeaponId". added the skill (not yet done) to the Blue Talisman - Buff Cancel. Vanguard and Inquisitor cast times are influenced by attack and casting speed. Bandit Sronghold teleports. clan hall zones rework. Banish Undead and Banish Seraph lethal land rate is basing on skill lvl. fix for "The Coming Darkness" quest, you can take it now. splitting GameServer and LoginServer to seperate projects. fixed error with missing html in "What Women Want" quest. fixed TOI monsters respawn. Pagan Temple zone spawn system. "Merciless Punishment" quest reward fix. elemental attributes : Giran area. elemental attributes : Oren area. elemental attributes : Heine area. squad skills error fix. Queen Ant AI fix. "Lidias Heart" quest fix. kamael change weapon fix. frintezza zone fix. fixed Symbol of the Sniper bonus. fix unequip of the two-handed weapons and hair accessories. merge siege zones to L2SiegeZone. implementation castle/fort zones. fix relations - auto attackable issue (sword target was on wrong person - switched player<->target). cleanup some packets. one more fix for"Tragedy In Von Hellmann Forest" and "Inhabitants Of The Forrest Of The Dead" quests. Status Update for hp changed. frintezza camera update. fix for possible attack on summon in MDT. fix for possible NPE in zone manager. cannot use items during fear. skill remove on castle/fort lose, oly start. fix for updating stats in client. prevent closing closed client. rework and few new floodprotectors. (manor, char select) added missing html for "GhostsOfBatur" quest. login server update - timeout for disconnecting. fixed issue with Tutorial always appearing even if epic quest finished/started. fixed rift rooms respawn. NPE fix and some optimizations in party invite. "TheNameOfEvil1" quest update. upgraded skill repeater. "Expulsion of Evil Spirit" quest fix, now it wont cancel your quest if you talk with npc using low lvl sub. fix for MAX_HP update for mobs. Do not send info about MP. Territory War update. code update for new StatusUpdate constructor. big rework in zones, retail-like Castle/Siege zones, also new Fort/Siege zones, and some Siegable Clan Hall siege zones. should fix issue with mobs not aggroing properly. fixed bug with high speed while mounted/pet summoned in water. should fix exploit with pailaka pets. fixed issues with Territory Ballista. small pet food rework. fixed jewel agument exploit. added missing "Connection" info for each clan in allyinfo. herb drops for Silent Valley monsters. removed level83 Forgotten Scrolls drops from Grand Bosses, they will be added to Olympiad Manager as on retail! removed BTB re/use. fixed few quests exp/sp reward. added Shield Bash dual effect. Stakato Nest Multi-Colored Jewel is now working. fix for pets not being to wear armor. possible fix for the duplicate territory war registration for clan members. Solo and Party Kamaloka are reseted at 6:30 every day. fix for disconnecting Login Server. Stakato Nest Cannibalistic Stakato Chief AI (not enabled yet), added cocoon extractable. A LOT OF CHANGES WERE SKIPED, ONLY MOST IMPORTANT ARE POSTED ABOVE
New Online Record: 3594 L2Cerberus UPDATE L2DC Revision: r4813 to r45095 Date: 16.07.2010 CHANGELOG: added proper system messaging where possible. (no attributes) fix for Tutorial Guide already exist in OID map. updated Stakato Nest monsters stats to Gracia Epilogue. updated Stakato Nest geodata to Gracia Epilogue. updated Stakato Nest monsters ai data to Gracia Epilogue. added Stakato Nest Gracia Epilogue quests, "Im The Only One You Can Trust" and "Only What Remains". added Stakato Nest Gracia Epilogue monsters AI scripts. added Stakato Nest Gracia Epilogue zone and zone skills. added Stakato Nest Gracia Epilogue spawnlist, Queen Shyeed can now lvl up soul crystal to stage 14. synced a few collision and weapon values for npcs from retail. fix the problem of double broadcasting of messages when buffing. problem with magic bottle and bottle of souls stucking chars should be fixed now. tuning some Primeval Island drop and starting Stakato Nest drop list. increased drop chance for quest "A Lotter and a Railroad" since on retail nearly every mob drops a quest item. fixed wrong Hp and Mp consume for Earthquake enchant 2 costs. HTML Bypass fixes. fix problem with birthday buff not correctly applied. added missing html for adventure guildsman in schuttgart. added missing spawn in Schuttgart. Npc "Linda". little fix for negative heal value on system message. L2DC Filemanager initial commit. new effect "IncreaseCharges". fix for ReturnWardsWhenTWStarts option. falling damage support. (disabled till we fully update geodata) added effect IncreaseCharges in Symbol of Energy. abnormals update for Aurabird skills. cancel skills power increased, before they were extremely low, and player cancel land very rare. tweak in critical dmg forumlas. fix for "Head For The Hills" being able to retrive 6000 soulshots more than one time. quests refactoring. fixed Gludio-Gracia ship boarding. elemental attributes added : Dark Elven Area. elemental attributes added : Talking Island and Dwarf Village zones. elemental attributes added : Orc Village and Elven Village zones. elemental attributes added : Gludin and Gludio zones. elemental attributes added : Dion zone. added check isTeleporting into isFalling function to avoid damage after teleport. fixed HP/MP/CP_HEAL_LIMIT when healed amout was more than max hp. update to Frintezza script, npc, zone, skills etc. fix for 1 Hangman tree and Karik wrong spawn. fix for "Skirmish With The Orcs" quest. added Contestable Clanhalls support, still not done. new quest "Competition for the Bandit StrongHold". new quest "Steps for Honor". fix the problem with Block Shield to not block the rebuff of improve/chant of combat. Purification Field, Miracle, Flames of Invincibility and Mass Recharge cannot be used at oly. from retail it seems that Pride of Kamael matk bonus is applied on every weapon and not only on kamael ones. MaxNegated missing into boss cancel. Party XP Distribution update, the retail method to do this is based on lvl and the max difference is 20, retail confirmed. Bless the Blood should trigger only once every 3~ seconds. Recharged MP is influenced by the difference between the target level and the skill level. little optimization for ch siege db task. updated ZoneSapwn XMLs and Wrapper and renamed XML to mapregion grid name. fixed unsupported mount IAE error. minigame fix for "Proof Of Clan Alliance" quest. reworked "Ghost of Batur" quest a lil bit and transfered to java. Mana Gain should add 85 MP not mul the mp value x1.85. fix for Baium Vortex. Varangka's Dre Vanul spoil fix. Baium tweaks. small change in ZoneSpawn XML format. new zone XML spawn engine: Exection Grounds. new zone XML spawn engine: Ivory Tower + Surroundings. reworked QA AI and fixed exploits. fixed pet speed goes half in random. fix for very weak improved buffalo heal. Boost Morale first level is on lvl 43. fixed Latana overpowered skills. let add illegal actions to logs. fixed one Newbie Guide exploit. Kamaloka fixes, missing minions, AI, drops, overpowered skills. Fixing NPE with L2ClanHallSiegeZone. fixed Guards not returning to spawn. fixed Magister Nell html typo. L2PcInstance cleaning and formatting. fixed wrong bypasses, it was not possible to buy items. Spoil Crush fix. added removal of A/S grade foundation weapons SA'a to mammon. fixed wrong subclass selection from some npc. Residential Shock Immunity should stack with Resist Shock. Kasha Eye AI tweaks, added missing feature connected with eye exploding and now gaining (de)buffs is retail like. added missing drops for Shackle. tweaks for bot protector. fixed players sometimes not getting exp from raids. fix for Hellbound leveling system. GS<->LS communication fix. effects update for Steal Divinity. when change grade weapon, autouse soulshots should not be terminated. fix for recharge shots on shield change. added more teleports to fortress' from retail. player skill levels depend on his level - if player level is lower than skill last learn level - 9, skill level is decreased to next possible (or removed). fix for pet name item info + cleanup. on forced player restart/logout is removed from boss zone. update for Rune & Schuttgart Artefact Spawns. limiting friend message to 300 characters. "Take Advantage of the Crisis" quest reward fix. quest htmls fix. little fix for Frintezza. Presentation - Collect Items skill fix. fixed one L2PHX clan exploit. macro fix. Client allow 33 chars per line, 12 lines, 6 chars for line to determine macro number. Statistics Script for players added. merchant buylist price fix. removing old char name cache, since it is not needed really and the access level part was used nowhere. AncientEgg Ai. added logging of petitions. fix for wrong parameter name into quests "How to Oppose Evil" and "Proof of Existence". added missing cleanup for pailaka items. fixed few walk speeds on some mobs. should fix problem with pet taking exp on lvl 85. updating spawnlist in Clan Hall Sieges (for future usage), also added spawnlist for Partisan Hideaway too. vanguard updates. updated tutorial, added kamaloka Tutorial and also updated epic quest. fixed system message when inviting clan to ally. change of starting sequence: Territory War must be initialized before calling scripts and 7sign dates must be calculated before Territory War. updated mysql connector to version 5.1.13. fixing a issue with Frintezza's Zone. little weapons fixes. adena reward in Pavels Research quest is now affected by rates. you should be able to drop only one Herb of each kind in Proof Of Clan Alliance quest. Fifth Universary event SOE's should be depositable and stackable. teleport htmls for contestable clans. fixed bypasses in clanhall siege htmls and removed unneeded replaces in ai, bypasshandlers and voicedhandler. Banish Seraphim and Banish Undead lethal fix. A LOT OF CHANGES WERE SKIPED, ONLY MOST IMPORTANT ARE POSTED ABOVE
no one had help from anyone, and it was not antharas, it was simply drop from PI, as its now mage zone, its easy to farm there using full bufed mages.
L2Cerberus - New Age Of Lineage 2 low rate - x7 STARTED: 01.07.2010 ONLINE ~ 3000 WEB: http://www.L2Cerberus.eu/ FORUM: http://www.L2Cerberus.eu/forum/ Visit our forum and join discussions! Hello, L2Cerberus Team is proud to introduce our new project. As a team we learned a lot thanks to our 1st project L2Cerberus x15 that some of you could see. It was up for 10 months and average online was changing many times in those days from about 700-800 online in better days to about 300 online at the end. When it came to that, we decided its not really good enough for us, we realised also that we did some mistakes as a not experienced team. But its not really time and place to blame anyone now. Our new server will be running on L2DC (DragonClaw) files, thanks to those files we can provide gameplay on high standard, stability and endless updates. Database will be set on super fast SSD (Solid State Drive), that allow us to keep it lag less, and avoid freezing even during sieges or territory wars. Our main idea will remain the same, Retail like, in case of low rate, it will be even easier to stick to it. We already working to check everything well before we will launch it, to get rid off all messy things that may come up and ruin a part of gameplay like configs of quests for example. No Donation for ingame goods like armors weapons enchants buffers or anything that may have impact on gameplay. U will find here more details and Info about changes as soon as we will decide to implement something new. Thats what we Decided for now, it all may change as we progress with testing: RATES: * Xp = 7x * Sp = 7x * Party Xp = 7x * Party Sp = 7x * Adena = 6x * Seal Stones = 6x * Drop = 6x * Drop-"Common" = 6x * Drop-RB = 6x * Spoil = 6x * Drop-Manor = 1x * Am-beep-t of Items from Fishes = 5x * Drop-Quest = 2x * Quest Reward = 2x (beside Scrolls, Recipes, Full items) * Quests XP = 7x * Quests SP = 7x * Castle Guard Price = 6x * Hellbound Points = 2x FEATURES: * L2DC Files. * All skills functional. * All enchant routes. * All GE locations. * Hellbound Isle retail like till lvl 11. * Towers on Hellbound. * Territory Wars. * All epic Raids (Including Frintezza). * Olympiad retaill like, including manual hero system, hero diary, hero records. * Vitality System with retail formulas. * Improved Pets. * Retail buff time. * Skill Transfer System. * No auto Learn skills. * Instances in Castles and fortresses. (Including Benom RB in rune) * All Kamalokas. * All Pailakas. * Retail skill formulas, level difference ect. * Subclass Skill Certifications. * Quests for 3rd class change. * 1st and 2nd class change quest items for makrs. * Quests for Noble/Subclass. * Geoengine/Patchnode system. * Champion Monster System. * Cursed Weapons. * Team vs Team - Deathmatch/Last Man Standing. * First 3 Seven Sign Epic Quests. * Agumentation System (Weapon/Jewelery) * Masterwork Working. SERVER: * CPU: Intel Xeon W3520 (i7) 4x 2x 2.66+ GHz Turbo Boost Technology @ 2.93GHz. * RAM: 12GB DDR3 RAM. * HDD: Intel SSD X25-M 2x 80 GB – SATA2 (ultra performance). * 1 Gbps Connection. * Operating System: Ubuntu Servers. SCREENS: http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/1292/shot00015dub.jpg http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/3310/shot00000jn.png http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/5917/shot00003v.jpg http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/8603/shot00000hr.jpg http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/2829/shot00002gu.jpg MOVIE from the first day of server: http://www.own3d.tv/video/28888/L2_Cerberus_Queen_Ant_PvP
L2Cerberus - New Age Of Lineage 2 low rate - x7 PLANNED START: 01.07.2010 FORUM: http://www.L2Cerberus.eu/forum/ Visit our forum and join discussions! Hello, L2Cerberus Team is proud to introduce our new project. As a team we learned a lot thanks to our 1st project L2Cerberus x15 that some of you could see. It was up for 10 months and average online was changing many times in those days from about 700-800 online in better days to about 300 online at the end. When it came to that, we decided its not really good enough for us, we realised also that we did some mistakes as a not experienced team. But its not really time and place to blame anyone now. Our new server will be running on L2DC (DragonClaw) files, thanks to those files we can provide gameplay on high standard, stability and endless updates. Database will be set on super fast SSD (Solid State Drive), that allow us to keep it lag less, and avoid freezing even during sieges or territory wars. Our main idea will remain the same, Retail like, in case of low rate, it will be even easier to stick to it. We already working to check everything well before we will launch it, to get rid off all messy things that may come up and ruin a part of gameplay like configs of quests for example. No Donation for ingame goods like armors weapons enchants buffers or anything that may have impact on gameplay. U will find here more details and Info about changes as soon as we will decide to implement something new. Thats what we Decided for now, it all may change as we progress with testing: RATES: Xp = 7x Sp = 7x Party Xp = 7x Party Sp = 7x Adena = 6x Seal Stones = 6x Drop = 6x Drop-"Common" = 6x Drop-RB = 6x Spoil = 6x Drop-Manor = 5x Ammount of Items from Fishes = 5x Drop-Quest = 2x Quest Reward = 2x (beside Scrolls, Recipes, Full items) Quests XP = 7x Quests SP = 7x Castle Guard Price = 6x Hellbound Points = 2x FEATURES: L2DC Files. All skills functional. All enchant routes. All GE locations. Hellbound Isle retail like till lvl 11. Towers on Hellbound. Territory Wars. All epic Raids (Including Frintezza). Olympiad retaill like, including manual hero system, hero diary, hero records. Vitality System with retail formulas. Improved Pets. Retail buff time. Skill Transfer System. No auto Learn skills. Instances in Castles and fortresses. (Including Benom RB in rune) All Kamalokas. All Pailakas. Retail skill formulas, level difference ect. Subclass Skill Certifications. Quests for 3rd class change. 1st and 2nd class change quest free. Quests for Noble/Subclass. Geoengine/Patchnode system. Champion Monster System. Cursed Weapons. Team vs Team - Deathmatch/Last Man Standing. First 3 Seven Sign Epic Quests. Agumentation System (Weapon/Jewelery) Masterwork Working. SERVER: CPU: Intel Xeon W3520 (i7) 4x 2x 2.66+ GHz Turbo Boost Technology @ 2.93GHz. RAM: 12GB DDR3 RAM. HDD: Intel SSD X25-M 2x 80 GB – SATA2 (ultra performance). 1 Gbps Connection. Operating System: Ubuntu Servers.